資料No. : NS130227 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
After a lengthy discussion we reached a _______ decision on the proposal.
(A) unaired  (B) unamiable  (C) unanimous  (D) infamous

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I'm sorry to _______ your meeting, but there's an emergency call for you on line two.
(A) erupt  (B) abrupt  (C) disrupt  (D) bankrupt

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If you have the answers before the meeting tomorrow, we'll be able to have a discussion and _______ a step forward.
(A) give  (B) talk  (C) walk  (D) take

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The tables are set a good distance apart so it is possible to _______ an intimate conversation.
(A) get  (B) have  (C) take  (D) go

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Mr. White _______ the best out of his salesmen with an incentive plan that offers very generous rewards.
(A) gives  (B) owns  (C) gets  (D) pays

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
No matter _______ long it takes to finish the annual report, it must be done.
(A) though  (B) how  (C) however  (D) what

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Floods cause _______ amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as well as the loss of many lives.
(A) damaging  (B) to damage  (C) damaged  (D) damage

1. 空所補充問題
----- is considered a robotic device because it repositions itself after each cycle of motion.
(A) Internal combustion engines (B) The internal combustion engine
(C) Internal combustion engine (D) Those internal combustion engines

2. 空所補充問題
A large proportion of English words find their origins ----- the predecessors of modern Germanic and Latinate languages.
(A) in (B) at (C) for (D) with

3. 空所補充問題
Earthquakes of equal magnitudes ----- widely differing effects at their epicenters, depending on how deeply below the surface they are centered.
(A) can produce (B) producing (C) to produce (D) are produced

4. 空所補充問題
Trees such as mahogany ----- in isolation because the growth of their dense structure requires massive amounts of available nutrients from the surrounding area.
(A) tend growing (B) tend to grow (C) tend grow (D) tends to be grown

5. 空所補充問題
The insulating property of a vacuum is derived from the fact that heat transfer requires the presence of molecules ----- energy.
(A) capable conducting (B) capable to conduct (C) capable are conducted (D) capable of conducting

6. 正誤問題
Many skyscrapers are now (A)fitted with large sliding (B)weights on their roofs, which can be automatically shifted (C)during earthquakes to minimize the (D)moving of the building.

7. 正誤問題
Televisions and computer displays generate color (A)at the manipulation of the (B)ratios of intensity of (C)evenly distributed pixels of white, blue, red and yellow (D)light.

8. 正誤問題
It has often been (A)noted that (B)contacting sports are a (C)symbolic form of (D)warfare.

9. 正誤問題
Bats (A)that have relatively poor (B)eyesight, but extremely well-developed hearing, and (C)an ability to sense objects and (D)their own orientation through a type of natural sonar.

10. 正誤問題
(A)Some the planets in our solar system, (B)such as Pluto, are believed (C)to have been captured in the Sun's gravitational field (D)while passing by billions of years ago.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
After a lengthy discussion we reached a _______ decision on the proposal.
(A) unaired  (B) unamiable  (C) unanimous  (D) infamous
訳; 長い議論の後、我々はその提案に関する満場一致の決定を下した。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】長い (lengthy) 議論の末に達した (reached) 決定[結論] (decision) は、どのようなものであったか。unanimous の un- は uni- の変化形で「1つ」の意( → uniform → 1つの形 → 「一様の」「制服」)。anim は「心」の意で -ous は形容詞語尾。したがって unanimous は「1つの心の」、つまり「全員異議のない、満場一致の」の意となる。(cf. magnanimous → 大きな(magn-)心の → 「度量の大きい、寛大な」)

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I'm sorry to _______ your meeting, but there's an emergency call for you on line two.
(A) erupt  (B) abrupt  (C) disrupt  (D) bankrupt
訳; 会議中恐縮ですが、緊急のお電話が2番に入っております。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】I'm sorry to ... と断りを入れている。できればしたくない事をせざるを得ない人の言葉で、それを行う対象は your meeting である。disrupt の dis- は元々はラテン語の duo (=two) から来たもので、「2つに分かれて」の意であったが、そこから分離・除去・剥奪・反対・否定などの意へと拡大していった。rupt は break の意。したがって disrupt は → 「破って分け離す」 → 「引き裂く;(会議などの正常な進行)を妨げる」。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If you have the answers before the meeting tomorrow, we'll be able to have a discussion and _______ a step forward.
(A) give  (B) talk  (C) walk  (D) take
訳; 明日の会議前に解答が出れば、私たちは話し合って、もう少し処置を講じられるだろう。
※正解(D)。 【着眼点】stepは「(成功などへの)1歩, 進歩;(前進などのための)手段, 処置」の意味をもつ。ここではa stepの連結する動詞を探す。take a stepで「踏み出す、一歩踏み込む」。広くはtake stepsは「手段を講じる、手を打つ」の形で用いられる。連結する形容詞はimportant, decisive, bold, drastic, false, dangerousなど。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The tables are set a good distance apart so it is possible to _______ an intimate conversation.
(A) get  (B) have  (C) take  (D) go
訳; テーブルは適当な距離に配置されていて、親密な会話を楽しむことができる。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】an intimate conversation「親密な会話」と結びつく動詞を探す。have [carry on, hold] a conversation with 〜で「〜と会話をする」の意味。 open [start] a conversation with 〜で「〜と会話を始める」の意味。「会話を止める」はbreak off a conversationと言う。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Mr. White _______ the best out of his salesmen with an incentive plan that offers very generous rewards.
(A) gives  (B) owns  (C) gets  (D) pays
訳; ホワイトさんは、かなり割のいい報奨金を出す刺激策で、販売員に最善を尽くさせた。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】the best out of 〜と結びつく動詞は何か。慣用表現の問題ということになるが、答えは(C)のgetsを選ぶ。get the best out of 〜で「〜の最高の状態を引き出す」という意味になる。an incentive planは「刺激策」。
【選択肢】make the best of 〜「〜を最大限に利用する」はよく使われる。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
No matter _______ long it takes to finish the annual report, it must be done.
(A) though  (B) how  (C) however  (D) what
訳; どんなに長くかかっても、年次報告書を仕上げなければならない。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】「No matter how+形容詞[副詞] 〜」(たとえどんなに〜でも)という譲歩の副詞節を作る。なお、これはNo matterを取って、 「However +形容詞[副詞] 〜」とも言い換えることできるが、この両者の形を混同しないように注意したい。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Floods cause _______ amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as well as the loss of many lives.
(A) damaging  (B) to damage  (C) damaged  (D) damage
訳; 洪水は毎年、多くの人命の損失と同様に、何億ドルにものぼる損害をもたらしている。
※正解(D)。【着眼点】A as well as B「Bと同様にAも」という相関表現に注意して、形の並行性に努める。Bにあたるのはthe loss of many livesという名詞句。したがって、問題となる箇所も名詞句になる。なお、causeはここでは「〜を招く、〜の原因となる」という動詞で、問題の箇所はその目的語であることにも注意する。
【選択肢】(A) (B)とも名詞の働きはできるが、直後のamountingにも注意して、ここではずばり(D)を選ぶ。

1. 空所補充問題
----- is considered a robotic device because it repositions itself after each cycle of motion.
(A) Internal combustion engines (B) The internal combustion engine
(C) Internal combustion engine (D) Those internal combustion engines
※正解(B)。【解説】 空所の後にisが来ていることから複数形enginesを含む選択肢は除外でき る。Internal combustion engineには冠詞がないので、これも使えない。正解はThe internal combustion engineである。

2. 空所補充問題
A large proportion of English words find their origins ----- the predecessors of modern Germanic and Latinate languages.
(A) in (B) at (C) for (D) with
※正解(A)。【解説】 難しく考える必要はない。find their origins in ... で「語源は ... の中に見いだせる」の意味になる。正解はinである。

3. 空所補充問題
Earthquakes of equal magnitudes ----- widely differing effects at their epicenters, depending on how deeply below the surface they are centered.
(A) can produce (B) producing (C) to produce (D) are produced
※正解(A)。【解説】 空所にはこの文の動詞が入るのは明らか。したがって、producingとto produceは除外できる。widely differing effectsは動詞の目的語になるので、正解 はcan produceになる。

4. 空所補充問題
Trees such as mahogany ----- in isolation because the growth of their dense structure requires massive amounts of available nutrients from the surrounding area.
(A) tend growing (B) tend to grow (C) tend grow (D) tends to be grown
※正解(B)。【解説】 tend to grow この文の主語はTreesである。したがって、tends to be grownは不可。 tendの後に不定詞toを続けて、tend to ... で「... する傾向がある」の意味にな る。

5. 空所補充問題
The insulating property of a vacuum is derived from the fact that heat transfer requires the presence of molecules ----- energy.
(A) capable conducting (B) capable to conduct (C) capable are conducted (D) capable of conducting
※正解(D)。【解説】 capableの用法を知っていればすぐに答えが分かるはずである。capableの後にはto不定詞ではなく、前置詞ofが来る。正解はcapable of conductingである。

6. 正誤問題
Many skyscrapers are now (A)fitted with large sliding (B)weights on their roofs, which can be automatically shifted (C)during earthquakes to minimize the (D)moving of the building.
※正解(D)。【解説】 moving → movement。 be fitted with ... で「... が装備されている」の意味。weight「重り」 は可算名詞。前置詞duringの用法に誤りはない。冠詞theの後では動名詞movingでは なく名詞movementを用いる。

7. 正誤問題
Televisions and computer displays generate color (A)at the manipulation of the (B)ratios of intensity of (C)evenly distributed pixels of white, blue, red and yellow (D)light.
※正解(A)。【解説】 at → through。 前後の流れからして、the manipulation「操作」の前には手段、方法を表す 前置詞が入るはずである。ここではatではなくthroughを使う。複数形ratios「割 合、比率」、副詞evenly、不可算名詞light「明かり」の使い方に誤りはない。

8. 正誤問題
It has often been (A)noted that (B)contacting sports are a (C)symbolic form of (D)warfare.
※正解(B)。【解説】 contacting sports → contact sports。 note「言及する」の過去分詞形に問題はない。「コンタクト(体をぶつけ合 う)スポーツ」はcontact sportsと言う。symbolicは形容詞で「象徴的な」の意味。 warfare「戦争、争い」は不可算名詞である。

9. 正誤問題
Bats (A)that have relatively poor (B)eyesight, but extremely well-developed hearing, and (C)an ability to sense objects and (D)their own orientation through a type of natural sonar.
※正解(A)。【解説】 that have → have。 この文の動詞はどれか。haveである。ということは、Batsの後の関係代名詞 thatは不要である。eyesight「視力」は不可算名詞。冠詞anの用法に問題はない。 theirはbatsを受けている。

10. 正誤問題
(A)Some the planets in our solar system, (B)such as Pluto, are believed (C)to have been captured in the Sun's gravitational field (D)while passing by billions of years ago.
※正解(A)。【解説】 Some → Some of。 文頭のSomeに注目。その後に冠詞theがあるので、前置詞ofを使って、Some of the planetsとしなければならない。such as ... 「... のようなもの」、不定詞 to、接続詞whileの用法に問題はない。

II. 時事英文
Committing To Child Survival (その4:全6回シリーズ)
Setting the stage for the meeting, Ethiopia's Minister of Health Kesetebirhan Admasu said: "We are at a crucial juncture in our final sprint towards the 2015 Millennium Development Goals and the 2035 vision of ending preventable child deaths. Much will depend on country-level leadership and action on child survival. I strongly believe we can only accelerate our progress if we renew our commitments and live up to providing increased sustained and more harmonized leadership and support."

III - a. 雑知識
01. earmark / 予算を充当する
本来は「(家畜の)耳印」の意味。Of the defense-related budget, 331.3 billion yen has been earmarked to protect the southwestern region. は、日本の防衛費増額に関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

02. 中国の海洋進出に備え、南西諸島防衛を重視している。
rule out / 除外する、認めない
任天堂の岩田聡社長は決算説明会で、販売不振に陥っている新型ゲーム機「Wii U(ウィーユー)」について、「値下げという選択肢はない」と言明した。
Nintendo's president on Jan. 31 ruled out price cuts for its new Wii U home console as a way to boost sales. は、AP 通信の記事から。

03. a spate of / 相次ぐ、多発する
Toyota's reputation for top quality has been undermined in the past few years by massive recalls for a spate of problems. は、ここ数年でリコールが相次いだトヨタに関する AP 通信の記事から。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 飲み干す
George ( ) the rest of his whiskey and signaled the bartender for another drink.
a. gulped down b. stepped up c. melted down d. knocked up

問題 2 すする
Mariko watched a movie on TV as she ( ) hot coffee from her favorite mug.
a. lipped b. tipped c. tapped d. sipped

問題 3 バリバリ音を立てて食べる
In the movie theater, a woman beside me was annoyingly ( ) rice crackers.
a. clapping b. crushing c. crunching d. clutching

問題 4 なめる
Cathy ( ) bjam off her fingers before turning the page of the fashion magazine.
a. popped b. licked c. slipped d. erased

回答 1-a 2-d 3-c 4-b

III -c. News Glossary
Senate confirmation
Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a close confidante of President Barack Obama, withdrew her name from consideration as secretary of state in the face of what promised to be a contentious Senate confirmation battle.

IV. Jokes
a. While shopping, I bought some new organic doggie treats. I gave the dog one and then left them out on the counter.
After work, I noticed the package was open and several cookies were missing. I asked my kids about the missing dog treats, but neither of them knew anything about it - until I said that the treats actually looked like cookies.
"Ooh!" my son, Rylan, looked up and said. "I had four or five of them. I was wondering why they had a picture of a dog paw of them."

b. My pregnant cousin's little daughter came to her puzzled and asked, "Mummy, I have a question for you."
"Yes, darling? What is it?" my cousin asked.
The little girl said, "I can pull out my doll's arm and see what's inside of her, but why can't I see my little brother inside your belly like that?"

c. While I was assigned to the space shuttle program, my job included ordering supplies for the team. One of the engineers requested a new dictionary.
Following regulations, I asked him why he needed it. I expected his answer to be "My old copy is lost", or "the cover is falling off".
Instead, he said: "My current edition defines spaceship as an 'imaginary aircraft',"
He got the new dictionary he asked for.

d. We were learning about Newton's first law of motion in physics class one day. When asked to recite it in class, my friend joked, "Bodies at rest will remain at rest, and bodies at rest will only move when their mothers wake them up."

e. I'm not lazy - it's just that I have a very active dream life, so I have to be there a lot.

f. A man felt that his wife's kindness was growing to ridiculous proportions. He recently came home to find a woodpecker with its beak in a splint resting on his armchair, a sick swan wrapped in a blanket on the sofa and his wife nursing a frozen wren she'd found out in the snow.
"I can't stand it any more!" he screamed. "What about showing me a little kindness?"
"Please darling," his wife interrupted, "not in front of the chilled wren."
