資料No. : NS120905 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Walking in single file behind their teacher as she crossed the street _______ several elementary school students.
(A) is (B) are (C) were (D) has been

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris.
(A) can see  (B) can be seen  (C) can be seeing  (D) can have seen

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
At no time _______ serious about his studies.
(A) was John ever  (B) was John never  (C) when John was not  (D) where John was ever

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When you have finished the book, _______ put it back on the shelf.
(A) don't fail to  (B) don't avoid to  (C) never miss to  (D) please fail not to

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He _______ speak the language, let alone read or write it.
(A) hardly  (B) can't hard  (C) can hardly  (D) can't hardly

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
My wife and I won't _______ forget that day.
(A) ever  (B) never  (C) hardly  (D) no more

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I don't suppose he's serious, _______?
(A) do I  (B) is he  (C) has he  (D) isn't he

1. 空所補充問題
Mushrooms and other fungi lack chlorophyll ----- incapable of photosynthesis.
(A) and are therefore (B) therefore and are (C) are and therefore (D) are therefore and

2. 空所補充問題
Honus Wagner, who died in 1955, is considered by many ----- the greatest shortstop ever to play the game of baseball.
(A) having been (B) he was (C) to have been (D) has been

3. 空所補充問題
Thanksgiving is an annual North American holiday held on ----- in November to commemorate a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621.
(A) the fourth Thursday (B) the Thursday fourth (C) fourth the Thursday (D) Thursday the fourth

4. 空所補充問題
Of all the birds that hunt for prey in the ocean, -----.
(A) that the penguin is the best swimmer (B) the best swimmer is that the penguin
(C) the penguin that the best swimmer (D) the best swimmer is the penguin

5. 空所補充問題
Cockroaches, ----- minute changes in air pressure, tend to run away from a sudden waves of air.
(A) can sense (B) which can sense (C) they can sense (D) to sense

6. 正誤問題
The Eland, the (A)largest antelope in Africa, (B)growing to (B)a height of about six (D)feet.

7. 正誤問題
The plays of Tennessee Williams are (A)best known for (B)their powerful portrayal of (C)psychological damaged characters (D)from the South.

8. 正誤問題
Mosquitoes inject (A)an anticoagulant (B)into the flesh of their victims, (C)which enables them (D)extract the blood in a less viscous state.

9. 正誤問題
Macon is (A)one (B)of among the largest (C)cities in the U.S. state (D)of Georgia.

10. 正誤問題
A submarine is designed (A)to function primarily under water, (B)raising to the surface infrequently, (C)while a submersible has a (D)primary role as a surface craft.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Walking in single file behind their teacher as she crossed the street _______ several elementary school students.
(A) is (B) are (C) were (D) has been
訳; 通りを渡る先生の後から1列に並んで歩いていくのは、何人かの小学生たちだった。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】分詞 (Walking) とその分詞が引き連れる長い要素が前置された倒置構文。まずは空所の後が主語名詞句であり、かつ複数(several ... students)であることを押さえれば (A) のisと (D) のhas beenが消える。(B) と (C) の違いは時制だが、落ち着いて読み返せばas she crossedが目に止まるはず。asは時の接続詞。their(後方照応)はstudentsを指す。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris.
(A) can see  (B) can be seen  (C) can be seeing  (D) can have seen
訳; エッフェル塔の一番上からはパリ全体が眺められる。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】From the top of the Eiffel Towerは場所の副詞句で、空所の後には動詞がなく、かつ選択肢はすべて動詞がらみとなれば当然倒置構文。ただ、この場合はseeが他動詞であるという点がひねりがきいている。「副詞句−他動詞−主語名詞句」がすべての要素で、目的語に当たるものがないのだから動詞は受け身で用いるしかない。the city of Parisは見られる側。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
At no time _______ serious about his studies.
(A) was John ever  (B) was John never  (C) when John was not  (D) where John was ever
訳; ジョンは1度も勉強に真剣に取り組んだためしがない。
※正解(A)。【着眼点】文頭のAt no timeは「決して〜ない」の意の熟語で、主語と述語動詞の結びつきを否定する。選択肢の中でV (was) −S (John) のように倒置が起こっているのは (A) と (B) だが、(B) のほうはneverに問題がある。否定の表現を二重に用いるのは非標準であり、TOEICでは不可。everは否定文で用いられて「これまでに1度も…ない」の意を表す。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When you have finished the book, _______ put it back on the shelf.
(A) don't fail to  (B) don't avoid to  (C) never miss to  (D) please fail not to
訳; その本を読み終えたら、必ず書棚に戻しておいてください。
※正解(A)。 【着眼点】否定の意味を表す慣用表現の問題。avoid や miss は to 不定詞を目的語にとることはない(動名詞はとる)ので、形を見た段階で候補からはずれる。問題は (A) と (D) だが、fail to 〜 (不注意などから〜しない)の場合、to 以下を否定の対象にすることはできない点に注意( → × He failed not to come.)。ということで (A) の don't fail to 〜(〜しそこなうな=必ず〜せよ)が正解。要するに、fail to の否定は「〜しないことはない」の意味で、結局「必ず〜する」という肯定的表現となるわけである。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He _______ speak the language, let alone read or write it.
(A) hardly  (B) can't hard  (C) can hardly  (D) can't hardly
訳; 彼は言葉を話すのもままならない。ましてや読んだり書いたりできないのは言うまでもない。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】let alone ... は「ましてや…でないのは言うまでもない」の意で、否定文を受けて用いられる熟語。したがって、He ... language の部分が正しい否定文になるように選択肢を検討すればよい。正解は can hardly (speak) (=ほとんど話せない)となる。
【選択肢】speak の主語は He(3人称・単数)であり、副詞だけの挿入では依然として呼応に問題があるため (A) は不可。(B) の hard(一生懸命に)は意味の面でも、位置の面でも不可( → hard は動詞の後にくる)。(D) は否定語の hardly にさらに can't がついた二重否定で不可。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
My wife and I won't _______ forget that day.
(A) ever  (B) never  (C) hardly  (D) no more
訳; 私たち夫婦はあの日のことを決して忘れないでしょう。
※正解(A)。 【着眼点】won't とすでに否定語があるから、二重否定をつくる (B) 〜 (D) はすべて不可。「not + ever」で never の意。二重否定は徹底攻略。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I don't suppose he's serious, _______?
(A) do I  (B) is he  (C) has he  (D) isn't he
訳; 彼は本気じゃありませんよね。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】I(don't)suppose [think, believe, guess, etc.] (that) ... の構文では、付加疑問は主節のI(don't)thinkからではなくthat節のほうからつくられる。また、この構文では、I don't suppose (that) ... のように形式上は主節が否定されているが、実質上のnotの作用はthat節が受けるものと見なされる。したがって、I don't suppose he's serious. から付加疑問をつくる際は、I suppose he isn't serious. からつくるのと同じ要領で考えることになる。なお、以上述べたことは、主節の主語がIでsupposeなどの動詞が単純現在時制のときにのみ当てはまる。

1. 空所補充問題
Mushrooms and other fungi lack chlorophyll ----- incapable of photosynthesis.
(A) and are therefore (B) therefore and are (C) are and therefore (D) are therefore and
※正解(A)。【解説】 therefore「それゆえ」はand以下の文にかかることになるので(B)と(D)は不可。(C)はareがandの前に出ているのでこれも使えない。正解は(A) and are thereforeである。fungi「真菌類(fungusの複数形)」、photosynthesis「光合成」。

2. 空所補充問題
Honus Wagner, who died in 1955, is considered by many ----- the greatest shortstop ever to play the game of baseball.
(A) having been (B) he was (C) to have been (D) has been
※正解(C)。【解説】 is considered by many to have been ... とすれば「多くの人たちから ... だったと考えられている」の意味になる。正解は(C)。

3. 空所補充問題
Thanksgiving is an annual North American holiday held on ----- in November to commemorate a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621.
(A) the fourth Thursday (B) the Thursday fourth (C) fourth the Thursday (D) Thursday the fourth
※正解(A)。【解説】 感謝祭(Thanksgiving)は11月第4木曜日である。「第4木曜日」の意味を表すのは(A) the fourth Thursdayである。commemorate「記念する、祝する」。

4. 空所補充問題
Of all the birds that hunt for prey in the ocean, -----.
(A) that the penguin is the best swimmer (B) the best swimmer is that the penguin
(C) the penguin that the best swimmer (D) the best swimmer is the penguin
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所にはこの文の主節が入るので、(A)と(C)は不可。また、(B)ではthat the penguinと中途半端な終わり方になっている。したがって、正解は(D)ということになる。prey「獲物」。

5. 空所補充問題
Cockroaches, ----- minute changes in air pressure, tend to run away from a sudden waves of air.
(A) can sense (B) which can sense (C) they can sense (D) to sense
※正解(B)。【解説】 この文の動詞はtend ... であるので、(A) (C) (D)が使えないことはすぐに分かるだろう。正解は関係代名詞を使っている(B)である。cockroach「ゴキブリ」、minute「微小な」。

6. 正誤問題
The Eland, the (A)largest antelope in Africa, (B)growing to (B)a height of about six (D)feet.
※正解(B)。【解説】 growing → grows。最上級the largest、a height of ... 、複数形feetに問題はない。growingのままではこの文には動詞がないことになる。growingをgrowsにすればいい。antelope「アンテロープ」。

7. 正誤問題
The plays of Tennessee Williams are (A)best known for (B)their powerful portrayal of (C)psychological damaged characters (D)from the South.
※正解(C)。【解説】 psychological → psychologically。be best known for... 「……で最もよく知られている」、theirはplaysのことを指す。psychologicalはdamagedを修飾しているのでここでは副詞psychologicallyを用いる。from「……出身の」に問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
Mosquitoes inject (A)an anticoagulant (B)into the flesh of their victims, (C)which enables them (D)extract the blood in a less viscous state.
※正解(D)。【解説】 extract → to extract。この場合のanticoagulant「抗凝血剤」は可算名詞。inject ... into 〜「 ... を〜に注入する」。, which(関係代名詞の非制限用法)に問題はない。enables themの後にはto extractと不定詞toが必要である。extract「抜き取る」、viscous「粘りけのある」。

9. 正誤問題
Macon is (A)one (B)of among the largest (C)cities in the U.S. state (D)of Georgia.
※正解(B)。【解説】 of among → of。【解説】どう見てもone of amongはおかしい。このamongは不要である。

10. 正誤問題
A submarine is designed (A)to function primarily under water, (B)raising to the surface infrequently, (C)while a submersible has a (D)primary role as a surface craft.
※正解(B)。【解説】 raising → rising。be designedの後に続く不定詞to functionに問題はない。raise「上げる、上昇させる」という意味の他動詞である。ここは自動詞riseを使ってrisingとしなくてはいけない。接続詞while、形容詞primaryの使い方に誤りはない。

II. 時事英文
Honoring Humanitarian Services (その2:全6回シリーズ)
"As the Syrian crisis carries on, we must continue to stand up for innocent civilians in the middle of a conflict they did not provoke," Secretary Clinton said. "The men and women of humanitarian organizations put their lives on the line every day in order to provide life-saving aid to those in need.

III - a. 雑知識
  1. erupt(火山が噴火する)は、抗議の声などが「爆発する」という意味でも使える。Protests have erupted in Okinawa and elsewhere in Japan over that plan because of safety issues concerning the aircraft. は、墜落事故が相次ぐ米軍の新型輸送機オスプレイの沖縄配備に抗議する人々について伝えたThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  2. time deposit は「定期預金」の意味。Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. will begin accepting ordinary deposits and time deposits with up to one year in maturity from July 23.は、三井住友銀行が、個人向けに人民元建て外貨預金の取り扱いを始めることを伝えたThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。普通預金と定期預金(最大1年)がある。
  3. bid(入札)には「立候補」の意味があり、presidential bid は「大統領選への出馬」の意味。韓国の与党・セヌリ党の朴槿恵(パク・クネ)元代表が、年末の大統領選に向けて立候補を表明した。The eldest daughter of a late military-backed South Korean president has declared her presidential bid. は、AP 通信の記事から。
  4. finishing touches は「最後の仕上げ」の意味。Hoshide put the finishing touches on Japan's experimental laboratory module, Kibo. は、国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)に滞在中の宇宙飛行士、星出彰彦さんに関するThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。2008年の初飛行の際、ISS に2週間滞在し、日本の実験棟「きぼう」を完成させた。
  5. shaky(揺れる)には「あてにならない、不安定な」の意味がある。Subcontracted workers are often on shaky contracts compared with employees of TEPCO and major contractors. は、東京電力福島第一原発の構内で働く下請け業者の不安定な雇用実態に関するThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  6. walk off は抗議として「立ち去る」の意味。ロンドン五輪サッカー女子の北朝鮮対コロンビア戦で、会場の大型スクリーンに誤って韓国の国旗が表示されるハプニングがあった。 The North Korea women's soccer teamwalked off after the South Korea flag was mistakenly displayed before their match against Colombia. は、Reuters 通信の記事から。
  7. big-ticket は「高額な」の意味。ある試算によると消費増税前は高額品を駆け込みで買う人が増えるという。According to SMBC Nikko Securities Inc., consumer spending will likely surge, particularly for big-ticket items such as homes and automobiles, before the first phase of the tax hike. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 ビニール傘
It suddenly started raining hard and I bought a ( ) umbrella at a convenience store.
a. elastic b. plastic c. breakable d. rubber

問題 2 オルゴール
For my birthday gift, my father gave me a ( ) box which plays a beautiful melody.
a. sound b. music c. tune d. audio

問題 3 ミシン
My grandmother has been using this old ( ) machine to stich or repair clothes for decades.
a. sewing b. knitting c. stomping d. footing

問題 4 ピーマン
My 8-year-old son likes all kinds of vegetables except green ( ).
a. poultry b. baloons c. bowl d. peppers

回答 1-b 2-b 3-a 4-d

III -c. News Glossary
one country, two systems
Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterated Beijing's commitment to the "one country, two systems" policy whereby Hong Kongers are allowed many more political freedom that their mainland neighbors.

IV. Jokes
a. Just before a funeral service, the undertaker walked up to the very elderly widow and asked, "How old was your husband?"
"Ninety-eight," she replied. "Two years older than me."
"So you're 96," the undertaker commented, impressed.
She responded, "I know. Hardly worth going home, isn't it?"

b. A wife is scrambling eggs when her husband bursts into the kitchen. "Careful," he cries. "Careful! Your cooking too mant at once. Too many! Scramble them! Now! We need more butter. They're going to stick! Careful! Now scramble them again! Hurry up! Are you crazy? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the sait. Use the salt! The salt!"
The wife turns and asks, "What is wrong with you?"
Her husband calmly replies, "I want to show you what it feels like when I'm driving."

c. I'm still in my first marriage. I know it's wrong to talk about it so temporarily like that. My current husband hates it when I do that.

d. Dracula dies from a heart attack right after catching his favorite vampire series on TV. He goes to heaven where he's allowed to choose three qualities to have in his next life.
Dracula thinks really hard and finally makes up his mind. First, he says, "I still want to be able to suck blood." Then he says, "I want to have wings so I can fly."
Lastly, after thinking for the longest time, he says, "And I want all women to want me."
Whoosh - he was promptly turned into a sanitary pad.

e. It was a beach wedding and the guests were looking forward to the splendid seaside.
A couple of the groom's friends got carried away by the cocktails, however, and never made it to the venue.
When asked for an explanation later, they said, "We were there in spirit, honestly!"

f. A gnome was busily destroying some bushes in the garden when the house cat appeared.
"What are you?" asked the cat.
"A gnome," came the reply. "I steal food from humans, kill their plants, make annoying music at night to drive them crazy, and love mischief."
Looking at the cat curiously, the gnome went on, "And what, may I ask, are you?"
The cat replied, "Um, I'm a gnome."

g. I was watching the London Marathon and saw one runner dressed as a chicken and another dressed as an egg. I thought, Now, this could be interesting.
