資料No. : NS120620  

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those _______ looking clouds mean a storm is coming.
(A) mysterious (B) ominous (C) menace (D) trouble

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Her husband was _______ to her plans for divorce.
(A) knowledge (B) scheming (C) oblivious (D) secret

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Everyone at the party was in a _______ mood.
(A) festive (B) fertile (C) furtive (D) furious

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those kids have got to understand that their homework is an _______.
(A) obligate (B) obligation (C) obligator (D) oblige

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The new lighting system in the studio _______ very beautiful.
(A) are (B) is (C) is being (D) were

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
These are the types of problems that _______ eliminated before production begins.
(A) need (B) need to be (C) needs to be (D) necessary to be

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When I returned home I discovered that I _______ my wallet at the party.
(A) leave (B) did leave (C) left (D) had left

1. 空所補充問題
It is thought that there are thousands of as yet undiscovered shipwrecks ----- much about history if we could only locate and examine them.
(A) could it tell us (B) it could tell us that (C) could tell that us (D) that could tell us

2. 空所補充問題
Police forces normally maintain teams of negotiators who are experts ----- with armed hostage takers.
(A) dealt (B) to deal (C) in dealing (D) for to deal

3. 空所補充問題
Passengers aboard the Titanic must ----- by the belief that she was an unsinkable ship.
(A) have been comforted (B) been comforting (C) comforting (D) comforted

4. 空所補充問題
'Ibis' is the common name for ----- of about 30 different long-legged aquatic birds of the same order as storks.
(A) the (B) them (C) such (D) any

5. 空所補充問題
By 1945, most battleships ----- with sonar and radar, but these instruments were still in their early stages of development, and tended to be unreliable.
(A) equipped (B) were equipped (C) had equipped (D) did equip

6. 正誤問題
The Utrecht School was (A)a trend (B)in visual art (C)advanced (D)primary by Dutch painters.

7. 正誤問題
Liberty Island, (A)off the southern tip of Manhattan, was officially (B)knowing (C)as Bedloe's Island (D)until 1956.

8. 正誤問題
(A)When the moist, starchy center of a popcorn kernel is (B)heated, the water inside turns to vapor, (C)creates (D)enough expansion pressure to burst the hard outer shell.

9. 正誤問題
(A)Thanks to the science of hydroponics, scientists now know (B)how to grow (C)wide range of (D)crops without the use of soil.

10. 正誤問題
Civil wars, fighting between groups (A)with a country, (B)have a tendency to expand (C)into international conflicts when neighboring countries have (D)a strong interest in the outcome.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those _______ looking clouds mean a storm is coming.
(A) mysterious (B) ominous (C) menace (D) trouble
※正解(B)。知っている単語で、意味が不自然なものから除去する。menace は「脅威」。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Her husband was _______ to her plans for divorce.
(A) knowledge (B) scheming (C) oblivious (D) secret
※正解(C)。「人+ was ... to 〜」のパターンにあてはまる語をさがし出す。be oblivious to ... で、「…に無関心な」の意。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Everyone at the party was in a _______ mood.
(A) festive (B) fertile (C) furtive (D) furious
※正解(A)。party での話だから、fury「怒り」から派生している語よりも、festival「祭り」に関連した語を選びたい。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those kids have got to understand that their homework is an _______.
(A) obligate (B) obligation (C) obligator (D) oblige
※正解(B)。 「義務」という意味の名詞になるように語尾を考える。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The new lighting system in the studio _______ very beautiful.
(A) are (B) is (C) is being (D) were
※正解(B)。主語の単複を考える。system が本主語で、単数形。それ以上は何も難しく考える必要はない。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
These are the types of problems that _______ eliminated before production begins.
(A) need (B) need to be (C) needs to be (D) necessary to be
※正解(B)。関係代名詞 that の示すものは types で複数形であるから、(C)needs は続かない。eliminated「取り除かれる」と受け身のニュアンスであるので、前に be 動詞があると推測できる。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When I returned home I discovered that I _______ my wallet at the party.
(A) leave (B) did leave (C) left (D) had left

1. 空所補充問題
It is thought that there are thousands of as yet undiscovered shipwrecks ----- much about history if we could only locate and examine them.
(A) could it tell us (B) it could tell us that (C) could tell that us (D) that could tell us
※正解(D)。【解説】 前にthere are... があるので空所にそのままcouldで始まる語句を入れることはできない。it could tell that us... ではitが何のことだか分からない。正解は関係代名詞を含む(D) that could tell usである。shipwreck「難破船」。

2. 空所補充問題
Police forces normally maintain teams of negotiators who are experts ----- with armed hostage takers.
(A) dealt (B) to deal (C) in dealing (D) for to deal
※正解(C)。【解説】 expertの後に前置詞inと動名詞を続けて「……をする専門家」の意味になる。正解は(C)。hostage「人質」。

3. 空所補充問題
Passengers aboard the Titanic must ----- by the belief that she was an unsinkable ship.
(A) have been comforted (B) been comforting (C) comforting (D) comforted
※正解(A)。【解説】 助動詞mustの後にbeen comforting、comforting、comfortedが使えないのは明らか。must have been comforted by ... で「……によりほっとしていた(安心していた)に違いなかった」の意味になる。unsinkable「沈没しない」。

4. 空所補充問題
'Ibis' is the common name for ----- of about 30 different long-legged aquatic birds of the same order as storks.
(A) the (B) them (C) such (D) any
※正解(D)。【解説】 theが使えないのは明らか。them、suchでは次のofと繋がらない。正解はany of... である。ibis「トキ」、aquatic bird「水鳥」、order「(動物分類上の)目(もく)」、stork「コウノトリ」。

5. 空所補充問題
By 1945, most battleships ----- with sonar and radar, but these instruments were still in their early stages of development, and tended to be unreliable.
(A) equipped (B) were equipped (C) had equipped (D) did equip
※正解(B)。【解説】 他動詞equipはbe equipped with ... で「……を装備している」の意味になる。正解は(B)。battleship「戦艦」、sonar「ソナー(水中音波探知機)」。

6. 正誤問題
The Utrecht School was (A)a trend (B)in visual art (C)advanced (D)primary by Dutch painters.
※正解(D)。【解説】 primary → primarily。trend「トレンド、流行」は可算名詞。前置詞inに問題はない。advancedの前にはthat/which wasが略されている。「主に」の意味にするにはprimarilyと副詞形を用いなくてはいけない。

7. 正誤問題
Liberty Island, (A)off the southern tip of Manhattan, was officially (B)knowing (C)as Bedloe's Island (D)until 1956.
※正解(B)。【解説】 knowing → known。offは「離れた」の意味。be known as... で「 ……として知られていた」の意味になるので、knowingが間違っている。前置詞untilに問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
(A)When the moist, starchy center of a popcorn kernel is (B)heated, the water inside turns to vapor, (C)creates (D)enough expansion pressure to burst the hard outer shell.
※正解(C)。【解説】 create → creating。接続詞when、受動態heatedの用法に誤りはない。the water inside turns to vapor, creates... と動詞が並列されているので、creating(分詞)にしなければ文が繋がらない。and creates... でもいい。enough「十分な」の位置に問題はない。

9. 正誤問題
(A)Thanks to the science of hydroponics, scientists now know (B)how to grow (C)wide range of (D)crops without the use of soil.
※正解(C)。【解説】 wide range → a wide range。Thanks to... 「……のお陰で」、how to... に問題はない。rangeは可算名詞なので、wideの前に冠詞aが必要になる。crops「作物」。

10. 正誤問題
Civil wars, fighting between groups (A)with a country, (B)have a tendency to expand (C)into international conflicts when neighboring countries have (D)a strong interest in the outcome.
※正解(A)。【解説】 with → within。Civil warsとは「(国における)内戦」のことなので、withではなくwithin「……の中で」にしなければ意味が通らない。conflict「紛争」。

II. 時事英文
Human Rights Still Suffer In Cuba (その3:全5回シリーズ)
But problems persist in many countries and overall there are a number of disturbing trends. Flawed elections, restrictions on the freedom of expression, assembly, or association, censorship or intimidation of the media and attempts to control the activities of civil society and non-governmental groups indicate erosion of respect for human rights in some countries.

III - a. 雑知識
  1. bitter pill to swallow は、「耐えなければならない嫌なもの」の意味。The outcome was a bitter pill to swallow for Merkel's Christian Democrats as the country looks toward national elections. は、ドイツ与党が大敗した州議会選挙に関するReuters 通信の記事から。同選挙は国政の行方を占う前哨戦と見られていた。
  2. crushing defeat は、「大敗北、惨敗」の意味。ドイツ最大の人口を持つノルトライン・ウェストファーレン州の議会選挙でメルケル首相が率いる国政与党が大敗した。Angela Merkel's conservatives suffered a crushing defeat in an election in Germany's most populous state. は、Reuters 通信の記事から。
  3. ramp up は、商品などを「増産する」の意味。Nissan plans to ramp up production in China, India and Indonesia. は、中国やインド、インドネシアで生産能力増強などの投資案件を進めている日産自動車に関するThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  4. be saddled with は、負担を「課せられている」の意味。Tokyo Electric Power Co. is saddled with trillions of yen in compensation and clean-up costs from the radiation crisis. は、福島第一原発の事故に伴う巨額の賠償費用を負担させられる東京電力に関するReuters 通信の記事から。
  5. wind down は、活動などを「段階的に縮小する」の意味。NATO 首脳会議は、アフガニスタンに駐留する部隊の撤退と、その後の治安維持への長期支援を約束した。"We are now unified behind a plan to responsibly wind down the war in Afghanistan." は、AP 通信が伝えた会議終了後のオバマ米大統領の発言。
  6. be drenched to the skin は、「ずぶ濡れである」の意味。フランスのオランド大統領は就任パレードで豪雨に見舞われ、ずぶぬれとなった。Hollande was repeatedly drenched to the skin by torrential downpours as freak weather gave him a punishing first day in the job. は、Reuters 通信の記事から。
III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 ろうそくを吹き消す
I took a picturer of my 7-year-old daughter ( ) candles on her birthday cake.
a. blowing out b. floeing through c. winding out d. picking away

問題 2 煙草の火をもみ消す
The detective ( ) a cigarette in the ashtray on the coffee table and stood nervously.
a. shrugged off b. thumbged down c. pushed out d. stubbed out

問題 3 名簿から名前を消す
Mr. Takahashi dropped out of our golf club, I will ( ) his name off the list.
a. cross b. disappear c. slice d. clear

問題 4 録音を消す
I mishandled my new IC recorder and ( ) an important recording.
a. forwarded b. erased c. damaged d. slipped

回答 1-a 2-d 3-a 4-b

III -c. News Glossary
normalization of diplomatic relations
Japan and China have begun a series of events to mark the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations.

IV. Jokes
a. A healthy adult male consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience.

b. Five-year-old Benike came in the bathroom with me in the morning.
When I stood on the scale, he asked me, wide-eyed, "How many meters are you?"
"This scale measures kilos, Beni."
"Oh yeah. Then how many kilometers are you?"

c. One morning, while I was tending to my vegetable garden, my eight-year-old son Zul crept up behind me and asked, "What plant is this, Dad?"
I said, "Oh, this is bittergourd."
Pointing to another plant, he went on, "Then that one must be Oh-My-Gourd."

d. While riding in a bus on our way home, my three-year-old daughter saw a big cross of a Christian church just beside the road. She screamed, "There's a big cross, Mummy!"
Knowing that my daughter always took a cross to mean a church, I explained to her that it really was a church.
Looking at a long queue of worshippers' cars lining up to get into the church parking lot, she looked at me and asked, "Mummy, is there also a church for cars?"

e. During a visit to our friend's home in Canada, we were feted with a wonderful breakfast. But my six-year-old daughter was not impressed.
"Your pancakes are smaller than my mum's." she told him.
My friend replied, "Well, that's because of the exchange rate."

f. Scene: A conversation between two of my friends.
Friend #1: Are you visiting us tomorrow? Do you need directions?
Friend #2: No, I'm all set. I have the address, a GPS, and a GPS override.
Friend #1: What's a GPS override?
Friend #2: My wife.
