資料No. : NS121219 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When I returned home I discovered that I _______ my wallet at the party.
(A) leave  (B) did leave  (C) left  (D) had left

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Do you think Steve _______ be hired for the new vice-president's position?
(A) would  (B) will  (C) must  (D) shall

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When I lived in Italy last July, I _______ a beach-side villa for the whole time.
(A) rent  (B) rented  (C) had been renting  (D) had rented

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If we don't sell all our stock now, we _______ lose everything.
(A) are  (B) did  (C) will  (D) would

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We need to find out _______ the new area manager will be.
(A) whom  (B) who's  (C) whose  (D) who

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the commotion, the diamond ring _______.
(A) lost  (B) is lost  (C) was lost  (D) won't be lost

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When you go out for coffee, please _______ a newspaper too.
(A) pick  (B) pick up  (C) read  (D) buy up

1. 空所補充問題
The passing lane on a highway is intended to allow ------ to overtake those moving more slowly.
(A) vehicles are fast-moving (B) vehicles are moving fast (C) vehicles move fast (D) fast-moving vehicles

2. 空所補充問題
Although the United Nations ------ of vital importance to world peace, many governments do not take it very seriously.
(A) are (B) were (C) is (D) are that

3. 空所補充問題
Crocodiles are often mistaken for alligators, ------ they are similar in many ways.
(A) in spite of (B) because (C) regardless (D) due to

4. 空所補充問題
Some people believe that sending a man to Mars would be a noble undertaking, while others think ------ pure science fiction.
(A) it would have been (B) it's  (C) it will be (D) it had to be

5. 空所補充問題
------ one of the world's largest collections of historical artifacts.
(A) At the Smithsonian Museum (B) It is the Smithsonian Museum 
(C) The Smithsonian Museum, with (D) The Smithsonian Museum has

6. 正誤問題
Many drivers carry a (A)10-gallons can of gasoline in the trunk (B)in case they (C)run out of fuel (D)on a long trip.

7. 正誤問題
(A)Throughout history, societies (B)all over the world have built giant statues, such as (C)Statue of Liberty, to represent ideas and values they (D)hold dear.

8. 正誤問題
Meteorologists (A)talk that in the open ocean, seismic sea waves often have (B)wavelengths of (C)up to several hundred miles, but heights of (D)less than 3 ft.

9. 正誤問題
Ants are capable (A)to lift objects that (B)weigh (C)far more than (D)themselves.

10. 正誤問題
Jumbo jets usually have heaters (A)inside the wings to (B)prevent the (C)form of ice (D)on the outer wing surface.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When I returned home I discovered that I _______ my wallet at the party.
(A) leave  (B) did leave  (C) left  (D) had left
訳; 家に帰った時、財布をパーティーに忘れてきたことが判りました。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Do you think Steve _______ be hired for the new vice-president's position?
(A) would  (B) will  (C) must  (D) shall
訳; スティーブが新副社長の地位に雇われると思いますか。
※正解(B)。意味上適切なものはひとつ。would は時制が問題。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When I lived in Italy last July, I _______ a beach-side villa for the whole time.
(A) rent  (B) rented  (C) had been renting  (D) had rented
訳; 去年の 7 月にイタリアで過ごした時は、浜辺の別荘をずっと借りていました。
※正解(B)。難しく考えないように。普通に時制を一致させる。明確に定まった過去を表す when 節とともに現在完了は用いない。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If we don't sell all our stock now, we _______ lose everything.
(A) are  (B) did  (C) will  (D) would
訳; すぐに在庫を全部売らなければ、私たちはすべてを失うでしょう。
※正解(C)。lose が原形動詞なので(A)は不可。意味上(B)も無理がある。If に続く節が don't なので、(D)would にする必要はない。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We need to find out _______ the new area manager will be.
(A) whom  (B) who's  (C) whose  (D) who
訳; 新しい支部長が誰になるのか探らなくてはならない。
※正解(D)。「誰が…だ」という時の疑問代名詞。あとの will be という(助)動詞に対する主格が必要。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the commotion, the diamond ring _______.
(A) lost  (B) is lost  (C) was lost  (D) won't be lost
訳; 暴動の最中にダイヤの指輪がなくなりました。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When you go out for coffee, please _______ a newspaper too.
(A) pick  (B) pick up  (C) read  (D) buy up
訳; コーヒーを買いに行くとき、新聞も買って(取って)きてください。
※正解(B)。pick up には「拾い上げる」という意味がある。obtain や get と同じ意味で使う。

1. 空所補充問題
The passing lane on a highway is intended to allow ------ to overtake those moving more slowly.
(A) vehicles are fast-moving (B) vehicles are moving fast (C) vehicles move fast (D) fast-moving vehicles
※正解(D)。【解説】 allow ... to〜で「... に〜することを可能にする」の意味。allowの後には名詞(句)が来ることになる。したがって、正解はfast-moving vehiclesである。他の選択肢には動詞が入っているので不可となる。

2. 空所補充問題
Although the United Nations ------ of vital importance to world peace, many governments do not take it very seriously.
(A) are (B) were (C) is (D) are that
※正解(C)。【解説】 the United Nations「国連」は単数である。当然、be動詞はisになる。

3. 空所補充問題
Crocodiles are often mistaken for alligators, ------ they are similar in many ways.
(A) in spite of (B) because (C) regardless (D) due to
※正解(B)。【解説】 選択肢の中で、2つの文を繋ぐことが出来る接続詞はbecauseだけである。in spite ofとdue toは前置詞句、regardless「不注意な」は形容詞。

4. 空所補充問題
Some people believe that sending a man to Mars would be a noble undertaking, while others think ------ pure science fiction.
(A) it would have been (B) it's  (C) it will be (D) it had to be
※正解(B)。【解説】 前半は仮定法「... だろう」の文になっている。空所にit'sが入れば、「... だ」と考えを述べていることになる。

5. 空所補充問題
------ one of the world's largest collections of historical artifacts.
(A) At the Smithsonian Museum (B) It is the Smithsonian Museum 
(C) The Smithsonian Museum, with (D) The Smithsonian Museum has
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の後に来る語句から、空所には主語と動詞が入ることが分かる。It is the Smithsonian Museumでは、その後にone of ... と名詞が続くことになる。正解はThe Smithsonian Museum hasである。

6. 正誤問題
Many drivers carry a (A)10-gallons can of gasoline in the trunk (B)in case they (C)run out of fuel (D)on a long trip.
※正解(A)。【解説】 a 10-gallons canのように、10とgallonsの間にハイフンを入れて形容詞として用いる場合には、複数形は単数形にするというルールがある。したがって、ここではa 10-gallon canとしなければならない。

7. 正誤問題
(A)Throughout history, societies (B)all over the world have built giant statues, such as (C)Statue of Liberty, to represent ideas and values they (D)hold dear.
※正解(C)。【解説】 「自由の女神像」はthe Statue of Libertyと言う。問題文では冠詞theが抜けている。

8. 正誤問題
Meteorologists (A)talk that in the open ocean, seismic sea waves often have (B)wavelengths of (C)up to several hundred miles, but heights of (D)less than 3 ft.
※正解(A)。【解説】 talkの直後にthat節を続ける用法はない。ここはsay that ... としなければならない。

9. 正誤問題
Ants are capable (A)to lift objects that (B)weigh (C)far more than (D)themselves.
※正解(A)。【解説】 capableの後に動詞を続ける場合には、「前置詞of+動名詞」という形にする。ここではto liftではなくof liftingにする。

10. 正誤問題
Jumbo jets usually have heaters (A)inside the wings to (B)prevent the (C)form of ice (D)on the outer wing surface.
※正解(C)。【解説】 formは「形」の意味。ここではformation「形成」にしなければ文意が成立しない。

II. 時事英文
International Anti-Corruption Day 2012 (その2:全7回シリーズ)
Corruption is one of the world's greatest challenges, a complex social, political and economic phenomenon that affects all countries. It is frequently so deeply entrenched in society that it will take sustained work to eradicate. But this can, and must, be done, if economies are to grow and flourish.

III - a. 雑知識
  1. sway(揺れる)には名詞で「影響力」の意味がある。The Tokyo High Court's acquittal clears the way for Ichiro Ozawa to exert sway in looming parliamentary elections. は、控訴審判決で無罪となった、「国民の生活が第一」代表の小沢一郎被告に関する AP 通信の記事から。次期衆院選で影響力を行使できる。
  2. sustain(維持する)には、損害などを「被る」の意味もある。中国で激化した反日デモで、日系デパート「平和堂」は約1カ月半にわたり営業ができなかった。Heiwado Co. department stores in Changsha, Hunan province, sustained such heavy damage that they could not reopen to customers for six weeks. は、AJW の記事から。
  3. shot in the arm は、「元気を回復させるもの」の意味。2年ぶりの復活優勝を遂げた石川遼選手は、優勝は「自信を与えてくれる、最高の薬」と語った。Ishikawa given 'shot in the arm' after two-year drought は、このニュースを伝えたAFP-Jiji 通信の見出し。このdrought は優勝などから「遠ざかっていること」の意味。
  4. predominantly は「主に」の意味。大リーグの今季のサイ・ヤング賞(最優秀投手賞)が発表され、ナ・リーグはナックルボールを武器に230奪三振を挙げたメッツの右腕 R・A・ディッキー選手が受賞した。R.A. Dickey became the first pitcher who relied predominantly on a knuckleball to win the Cy Young Award. は、AP 通信の記事から。
  5. string of は「相次ぐ、一連の」の意味。沖縄県の仲井真弘多(ひろかず)知事は米軍人による事件が沖縄で多発していることに対し、日米同盟にひびが入ると警告した。Nakaima warned that a string of crimes by U.S. service members will "fracture theJapan-U.S. security alliance." は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  6. up for grabs は選挙戦を伝えるニュースで、議席など手に入れることが可能な「争奪の対象」について使われる。With so many swing-state electors still up for grabs, there was a possibility of a repeat of the 2000 election. は、米大統領選に関するAP 通信の記事から。2000年の選挙のように、最後まで紛糾する可能性があることへの言及。
  7. dressing down は「叱りつけること」。沖縄県での米兵による住居侵入・暴行事件を受け、吉良州司外務副大臣は、ルース駐日米大使を外務省に呼び抗議した。U.S. Ambassador John Roos was summoned to the Foreign Ministry for a dressing down. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 歯が生えはじめる
As far as I can remember, my daughter began ( ) her teeth at around six months old.
a. pushing b. cutting c. developing d. growing

問題 2 (食べ物が)歯に挟まる
A piece of fried chicken got ( ) between my teeth. Can I have a toothpick?
a. downed b. stuck c. drilled d. surrounded

問題 3 歯ぎしりする
My husband often ( ) his teeth at night in his sleep. The sound is loud enough to wake me up.
a. rubs b. scratches c. slides d. grinds

問題 4 歯を食いしばる
Mr. Suzuki had a stomachache, but he ( ) his teeth and carried on with overtime work.
a. clenched b. dashed c. squeezed d. pulled

回答 1-b 2-b 3-d 4-a

III -c. News Glossary
red line
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu drew his "red line" for Iran's nuclear program despite a U.S. refusal to set an ultimatum, saying Tehran will be on the brink of a nuclear weaqpon in less than a year.

IV. Jokes
a. My cousin Jane, who is in her late 30s, adamantly refuses to attend all the weddings of family and friends, but would gladly volunteer to go to a wake or funeral. Since we find this rather bizarre, we decided to ask her about it one day.
Her answer? "Well, nobody would dare to ask me 'When's your turn?' at a funeral, would they?"

b. My two-year-old niece Susan asked her mother why she was ironing the clothes. "To keep the clothes neat and tidy," her mother answered. Susan went quiet for a while and then asked, "Then why don't you iron Dad?"

c. Meeting with my new pastor, I asked if I could have a church service when I eventually die. "Of cource," he said, grabbing his date book. "What day do you want?"

d. From our local TV news station, this undeniably true travel suggestion: "Next up, ten money-saving tips for your trip to Hawaii. Don't go away!"

e. I arrived home from work to find all the windows and doors wide open. Apparently our puppy had had an accident.
"Yeah, it really stank," my daughter told me. "In fact, when we first walked in, I thought you had come home early and were cooking dinner."

f. Retirement is the best thing that has happened to my brother-in-law. "I never know what day of the week it is," he gloated. "All I know is, the day the big paper comes, I have to dress up and go to church."

g. Working in a library, one of thye tasks we have to do twice a week is call patrones about their overdue items.
One day, I had to call someone about a late book titled: Don't Forget: Easy Exercises for a Better Memory.

h. About six months after I retired as a baker from a retail chain, I returned to say hello to some of my former co-workers. As we were chatting, someone asked me, "So, how do you like retirement?"
Before I could answer, a voice behind me said, "Man, I can't wait until I retire."
"How much longer do you have to go?" I asked.
"I don't know," the voice replied, "I'm only 17."
