資料No. : NS140108 

1.Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In all parts of the airplane, including the lavatories, smoking is strictly -------.
(A) prohibit (B) prohibited (C) prohibiting (D) prohibition

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
For ------- we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter.
(A) all (B) ever (C) that (D) what

3.Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The author read an ------- from his latest work, then signed customers' books at a table in the back of the store.
(A) excerpt (B) excess (C) expert (D) extent

1. 空所補充問題
The regiment of mounted soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-American war ----- became famous as the "Rough Riders" was officially called the First United States Volunteer Cavalry.
(A) where (B) they (C) that (D) them

2. 空所補充問題
One of Rembrandt's most moving paintings is The Return of the Prodigal Son, which he is thought ----- completed in 1665.
(A) to have (B) having (C) have (D) had

3. 空所補充問題
The noise associated with airports often disturbs wildlife ----- surrounding areas.
(A) locating in (B) in (C) locates in (D) located

4. 空所補充問題
LeRoy Ripley, ----- for his "Believe It or Not" series of comic strips describing oddities and strange occurrences from around the world, published his first panel in 1918.
(A) as famous (B) to be famous (C) was famous (D) famous

5. 空所補充問題
The continent of Antarctica has several volcanoes, the most active of which ----- Mount Erebus.
(A) be (B) are (C) is (D) to be

6. 正誤問題
(A)Inventing in Berlin in 1822, the accordion is a free-reed instrument (B)with wind (C)supplied by (D)a bellows.

7. 正誤問題
(A)When the powder known (B)as napalm is mixed with gasoline, (C)they produces a jellied form of gasoline with military applications, also (D)referred to as napalm.

8. 正誤問題
Wine grapes (A)must be transported (B)from the vineyard to the winery for processing (C)immediate after (D)they are harvested.

9. 正誤問題
The process (A)by which people and animals maintain an equilibrium (B)between their needs and obstacles (C)to satisfy them (D)is known as adjustment.

10. 正誤問題
Medical researchers (A)have discovered (B)that some symptoms of sickness can (C)relieve by chemically neutral pills the patient believes (D)to contain effective medicine.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In all parts of the airplane, including the lavatories, smoking is strictly -------.
(A) prohibit (B) prohibited (C) prohibiting (D) prohibition
訳 機内では全席、化粧室も含め、喫煙は固く禁じられております。
※正解(B)。解説 be strictly prohibitedで「固く禁止されている」の意味を表します。この句を成立させるprohibitedが正答です。unauthorized use(無断での使用)やreproduction(複製)などを主語にして使われることも多い言い回しです。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
For ------- we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter.
(A) all (B) ever (C) that (D) what
訳 われわれの知る限りでは、社長は今四半期末までにTC社との合併を企んでいる可能性がある。
※正解(A)。解説 熟語の問題。for all we knowで「われわれが知っている範囲では;おそらく」の意味を表します。この表現を成立させるallが正答です。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The author read an ------- from his latest work, then signed customers' books at a table in the back of the store.
(A) excerpt (B) excess (C) expert (D) extent
訳 著者は最新作の一部を読み、その後店舗の奥のテーブルで客の本にサインをした。
※正解(A)。解説 冠詞と前置詞に挟まれているので、空所には名詞が必要です。excerpt(抜粋)を当てはめれば文意が通ります。expert(専門家)やextent(範囲)も名詞ですが、readの目的語になることはありません。

1. 空所補充問題
The regiment of mounted soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish-American war ----- became famous as the "Rough Riders" was officially called the First United States Volunteer Cavalry.
(A) where (B) they (C) that (D) them
※正解(C)。【解説】 空所の後に動詞becameが来ているのでwhereは使えない。they、themでは前後の文が繋がらない。正解は(C) that(接続詞)である。regiment「連隊」、mounted「馬に乗った」、cavalry「騎兵隊」。

2. 空所補充問題
One of Rembrandt's most moving paintings is The Return of the Prodigal Son, which he is thought ----- completed in 1665.
(A) to have (B) having (C) have (D) had
※正解(A)。【解説】 be thought... の後にhave、hadが使えないのは明らか。is thought to have... で「……したと思われている」の意味になる。正解は(A)。moving「感動させる」。

3. 空所補充問題
The noise associated with airports often disturbs wildlife ----- surrounding areas.
(A) locating in (B) in (C) locates in (D) located
※正解(B)。【解説】 be located in... で「……に位置している」の意味になるが、wildlifeの後に続けるとするとthat is located in... 、あるいは、located in... を使うことになる。しかし、選択肢にこの2つはない。正解は前置詞だけの(B)である。

4. 空所補充問題
LeRoy Ripley, ----- for his "Believe It or Not" series of comic strips describing oddities and strange occurrences from around the world, published his first panel in 1918.
(A) as famous (B) to be famous (C) was famous (D) famous
※正解(D)。【解説】 (D) famousが正解。LeRoy Ripley, who is famous for... このwho isが略されているのである。oddities「奇妙な事柄」。

5. 空所補充問題
The continent of Antarctica has several volcanoes, the most active of which ----- Mount Erebus.
(A) be (B) are (C) is (D) to be
※正解(C)。【解説】 be、to beが不可なのはすぐに分かるだろう。空所の後にMount Erebusが来ているので、正解は(B) areではなく(C) isである。Antarctica「南極大陸」、volcanoe「火山」。

6. 正誤問題
(A)Inventing in Berlin in 1822, the accordion is a free-reed instrument (B)with wind (C)supplied by (D)a bellows.
※正解(A)。【解説】 Inventing → Invented。文頭のInventingは(Being) Invented(分詞構文)にしなけらば文が成立しない。前置詞with、(that is) supplied by... の用法に誤りはない。ここではbellows「ふいご」を単数扱いしている。

7. 正誤問題
(A)When the powder known (B)as napalm is mixed with gasoline, (C)they produces a jellied form of gasoline with military applications, also (D)referred to as napalm.
※正解(C)。【解説】 they → it。theyに注目。その後にくる動詞がproducesとなっている。theyはthe powderのことを指しているのでitにしなくてはいけない。napalm「ナパーム」。

8. 正誤問題
Wine grapes (A)must be transported (B)from the vineyard to the winery for processing (C)immediate after (D)they are harvested.
※正解(C)。【解説】 immediate → immediately。助動詞must、前置詞fromに問題はない。形容詞immediateを副詞immediatelyにすれば「 ……した後すぐに」の意味になる。theyはwine grapesのことである。harvest「収穫する」。

9. 正誤問題
The process (A)by which people and animals maintain an equilibrium (B)between their needs and obstacles (C)to satisfy them (D)is known as adjustment.
※正解(C)。【解説】 to satisfy → to satisfying 。前置詞+関係代名詞by which、前置詞between... andの用法に問題はない。obstacles to... 「……の障害」のtoは前置詞である。したがって、satisfyはsatisfying(動名詞)にしなくてはいけない。is known as ... 「……として知られている」。equilibrium「釣り合い、均衡」。

10. 正誤問題
Medical researchers (A)have discovered (B)that some symptoms of sickness can (C)relieve by chemically neutral pills the patient believes (D)to contain effective medicine.
※正解(C)。【解説】 relieve → be relieved 。現在完了have、接続詞thatに問題は見あたらない。relieve「取り除く、楽にする」はbe relieved byと受け身にしなかれば意味が通らない。不定詞toに誤りはない。

II. 時事英文
Human Rights Day (その4:全6回シリーズ)
Since 1993, the High Commissioner's Office has worked to ensure human rights are central to the global dialog regarding peace, security and development. It has identified specific groups that need extra protection, including women and children living in war zones, ethnic and indigenous minorities, LGBT persons, migrants, stateless people, persons with disabilities, and survivors of torture and of trafficking. And it has established specific protection guidelines for victims of human rights abuses.

III - a. 雑知識
1. " billow / (煙が)勢いよく噴き出る "
Television footage showed heavy smoke, billowing steam and waters roiling over the crater. は、小笠原諸島の西之島沖で黒い噴煙が噴き上がり、新しい島が出来たことを伝えたAP通信の記事から。

2. " remember to / 忘れずに〜する "
As the mother of Princess Aiko, 12, Masako said, "I hope she will remember to be grateful to people around her and grow up healthy."はAJWの記事から。

3. " pick up steam / 勢いを増す "
Japanese businesses catering to Muslims have been picking up steam as more tourists from Southeast Asia travel to Japan to take advantage of the weakened yen.は、AJWの記事から。

4. " outlaw / 〜を非合法化する "
オーストラリアは、日本が南極海で行っている 調査捕鯨をめぐる裁判手続きを本格的に始めることになった。
Australia expects the International Court of Justice will outlaw Japanese whaling in the Antarctic before the next whale hunting season begins in January.は、AP通信の記事から。

5. glow-in-the-dark / 暗闇で光る(形容詞) "
An Osaka fabric maker has developed a glow-in-the-dark cloth for office furniture that could prove useful during power blackouts caused by disasters. は、大阪の繊維メーカーが暗闇でも光る生地を開発したことを伝えたAJWの記事から。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?
問題 1 給料が上がる
I received a ( ) in salary this month because I sold more cars than any other member of the sales department.
a. call b. step c. beeper d, boost

問題 2 仕事に全力投球する
That newly emp;oyed accountant is fast and accurate in math. She has been totally ( ) to her job.
a. committed b. presented c. submitted d. launched

問題 3 副業
George works for a prestigious bank in Tokyo, but he teaches English in the evening as a ( ).
a. compromise b. framework c. sideline d. submission

問題 4 結果を出す
Our project team was launded by the company for ( ) quick results and bringing in huge profits.
a. preparing b. sustaining c. affecting d. producing

問題 5 (購買意欲を)鈍らせる
The CEO of the beverage company said cold temperatures seemed to have put a ( ) on consumers' desire for soft drinks.
a. crack b. damper c. hole d. kick

問題 6 手取りの給料が減る
Higher taxes and growing health insurance costs have been ( ) into take-home pay.
a. planting b. eating c. breaking d. pushing

回答 1-d 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-b 6-b

III -c. Elementary Question
There is a certain conveyance (乗り物) depicted on the coat of arms of Paris. What is it?
Answer: A sailboat
The design is believed to originate from a mark used by traders transporting goods on the Seine River, which flows through the heart of Paris.

IV. Jokes
a. Cruelty 101
The topic for my third-grade class was genetics. Smiling broadly, I pointed to my dimples and asked, "What trait do you think I passed on to my children?"
After a pause, one student called out, "Wrinkles?"

b. For effort
Some years ago when living on a fiem, I called on my accountant at lunchtime to pick up an Estate Planning form. His secretary was at lunch, so he hunted through the filing cabinet without success. I was about to leave when the secretary returned. After being asked where the form was, she went straight to the filing cabinet and handed one over.
"Where have you got them filed?" asked my accountant.
"Under 'S' for 'Estate'," came the reply.
I don't recall how long she kept her jpb.

c.A problem shared
Your company's IT department can be your best friend. Don't muck up with silly requests like these actual help-desk calls:
#"How do I remove a sesame seed from the keyboard?"
#"Can you come over and plug this cord for me?"
#"I dropped my phone in the toilet. What should I do?"
#"How do I pirate software?"
#"My car's cup holder is broken. Can you fix it?"
#"I'd like to download the entire internet so I can take it with me."

d.Fast food trap
I asked my son's girlfriend if she had ever worked in fast food.
"No," she said. "My mum won't let me work around hot oil because it's too dangerous."
"So what have you done instead?"
"I got a job trapping bears."
