資料No. : NS131002 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Pesticides and chemical _______ are becoming some of the worst water pollutants in America.
(A) fertile  (B) fertility  (C) fertilizers  (D) fertileness

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
This computer system will best _______ ABC Inc. to meet its expanding production requirements.
(A) enter  (B) enable  (C) enact  (D) enforce

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Don't _______ the new car warranty offered by the manufacturer of the vehicle.
(A) overlook  (B) overhaul  (C) overbook  (D) overcome

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It takes a great amount of time and effort to be _______ at any foreign language.
(A) prodigal  (B) productive  (C) proficient  (D) professional

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It appears that the accident was caused by computer _______.
(A) defunct  (B) malediction  (C) malfunction  (D) discrimination

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The _______ trade in rare wild birds has largely been halted.
(A) illegal  (B) illiterate  (C) prodigal  (D) obliterate

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
France and Germany have signed a _______ agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.
(A) plural (B) numeral (C) bilateral (D) unilateral

1. 空所補充問題
A large oak tree may shed ----- 700,000 leaves in a typical autumn season.
(A) many (B) as many as (C) many as (D) as many

2. 空所補充問題
Foghorns were developed to replace cannons that were fired ----- at lighthouses during fogs to warn nearby ships.
(A) hour on hour (B) on hour (C) hour-on (D) on the hour

3. 空所補充問題
Until -----, the typical household shampoo consisted of harsh lye soap softened with eggs, beer, milk or other common kitchen items.
(A) late the 19th century (B) in late 19th century (C) the late 19th century (D) 19th century the late

4. 空所補充問題
Before the invention of the adhesive bandage in the 1920s, cotton cloth ----- to be taped to wounds or tied around body parts to form bandages.
(A) have (B) having (C) has (D) had

5. 空所補充問題
The right whale ----- because whalers in the north Atlantic considered it to be the 'right' whale to harvest for oil.
(A) so it was named (B) was so named (C) named it so (D) naming so it

6. 正誤問題
(A)The cassava plant (B)yields a nourishing, starchy fruit (C)that can be (D)substituted potatoes or bread.

7. 正誤問題
If a match (A)struck in a (B)weightless environment, the (C)resulting flame would form (D)a spherical shape.

8. 正誤問題
(A)Fertilizer can cut agricultural costs and (B)boosting production when (C)it is used properly, but improper use is (D)a major source of pollution.

9. 正誤問題
One view of economics (A)is that it is the practice of (B)developing theories to explain (C)how goods and services are produced and distributed, (D)generated wealth.

10. 正誤問題
(A)Although the term 'aborigine' is used to identify the native inhabitants of Australia, it can (B)also be used to mean the (C)origin or native inhabitants of (D)any country.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Pesticides and chemical _______ are becoming some of the worst water pollutants in America.
(A) fertile  (B) fertility  (C) fertilizers  (D) fertileness
訳; 殺虫剤と化学肥料がアメリカでは水の最悪の汚染物の1つになっている。
※正解(C)。《解説》補充箇所は文の主語を構成するがPesticides「殺虫剤」との形の上での並行性の保持に留意する。基本的には語彙力の問題となるが、(C) のfertilizers「肥料」が-sと複数形名詞でPesticidesと呼応する。pollutant「汚染物」
《選択肢》fertile「肥よくな」, fertility「肥よくさ」, fertileness「肥よく性」

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
This computer system will best _______ ABC Inc. to meet its expanding production requirements.
(A) enter  (B) enable  (C) enact  (D) enforce
訳; このコンピュータシステムを使えばABC社は拡大する生産の要求に一番うまく応えることができるだろう。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】「動詞+目的語+to 不定詞」の形に注意して選択肢の動詞を選ぶ。enableは「enable+目的語+to 不定詞」の形で「〜に…することを可能にする」の意味になる。なお、接頭辞のen-は「〜の中に入れる, 〜の上に置く」、「〜にする」、「中に,〜のうちに」の意味。
【選択肢】enter「〜に入る」, enact「〜を制定する」, enforce「〜を実施する」

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Don't _______ the new car warranty offered by the manufacturer of the vehicle.
(A) overlook  (B) overhaul  (C) overbook  (D) overcome
訳; 自動車メーカーのつける新車の保証書を見落としてはいけない。
※正解(A)。【着眼点】選択肢の語はいずれもover-を接頭辞にもつ動詞。over-は「上(位)の, 上から」,「余分に; 過度に」,「向こうへ, 越えて, 渡って」,「倒して, ひっくり返して」の意味。
【選択肢】overlook「〜を見落とす」, overhaul「〜を分解修理する」, overbook「定員以上の予約をとる」, overcome「〜を克服する」

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It takes a great amount of time and effort to be _______ at any foreign language.
(A) prodigal  (B) productive  (C) proficient  (D) professional
訳; どんな外国語でも堪能になるためには大変な時間と努力を要する。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢にはいずれもpro-(賛成の、前の、代わりの)を接頭辞にもつ形容詞が並ぶので、文の内容から選ぶことになる。a great amount of time and effortを要するのは外国語にどのようになるためか。
【選択肢】prodigal「放蕩な」, productive「生産力のある」, proficient「堪能な」, professional「専門(職)の」

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It appears that the accident was caused by computer _______.
(A) defunct  (B) malediction  (C) malfunction  (D) discrimination
訳; その事故はコンピュータの誤動作が原因とみられる。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】「事故」→「引き起こされた」→「コンピュータの __ によって」という流れ。コンピュータが正常に働かなかった [調子が悪かった]、と考えるのが自然。mal- は「悪い」の意で function は「機能」。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The _______ trade in rare wild birds has largely been halted.
(A) illegal  (B) illiterate  (C) prodigal  (D) obliterate
訳; 野生の珍鳥の不法な商業取引は大部分停止されてきている。
※正解(A)。【着眼点】「珍しい (rare) 野生の (wild) 鳥の商業取り引き [輸出入] (trade) 」で「これまでにその大部分 (largely) が停止となってきた (halted) 」 → このような trade につく形容詞として最もそれらしいものはどれかを考える。illegal は il- と legal に分かれる。legal(合法的な)はなじみのある語だろう。il- は not の意の in- が変化したもの。語頭が l の legal と結びついたことによって in- から il- への同化現象が生じたのである。したがって、illegal は not legal(不法の)の意。これならば、ここの文脈における trade を形容するのにピッタリである。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
France and Germany have signed a _______ agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.
(A) plural (B) numeral (C) bilateral (D) unilateral
訳; フランスとドイツは麻薬密輸入防止協力のための二国間協定に調印した。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】フランスとドイツの2か国が調印した (have signed) ある協定 (agreement) があり、その協定の内容が to 以下というもの。bilateral の bi- は「2つの」の意で、lateral は side(側)の意。したがって bilateral は「両側[面]のある;相互的な」の意になる。unilateral は「片側だけの、一方(的)の、一方だけによってなされた、相互的でない」の意。

1. 空所補充問題
A large oak tree may shed ----- 700,000 leaves in a typical autumn season.
(A) many (B) as many as (C) many as (D) as many
※正解(B)。【解説】 manyの後に数字700,000が来るはずがない。また、many as、as manyだけでは文が繋がらない。as many as... で「……もの数の」という意味になる。

2. 空所補充問題
Foghorns were developed to replace cannons that were fired ----- at lighthouses during fogs to warn nearby ships.
(A) hour on hour (B) on hour (C) hour-on (D) on the hour
※正解(D)。【解説】 hour on hour、on hour、hour-onという言い方はない。on the hourで「(毎)正時に」の意味になる。foghorn「霧中号笛、霧笛」。

3. 空所補充問題
Until -----, the typical household shampoo consisted of harsh lye soap softened with eggs, beer, milk or other common kitchen items.
(A) late the 19th century (B) in late 19th century (C) the late 19th century (D) 19th century the late
※正解(C)。【解説】 untilの後に前置詞inが来ることはないので(B)は不可。lateの位置が問題となる。the late 19th centuryで「19世紀末」の意味になる。lye「アルカリ液」。

4. 空所補充問題
Before the invention of the adhesive bandage in the 1920s, cotton cloth ----- to be taped to wounds or tied around body parts to form bandages.
(A) have (B) having (C) has (D) had
※正解(D)。【解説】 1920年代以前のことについて語っているので、過去形hadが正解となる。adhesive bandage「絆創膏」。

5. 空所補充問題
The right whale ----- because whalers in the north Atlantic considered it to be the 'right' whale to harvest for oil.
(A) so it was named (B) was so named (C) named it so (D) naming so it
※正解(B)。【解説】 セミクジラ(right whale)の名前の由来に関する説明である。(B) was so namedを空所に入れると、「right whaleという名前が付けられたのは」の意味になり、because以下の文と繋がる。

6. 正誤問題
(A)The cassava plant (B)yields a nourishing, starchy fruit (C)that can be (D)substituted potatoes or bread.
※正解(D)。【解説】 substituted → substituted for。冠詞the、動詞yields「産する、生じる」、関係代名詞thatの用法に問題はない。be substituted for... で「……の代わりになる」の意味になるので、forが必要になる。

7. 正誤問題
If a match (A)struck in a (B)weightless environment, the (C)resulting flame would form (D)a spherical shape.
※正解(A)。【解説】 struck → were struck。strike a match「マッチをする」からわかるように、a matchを主語にした場合には、受け身になりbe動詞が必要。ここは仮定法なので、were struckとなる。

8. 正誤問題
(A)Fertilizer can cut agricultural costs and (B)boosting production when (C)it is used properly, but improper use is (D)a major source of pollution.
※正解(B)。【解説】 boosting → boost。fertilizer「肥料」は不可算名詞。boostingはcutと同様canの後に続く動詞である。したがって、ingを取ってboostとしなければ文が成立しない。itはfertilizerを指す。source「原因」は可算名詞なので、冠詞aに問題はない。

9. 正誤問題
One view of economics (A)is that it is the practice of (B)developing theories to explain (C)how goods and services are produced and distributed, (D)generated wealth.
※正解(D)。【解説】 generate → generating。isはOne viewに呼応している。前置詞ofの後の動名詞developing、how goods... に問題はない。produced、distributedと過去分詞が並んでいるが、generatedをgenerating wealth「富を生み出す(分詞構文)」としなければ文が成り立たない。

10. 正誤問題
(A)Although the term 'aborigine' is used to identify the native inhabitants of Australia, it can (B)also be used to mean the (C)origin or native inhabitants of (D)any country.
※正解(C)。【解説】 origin → original。originはnativeと同様にinhabitantsを修飾する形容詞である。したがって、形容詞形originalを使わなくてはいけない。inhabitant「住民」。

II. 時事英文
U.S. Sanctions Terrorists (その6:全6回シリーズ)
The U.S., said Under Secretary Cohen, "will continue to work with our partners around the world to dismantle these terrorist networks, especially those that try to conceal their sinister activities behind critical community organizations like madrassas."

III - a. 雑知識
01. " lay a wreath / (亡き人に)花輪を捧げる "
Angela Merkel laid a wreath at Dachau concentration camp, making her the first German chancellor to visit the death camp where Nazis killed more than 41,000 people in the Holocaust. は、ドイツのメルケル首相がダッハウ強制収容所跡を訪問したことを伝えた Reuters 通信の記事から。

02. " top / (数量において)〜を上回る "
Foreign visitor numbers to Japan topped the 1 million mark for the first time in July. は7月の訪日外国人が1カ月あたりでは初めて100万人を超えたことを伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

03. break away from / (伝統・習慣などを)断つ、やめる "
全日本空輸(ANA)は2014年度以降に入社する客室乗務員について、契約社員として3年勤めた後に正社員化する方法を改める。All Nippon Airways Co. decided to break away from employment based on renewable contracts. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

04. " cutter /(小型の)巡視船 "
安倍晋三首相はアキノ大統領と会談し、巡視船10隻を提供する方針を表明した。Japan would provide 10 cutters for the Philippines' coast guard to help counter recent maritime advances by China. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

05. " mercury / 温度 "
The highest temperature ever recorded in Japan was felt in Shimanto, Kochi Prefecture, when the mercury hit 41.0 degrees at 1:42 p.m. on Aug. 12. は、高知県四万十(しまんと)市で国内最高気温を更新したことを伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

06. " exclusive / 高級な、富裕層向けの "
東京都千代田区で最高価格が5億4千万円台という超高級マンションが9月上旬に売り出される。The Parkhouse Gran Chidorigafuchi is being built in an exclusive location along Chiyoda Ward's Chidorigafuchi moat. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

07. " raise concern / 懸念を提起する "
松井一実・広島市長は核不拡散条約(NPT)体制の外で核開発を進めるインドに対し、原子力技術の移転をめざす日本政府の姿勢に懸念を表明した。Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui raised concerns about ongoing negotiations with India on a nuclear technology agreement. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?
問題 1 パシャパシャ
George turned on the faucet and ( ) water on his face to wake himself up.
a. glugged b. splashed c. clashed d. dumped

問題 2 パタン
Whenever a door-to-door salesman comes to our house, my mother politely says, "N. Thank you." Then, she ( ) the door in his face.
a. honks b. thumps c. bucks d. slams

問題 3 クンクン
The dog suddenly stopped to ( ) at the telephone pole before doing his business.
a. sniff b. snap c. buzz d. sneeze

問題 4 ガチャガチャ
After he staggered home drunk, Shinji ( ) the key in the lock to open the door.
a. ticked b. whined c. plumped d. rattled

問題 5 ウロウロ
When I left house this morning, I saw a stranger ( ) around in our neighborhood.
a. rolling b. bringing c. picking d. hanging

問題 6 ポタポタ
Sweat was ( ) from the movers' foreheads as they carried the furniture into my house.
a. scratching b. dripping c. popping d. smashing

回答 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-d 6-b

III -c. Elementary Question
What is the name of ancient Egypt's boy king 3,300 years ago who was buried with his face covered with a golde3n mask?
Answer: Tutankhamen
Tutankhamen (ca 1370-1352 B.C.) is believed to have taken the throne at about age 10 and died at about 20. After his tomb containing many treasures was opened in 1922, he became famous wo4rldwide.

IV. Jokes
a. Silence is golden
A man enters a religious order in which you're permitted two spoken words a year. At the end of his first year, the head of the order asks him for his two words. As he'd often felt hungry during the year, he whispers, "More food."
By the end of his second year, he'd often felt cold, so when asked for his two words, he replies, "More blankets."
During his third year, he decided he isn't really suited to a silent order. So when he comes before the leader to utter his two words, he admits he hasn't been very happy these past three years, and that he's leaving the order.
"You might as well go," the leader replies. "You've done nothing but complain ever since you arrived."

b. Doctor, doctor
Patient: The problem is obesity runs in our family.
Doctor: No, the problem is no-one runs in your family.

c. Handy pants
Finding a woman sobbing that she had locked her keys in her car, a passing soldier assures her that he can help. She looks on amazed as he removes his trousers, rolls them into a tight ball and rubs them against the car door. Magically it opens.
"That's so cleaver," the woman gasps, "How did you do it?"
"Easy," replies the man. !These are khakis."
