資料No. : NS130116 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When she threatened to leave him, Tony thought _______ was only a bluff.
(A) he  (B) she  (C) it  (D) itself

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think all managers must help _______ employee develop his or her potential.
(A) each one of the  (B) every of their  (C) an every  (D) each

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Dr. Schneider has been engaged in _______ for ten years.
(A) making cancer research  (B) many cancer researches  (C) a cancer research  (D) cancer research

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Please be sure to include _______ on the application form.
(A) all information  (B) all the informations  (C) your all information  (D) the all pieces of information

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Not only Vince but also Tim _______ to part of Max's fortune.
(A) are heirs  (B) is the heir  (C) is an heir  (D) is a heir

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ first reached us in early September regarding this problem.
(A) Word  (B) A word  (C) A news  (D) Informations

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I've heard that Sid _______ to Yale.
(A) is scholarship  (B) got scholarship  (C) won a scholarship  (D) wined a scholarship

1. 空所補充問題
After a road construction crew lays down the asphalt, its surface ------ with a sealer that protects the road from wear.
(A) is covered (B) are they covered (C) that covers (D) covering

2. 空所補充問題
Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure ------ the changes of meaning in language.
(A) as well (B) and well (C) and as well (D) as well as

3. 空所補充問題
Not until aircraft were able to carry loads heavy enough to be useful in transportation and war ------.
(A) investors took them seriously (B) they were taken seriously by investors
(C) did investors take them seriously (D) with investors taking them seriously

4. 空所補充問題
After being nominated for the award five years in a row but never actually receiving it, many believe it's about time Mr. Handy ------ the honor.
(A) was received (B) received (C) receives (D) will receive

5. 空所補充問題
Exit-polls show that most people ----- supportive of the opponent of an incumbent president intend to vote against the incumbent, rather than for his opponent.
(A) are to be (B) who are (C) who (D) who will be

6. 正誤問題
The invention of writing allowed people (A)to preserve data without (B)committing (C)it to human memory, which it was (D)less reliable than clay tablets.

7. 正誤問題
We finished (A)work on most (B)of the cars, but we didn't (C)have time for (D)the rests.

8. 正誤問題
The president organized (A)a fundraising dinner for his political (B)allies that was (C)attended by 1,000 people, (D)each of which paid $750 for the privilege.

9. 正誤問題
(A)In many parts of India, the cow is (B)regarded as sacred (C)and is not slaughtered (D)by food.

10. 正誤問題
(A)We all wish the jury (B)will realize (C)that a defendant is to be (D)presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When she threatened to leave him, Tony thought _______ was only a bluff.
(A) he  (B) she  (C) it  (D) itself
訳; 彼女が別れるとおどしをかけてきたとき、ただのはったりだろうとトニーは思った。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】threaten to 〜 は「〜すると言っておどしをかける」で、leave himはここでは「彼と別れる」の意。himは後方照応的用法でTonyを指す。Tony thought以下はsheのおどしに対するTonyの内心の反応だが_____ (S) was (V) a bluff (C) → S = C → bluff=「はったり」の流れで考えるとitが正解とわかる。itは「彼女が行ったおどし行為」を指す( → itは先行文脈の「内容」を受けて用いることも可能)。
【選択肢】「人=a bluff」も「単独再帰代名詞=主語」も成立しない。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think all managers must help _______ employee develop his or her potential.
(A) each one of the  (B) every of their  (C) an every  (D) each
訳; 管理職にある人間は皆、各社員が自己の潜在的能力を開発できるよう援助していかねばならないと思う。
※正解(D)。 【着眼点】空所の後のemployeeは可算名詞の#単数形#。「each (one) of the+名詞」の形式自体は存在するが、#この場合の名詞は複数#でないといけない。したがって (A) は不可。everyは代名詞用法をもたず、また冠詞を伴うこともないので (B), (C) も誤り。eachを形容詞で用いて単数名詞のemployeeにかける (D) であれば問題はない。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Dr. Schneider has been engaged in _______ for ten years.
(A) making cancer research  (B) many cancer researches  (C) a cancer research  (D) cancer research
訳; シュナイダー博士は10年来ガン研究に従事している。
※正解(D)。 【着眼点】research(研究)の語法は少々やっかいで、基本的には不可算だが、複数形で用いることも可能。ただし、複数形の場合でもmanyや数詞と結びつくのは通例不可。数えるにはtwo[three...] pieces of researchのような形をとる必要がある。なお、a researchという言い方もしない。
【選択肢】(A) については、そもそもmake research自体が誤った言い回し( → do researchとは言う)。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Please be sure to include _______ on the application form.
(A) all information  (B) all the informations  (C) your all information  (D) the all pieces of information
訳; 申し込み用紙にはすべてにわたって記入漏れのなきようにお書きください。
※正解(A)。 【着眼点】all, some, noなどは可算名詞の他に不可算名詞とも結びつく(with all speed(全速力で))。informationが不可算名詞であることは完全に頭に入れておくべき。
【選択肢】allは他の限定詞に先行する場合はよい(all the[your] 〜 )が後続する形は不可 (×the [your] all 〜 )なので (C), (D) は消える。(B) は不可算のinformationが複数形になっている点で不可。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Not only Vince but also Tim _______ to part of Max's fortune.
(A) are heirs  (B) is the heir  (C) is an heir  (D) is a heir
訳; ヴィンスだけでなくティムもマックスの財産の一部を相続する1人である。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】定冠詞が「唯一性」の意味を含むのに対し、不定冠詞は「複数個の中の任意の1つ」を表すという性質をもつ(X is the heir to Y.(XはYの(唯一の)相続人だ);X is an heir to Y.(相続人(の1人)だ))。空所部分の主語はTimのほうだが相続人 (heir) は彼以外にVinceもいるわけであり、候補にあがるのは不定冠詞のついたheirとなる。その上で大事なのは、heirが母音で始まる語だという点( → 語頭のhは黙字で発音されない)。なお、(A) は主語 (=Tim) との呼応に問題がある。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ first reached us in early September regarding this problem.
(A) Word  (B) A word  (C) A news  (D) Informations
訳; この問題についての知らせは9月の初旬になって初めて私どものもとに届きました。
※正解(A)。 【着眼点】newsやinformationは不可算名詞で不定冠詞のついた (C) や複数形の (D) が誤りなのは明らかだが、問題は (A), (B) におけるwordの用法。wordは「単語」などの意では可算名詞であるのに対し、「知らせ、便り」を意味するときは不可算名詞として用いられる。問題文の文脈では後者の意なのでa wordは不可。同じ語が可算・不可算の両用法をもつ場合は文脈の見極めが大事。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I've heard that Sid _______ to Yale.
(A) is scholarship  (B) got scholarship  (C) won a scholarship  (D) wined a scholarship
訳; シドはエール大学に入る奨学金を得たそうだ。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】「奨学金」の意のscholarshipは可算名詞なのでaのついた (C) と (D) が候補だが、win(=不規則活用動詞)の過去形はwonだから (C) のほうが正解。
【選択肢】(A) についてはis on a scholarship(奨学金をもらっている)という言い方はある。(B) はaをつければ通る。

1. 空所補充問題
After a road construction crew lays down the asphalt, its surface ------ with a sealer that protects the road from wear.
(A) is covered (B) are they covered (C) that covers (D) covering
※正解(A)。【解説】 its surfaceの後に動詞が来るのは明らか。are they coveredでは主語がダブってしまう。また、単数its surfaceをareで受けるはずがない。正解はis coveredである。

2. 空所補充問題
Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure ------ the changes of meaning in language.
(A) as well (B) and well (C) and as well (D) as well as
※正解(D)。【解説】 the structureとthe changes ... と2つ名詞句が並んでいる。接続詞の andを入れたいところだが、選択肢にはand well、and as wellと余分な語がついている。as well asを空所に入れれば「the changes ... ばかりでなくthe structureも」の意味になる。

3. 空所補充問題
Not until aircraft were able to carry loads heavy enough to be useful in transportation and war ------.
(A) investors took them seriously (B) they were taken seriously by investors
(C) did investors take them seriously (D) with investors taking them seriously
※正解(C)。【解説】 文頭に否定語Notがあるので、当然、空所には倒置された文が入るはずである。正解はdid investors take them seriouslyである。

4. 空所補充問題
After being nominated for the award five years in a row but never actually receiving it, many believe it's about time Mr. Handy ------ the honor.
(A) was received (B) received (C) receives (D) will receive
※正解(B)。【解説】 it's about time ... は仮定法の文であることを忘れてはいけない。この後 に過去形receivedを使うことで、「そろそろ ... してもいいころだ」の意味を表 す。

5. 空所補充問題
Exit-polls show that most people ----- supportive of the opponent of an incumbent president intend to vote against the incumbent, rather than for his opponent.
(A) are to be (B) who are (C) who (D) who will be
※正解(B)。【解説】 supportiveは「支える、支持する」という意味の形容詞である。また、 most people ... この文の動詞はintendである。したがって、空所には関係代名詞と be動詞が入るはずである。文脈から判断して、未来形にする必要はないので、正解は who areになる。

6. 正誤問題
The invention of writing allowed people (A)to preserve data without (B)committing (C)it to human memory, which it was (D)less reliable than clay tablets.
※正解(C)。【解説】 it → itを取る不定詞to、withoutの後の動名詞committingの用法に問題はない。whichの後 のitは何を指しているのかがわからない。実は、このitが余分だったのである。 less ... thanは劣等比較。

7. 正誤問題
We finished (A)work on most (B)of the cars, but we didn't (C)have time for (D)the rests.
※正解(D)。【解説】 the rests → the rest。 この場合のworkは名詞。most of the cars、have timeに問題は見当たらな い。the restで「残り」の意味になる。restsと複数形にする必要はない。

8. 正誤問題
The president organized (A)a fundraising dinner for his political (B)allies that was (C)attended by 1,000 people, (D)each of which paid $750 for the privilege.
※正解(D)。【解説】 each of which → each of whom。 冠詞a、allies「同盟」、受け身was attended by ... の用法に問題はな い。whichは前のpeopleを受けているので、whomを使ってeach of whomにしなければ いけない。

9. 正誤問題
(A)In many parts of India, the cow is (B)regarded as sacred (C)and is not slaughtered (D)by food.
※正解(D)。【解説】 by food → for food。 In many parts、be regarded as ... 「... と見なされる」、接続詞andに 誤りはない。by foodのどこがおかしいのか。このままではfoodにより slaughtered「屠殺される」の意味になってしまう。前置詞をforに換えれば、for foodで「食用として」の意味になる。

10. 正誤問題
(A)We all wish the jury (B)will realize (C)that a defendant is to be (D)presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.
※正解(B)。【解説】 will realize → would realize。 wishがあるので仮定法の文であるはずだが、will realizeと未来形になって いる。would realizeにすれば仮定法過去の文になる。

II. 時事英文
International Anti-Corruption Day 2012 (その5:全7回シリーズ)
Concerned about the seriousness of the problems posed by corruption, United Nations member states adopted ten years ago the Convention against Corruption, which seeks to "promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption more efficiently and effectively...promote, facilitate and support international cooperation and technical assistance in the prevention of and fight against corruption… [and] promote integrity, accountability and proper management of public affairs and public property" on both domestic and international levels.

III - a. 雑知識
1. erupt / (抗議運動などが)勃発する
Huge protests erupted in Okinawa Prefecture and other parts of Japan over the deployment of the Osprey to Okinawa Prefecture. は、新型輸送機オスプレイの配備をめぐる沖縄県での抗議に関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
2. find one's way back / 元の場所にたどり着く
A valuable violin stolen from a car at a parking lot here has found its way back to its owner. は、 盗まれた1883年の仏製のバイオリンが約3カ月半後に持ち主である女性奏者の元に無事に戻ってきたニュースを伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
3. bellwether / 指標となるもの
McDonald's, which has more than 33,500 locations around the world, is often seen as a bellwether for the industry. は、マクドナルドの売上高に関する AP 通信の記事から。外食産業の景気を判断する指標として用いられる。
4. be geared for / 〜に適合する
ホンダは、インドで低価格の二輪車を発売した。バイクをファミリーカーに使う人も多いため長めのシートを備えている。The model can accommodate up to four people, a feature geared for the local market where many families use a single motorcycle to get around.は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
5. fly off the handle / 急に怒り出す、キレる
Neighbors and other sources described Sumida as an intimidating woman who would fly off the handle over any perceived slight. は、殺人容疑などで逮捕された角田(すみだ)美代子容疑者の自殺に関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。些細(ささい)なことですぐに怒りだす性格だったという。
6. raise the stakes / 緊急性を帯びる
raise the stakes(賭け金を上げる)には「緊急性を帯びる」の意味もある。
The launch of a three-stage rocket raises the stakes in the international standoff over North Korea's expanding atomic arsenal. は、北朝鮮による「人工衛星打ち上げ」名目の長距離弾道ミサイル発射に関する AP 通信の記事から。
7. swearing-in / 宣誓就任式
Hugo Chavez may not make it back for his Jan. 10 swearing-in. は、キューバでがんの手術を受けたベネズエラのチャベス大統領に関する AP 通信の記事から。1月10日に予定されている4期目の就任式までに帰国できない可能性もある。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 即戦力
Because our company doesn't have the time and money to train new employees, we are looking for people who can ( ) from day one.
a. compliment b. convenient c. conglomerate d. contribute

問題 2 就職難
My son is expected to graduate from university next year, but he is facing a serious job ( ) like many of his friends.
a. shortage b. failure c. absence d. poverty

問題 3 内定をもらう
My daughter was overcome with joy when she finally got an ( ) of employment from the bank.
a. asset b. offer c. insurance d. engagement

問題 4 書類選考
I have to pass the application ( ) process before I get to the job interview.
a. demonstrating b. screening c. restricting d. recruiting

回答 1-d 2-a 3-b 4-b

III -c. News Glossary
policy speech
In his policy speech at the opening of an extraordinary Diet session Oct. 29, Yoshihiko Noda said a milestone was reached in August when the Diet enacted a set of bills to raise the consumption tax and reform social security.

IV. Jokes
a. The topic for my Year Nine class was palindromes, words or sentences that are the same read forward and backward.
I asked the class, "What is the first thing Adam said to Eve?"
Expecting the answer "Madam, I'm Adam," I was impressed by one student's creative reply: "Wow."

b. My friend Anita recently started taking a yoga class at the local university gym. Being in her mid-40s, she's one of the oldest students there.
One day, she lamented to me that the younger people in the class seemed far more flexible and able to get into the different poses.
Her eight-tear-old daughter, Sophie, was listening in and following her instructions, bending and twisting easily into each pose.
"When does this get hard?" Sophie asked us.
"In about 30 years!" Anita replied.

c. As we were putting out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, I accidentally dropped one. "No problem," I said, picking it up and dusting it off before placing it back on the plate. "You can't do that," protested my four-year-old.
"Don't worry. Santa will never know," I said. He shot me a look. "So he knows if I've been bad or good, but he doesn't know if the cookie fell on the floor?"

d. A screw from my glasses fell out and I couldn't find it. I called the optometrist's office that morning and explained what happened. I called the optometrist's office that morning and explained what happened. The receptionist told me to bring in my glasses and they would repair them.
That afternoon, I called her back to let her know I was on my way. The receptionist asked, "Who's calling, please?"
"The one with the screw missing," I replied.

e. My wife Sangra and I recently went out to a comedy club with a bunch of friends. Since we sat near the front, the inevitable happened: a comedian brought me up onto the stage. He asked me who I came to the show with. "My wife," I told him.
"How many years have you been married?" he asked.
"Thirteen blissful years," I replied.
"It's actually 15 years," Sandra corrected me.
Turning to the comedian, I said, "Like I said, 13 blissful years. The last two have been rough!"
