資料No. : NS140312 

'1. According to Joanna, Mark Richards, the former sales chief, has been out of ------- for nearly three years.
(A) order (B) service (C) time (D) touch

'2. Lawmaker Wayne Jones has been criticized for his actions that are contrary ------- his campaign promises.
(A) against (B) for( C) on (D) to

'3. As he ------- his report last Friday, Andrew is able to help his colleagues this week.
(A) already submitted (B) had already submitted 
(C) has already been submitting (D) has already submitted

1. Stephen Russel Mallory, the secretary of the Confederate navy during the Civil War, was ----- on the Caribbean island of Trinadad.
(A) to be born (B) bearing (C) born (D) to bear

2. Water vapor returns to its liquid state as soon as ----- with a cold surface.
(A) comes it into contact (B) into contact it came (C) it comes into contact (D) coming into contact

3. Scientists have reported ----- shortly before an earthquake can be felt by humans.
(A) agitating certain animals (B) that certain animals agitate 
(C) become agitated certain animals (D) that certain animals become agitated

4. The meter is the ----- unit of measurement in the metric system.
(A) fundamentally (B) fundamental (C) fundamentals (D) fundament

5. A successful mountaineering expedition ----- of both teamwork and individual initiative.
(A) it is the product (B) being produced (C) being to produce (D) is the product

6. (A)Any illness producing stiffness (B)or pain in the joints can be (C)referred as (D)rheumatism.

7. Most (A)unemployment compensation schemes require (B)applicant (C)to give some indication that (D)they are actively conducting a job search.

8. (A)In a legal adoption, adults (B)take as their own son (C)and daughter a child (D)with other biological parents.

9. (A)No adult characters (B)ever appear in "Peanuts," (C)which may be the most (D)populous comic strip in history.

10. The perception of color (A)in human vision (B)depending on the interaction of light (C)with receptor nerves (D)on the rear wall of the eyeball.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. According to Joanna, Mark Richards, the former sales chief, has been out of ------- for nearly three years.
(A) order (B) service (C) time (D) touch
※正解(D)。解説 out of ...に続く語として文意に合致するものを選びます。out of touchで「連絡が取れずに」の意味を表します。これが文意に合います。out of orderは「壊れて」、out of serviceは「使われていない」、out of timeは「時期はずれの」の意味です。

'2. Lawmaker Wayne Jones has been criticized for his actions that are contrary ------- his campaign promises.
(B) against (B) for( C) on (D) to
※正解(D)。解説 形容詞contraryの語法が問われています。contraryは前置詞toを従え、contrary to ...のかたちを採って「…とは逆の」の意味を表します。

'3. As he ------- his report last Friday, Andrew is able to help his colleagues this week.
(A) already submitted (B) had already submitted 
(C) has already been submitting (D) has already submitted
※正解(A)。解説 空所を含む前半の節の時制が問われています。last Fridayという過去の具体的な時を表す言葉があるので、過去形を選択するのが妥当です。現在完了形は現在の状態を、過去完了形は基準となる過去の時よりも前に起こった事柄を表すのに用いられます。

1. Stephen Russel Mallory, the secretary of the Confederate navy during the Civil War, was ----- on the Caribbean island of Trinadad.
(A) to be born (B) bearing (C) born (D) to bear
※正解(C)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。空所はwasと前置詞onに挟まれている。was born on... で「……に生まれた」の意味になる。

2. Water vapor returns to its liquid state as soon as ----- with a cold surface.
(A) comes it into contact (B) into contact it came (C) it comes into contact (D) coming into contact
※正解(C)。【解説】 接続詞as soon asの後には文が来るのではないかと予想して選択肢を見る。選択肢の中で主語+動詞の語順になっているのは(C)だけである。water vapor「水蒸気」。

3. Scientists have reported ----- shortly before an earthquake can be felt by humans.
(A) agitating certain animals (B) that certain animals agitate 
(C) become agitated certain animals (D) that certain animals become agitated
※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞reportedの後に直接別の動詞becomeを使うことはできない。report... ingという用法はあるが、agitating「動揺させる、興奮させる」では意味が通らない。正解は接続詞thatを使った(B) (D)のどちらかである。「(地震によって)動揺させられる」という意味のbecome agitatedを含む(D)が正解となる。

4. The meter is the ----- unit of measurement in the metric system.
(A) fundamentally (B) fundamental (C) fundamentals (D) fundament
※正解(B)。【解説】 基本的な問題である。前後に冠詞theと名詞unitがあるので、空所には形容詞が入ると予測できる。正解は(B) fundamental「基本の、基礎の」である。metric system「メートル法」。

5. A successful mountaineering expedition ----- of both teamwork and individual initiative.
(A) it is the product (B) being produced (C) being to produce (D) is the product
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の前後にはこの文の動詞に当たる表現がない。したがって、動詞(を含む語句)を選択肢の中から選べばいい。it is the productでは主語がダブることになる。正解は(D)。

6. (A)Any illness producing stiffness (B)or pain in the joints can be (C)referred as (D)rheumatism.
※正解(C)。【解説】 referred → referred to。Any、or、rheumatism「リウマチ(不可算名詞)に誤りはない。be referred to as... で「……と呼ばれている」の意味になる。

7. Most (A)unemployment compensation schemes require (B)applicant (C)to give some indication that (D)they are actively conducting a job search.
※正解(B)。【解説】 applicant → applicants。unemployment「失業」に問題はない。applicant「申込者、応募者」は可算名詞なのでここではapplicantsと複数形にする。toは前のrequireに対応している。theyは複数形applicantsを指している。

8. (A)In a legal adoption, adults (B)take as their own son (C)and daughter a child (D)with other biological parents.
※正解(C)。【解説】 and → or。前置詞inに問題はない。take 〜 as... で「〜を……としてみなす」の意味。〜に当たるa child with other biological parents.が後置されている。andはこの場合orにする。withに誤りはない。

9. (A)No adult characters (B)ever appear in "Peanuts," (C)which may be the most (D)populous comic strip in history.
※正解(D)。【解説】 populous → popular。No、ever(強調のための副詞)、which(関係代名詞)の用法に問題はない。populousは「人口密度の高い」という意味である。ここではpopularを使わなければ意味が通らない。

10. The perception of color (A)in human vision (B)depending on the interaction of light (C)with receptor nerves (D)on the rear wall of the eyeball.
※正解(B)。【解説】 depending → depends。dependingに注目。このままではこの文には動詞がないことになる。dependsにすればいい。perception「知覚」。

II. 時事英文
The Necessity Of Cooperation In Space Exploration (その2:全6回シリーズ)
Back then it was a race for primacy between the United States and the Soviet Union, reflecting the political rivalry between the two countries. During that race, Russia launched the first satellite, as well as the first manned orbital flight, while the United States achieved the first lunar landing and the first human walk on the moon, considered to be one of the defining moments of the 20th century.

III - a. 雑知識
01. " ill-advised /(人の行為が)無分別な "
米下院のロイス外交委員長ら訪日議員団は、安倍晋三首相の昨年末の靖国参拝について「中国を利することになると心配している」と懸念を伝えた。Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent visit to Yasukuni Shrine was ill-advised and will only benefit China. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

02. " year-on-year / 対前年比で "
日本マクドナルドホールディングス(HD)の原田泳幸会長兼社長が、経営の一線から退く。既存店の売上高が2年続けて減り、13年はマイナス6.2%と大幅な減少が続いた。McDonald's Holdings Co. saw year-on-year declines in operating profits in 2012 and 2013. は、AJW の記事から。

03. " on a collision course with / 衝突必至の "
The vote forces the Swiss government to reintroduce immigration quotas, putting Switzerland on a collision course with the European Union. は、Reuters 通信の記事から。

04. " vocal / (意見や感情などを)遠慮なく声高に言う、表明する "
Caroline Kennedy met with a vocal opponent of moves to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to Nago city. は、AJW の記事から。

05. " get under way / 始まる、開幕する "
Russia's Winter Olympics got under way on Feb. 7 with a grandiose opening ceremony watched by President Vladimir Putin. は、ソチ五輪の開会式について伝えた Reuters 通信の記事から。

III -b. ABCニュースから
Keyword 解説
These travel agencies sold the one-way tickets used by the impostors.
pose as?で「?のふりをする、?になりすます」。
ABCニュースは、テロリストのほか、drug smuggler「麻薬の密輸業者」も盗まれたパスポートを使うことがあると伝えています。

Tonight, vanished: that giant passenger plane missing.
Tonight, the latest on the stolen passports, fingerprints discovered.
Tonight, the FBI is urgently trying to find out why those impostors,
one posing as this Italian man, used stolen passports to get on Malaysia Airlines flight 370.
Sources tell ABC News the FBI is planning to compare fingerprints and photographs recovered at the
airport to those of known terrorists.
But investigators point out the stolen passports do not necessarily indicate terrorism,
しかし盗まれた旅券は テロに限らず-
but are often used by drug smugglers and other criminals.
Police in Thailand are questioning the owners of these travel agencies
which sold the one-way tickets used by the impostors.
ABC News has learned they were purchased at the same time by an Iranian man known as Mr. Ali.

IV. Jokes
'a. Know Your Audience
"I'd like to discuss something with you," my husband told our
nine-year-old son. He was about
to launch into The Talk.

"What is it?" asked Michael.
"We're going to talk about girls."
"What about girls?"
"Well, we're going to talk about how girls get pregnant."
"But, Dad," said Michael, "I'm a boy!"

'b. Headlines around America
o County to Pay $250,000 to Advertise Lack of Funds (Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon)

o 4-H Training Scheduled for Shooting Instructors (Pine City Pioneer, Minnesota)

o Study Shows Frequent Sex Enhances Pregnancy Chances (Winchester Star, Virginia)

o Police: DUI Charge for Woman Celebrating End of Earlier DUI
Suspension (Chicago Tribune)

o Federal Agents Raid Gun Shop, Find Weapons (Tulsa World, Oklahoma)

'c. Am I That Tough?
After interviewing a candidate for an open position, I got a thank-you e-mail, stating, "It was a pressure meeting you."
