資料No. : NS110928  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It was difficult at first but now I've got the _______ of it.
(A) art (B) technique (C) way (D) hang

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We'll have to get rid of him sooner or _______.
(A) later (B) better (C) after (D) not

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I know him by _______ but I've never spoken to him.
(A) seeing (B) mistake (C) sight (D) chance

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
With this recession our sales are going from bad to _______.
(A) bad (B) worse (C) terrible (D) the worst

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It's difficult not to reply _______ to that kind of an intrusive question.
(A) rudely (B) kindly (C) desperately (D) politely

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Don't take it personally. He doesn't mean to hurt your _______.
(A) emotions (B) happiness (C) feelings (D) equilibrium

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If he's found guilty the judge will pass _______.
(A) guilt (B) sentence (C) innocence (D) the case

1. 空所補充問題
Some modern-day lizards are capable ----- on their hind legs but only for brief runs, unlike their dinosaur ancestors, some of whom were entirely bipedal.
(A) of walking (B) to walk (C) walk (D) walking

2. 空所補充問題
The city of Council Bluffs in southwestern Iowa ----- name from the fact that American explorers Lewis and Clark passed through the area in 1804, holding a council with the Indians of the area.
(A) derived it (B) has been derived (C) derives its (D) is deriving

3. 空所補充問題
In an absolute democracy, important decisions must be made according to the majority opinion of the entire population, ----- representatives elected by specified segments of the population.
(A) instead rather than (B) rather than by (C) by instead (D) the rather than

4. 空所補充問題
Maritime law, ----- as admiralty law, governs the shipping industry.
(A) that is also known (B) which is also knowing (C) has also been known (D) also known

5. 空所補充問題
----- of currency is a major factor contributing to inflation.
(A) The persistent overproduction (B) Overproduction persistently
(C) The overproduction is persistent (D) A persistent overproduced

6. 正誤問題
The philosopher, (A)man of letters and proponent of science Francis Bacon was born (B)enough early to have lived (C)during the transition (D)between medieval and modern thought.

7. 正誤問題
(A)One of Abraham Lincoln's earliest memories (B)was of watching a flood (C)to wash away a field of corn and pumpkin seeds he had planted (D)with his father.

8. 正誤問題
The human gall bladder is (A)an hollow avocado-shaped organ (B)on the underside of the liver that stores (C)bile, the digestive juice (D)secreted by the liver.

9. 正誤問題
Human societies have developed (A)a great many forms of (B)greeting, from the relatively primitive embrace (C)until sniffing or rubbing noses, weeping, kissing, kneeling, bowing, shaking hands and (D)exchanging words.

10. 正誤問題
(A)Without systematic supervision, inspection and (B)controlling (C)during slaughter, meat can be (D)a serious source of infection.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It was difficult at first but now I've got the _______ of it.
(A) art (B) technique (C) way (D) hang
※正解(D)。get the hang of 〜 で「〜のこつをのみ込む;〜を理解する」という意味になります。ここでの hang は「扱い方、こつ」という意味です。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We'll have to get rid of him sooner or _______.
(A) later (B) better (C) after (D) not
※正解(A)。sooner or later で「遅かれ早かれ」という意味です。ただし、日本語の言い回しとは英語の語順は逆ですから、注意して覚えることが大切です。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I know him by _______ but I've never spoken to him.
(A) seeing (B) mistake (C) sight (D) chance
※正解(C)。know 〜 by sight で「〜を見知っている(だけである)」というイディオムです。by mistake は「誤って」、by chance は「偶然に」という意味です。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
With this recession our sales are going from bad to _______.
(A) bad (B) worse (C) terrible (D) the worst
※正解(B)。go from bad to worse で「ますます悪くなる」という意味のイディオムです。recession は「(一時的な)景気後退」、それに対して「(長期の)不況」を depression と言います。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It's difficult not to reply _______ to that kind of an intrusive question.
(A) rudely (B) kindly (C) desperately (D) politely
※正解(A)。intrusive 「でしゃばった」質問と言っているので、(B)「やさしく」や (D)「礼儀正しく」、また (C) の「必死に」では文脈上当てはまりません。(A) の rudely なら、「不作法に答えないでいるのは難しい」となり、意味が通ります。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Don't take it personally. He doesn't mean to hurt your _______.
(A) emotions (B) happiness (C) feelings (D) equilibrium
※正解(C)。hurt 〜's feelings で「(〜の)感情を害する」という意味のイディオムです。emotion は「(喜怒哀楽などの強い)感情」のことを言います。(D) の equilibrium は「(心の)平静」という意味です。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If he's found guilty the judge will pass _______.
(A) guilt (B) sentence (C) innocence (D) the case
※正解(B)。pass sentence(on +人)で「(人に)刑を宣告する」という決まった言い回しです。「有罪[無罪]を宣告する」というときは、という言い方をします。

1. 空所補充問題
Some modern-day lizards are capable ----- on their hind legs but only for brief runs, unlike their dinosaur ancestors, some of whom were entirely bipedal.
(A) of walking (B) to walk (C) walk (D) walking
※正解(A)。【解説】 capableの後には前置詞ofが来る。これで「... ができる」の意味になる。正解はof walkingである。

2. 空所補充問題
The city of Council Bluffs in southwestern Iowa ----- name from the fact that American explorers Lewis and Clark passed through the area in 1804, holding a council with the Indians of the area.
(A) derived it (B) has been derived (C) derives its (D) is deriving
※正解(C)。【解説】 空所には「名前は ... に由来する」という意味の語句が入ることになる。derives its name from ... でその意味になる。nameの前にitsが必要であることがポイント。

3. 空所補充問題
In an absolute democracy, important decisions must be made according to the majority opinion of the entire population, ----- representatives elected by specified segments of the population.
(A) instead rather than (B) rather than by (C) by instead (D) the rather than
※正解(B)。【解説】 instead rather thanという語順はまずありえない。rather than by ... で「... によるよりもむしろ」の意味になる。副詞insteadの前に前置詞by、また、rather thanの前に冠詞theが来ることはない。

4. 空所補充問題
Maritime law, ----- as admiralty law, governs the shipping industry.
(A) that is also known (B) which is also knowing (C) has also been known (D) also known
※正解(D)。【解説】 関係代名詞thatの前にカンマ(,)は使えない。which is also knownならば空所に入れられる。したがって、このwhich isを省略したalso knownが正解となる。which is also knowingでは、knowingに問題がある。また、has also been knownでは後に来るgovernsと動詞がダブることになる。

5. 空所補充問題
----- of currency is a major factor contributing to inflation.
(A) The persistent overproduction (B) Overproduction persistently
(C) The overproduction is persistent (D) A persistent overproduced
※正解(A)。【解説】 この文の動詞はisである。したがって、空所にはこの文の主語となる名詞(句)が入るはずである。このことからThe overproduction is persistentとA persistent overproducedは除外できる。Overproduction persistentlyでは、次の前置詞ofと繋がらない。正解はThe persistent overproductionである。

6. 正誤問題
The philosopher, (A)man of letters and proponent of science Francis Bacon was born (B)enough early to have lived (C)during the transition (D)between medieval and modern thought.
※正解(B)。【解説】 enough early → early enough。文頭のTheがmanにもかかっている。enough earlyは、この場合、early enough to ... の語順にしなくてはいけない。前置詞duringとbetweenの用法に誤りはない。

7. 正誤問題
(A)One of Abraham Lincoln's earliest memories (B)was of watching a flood (C)to wash away a field of corn and pumpkin seeds he had planted (D)with his father.
※正解(C)。【解説】 to wash → wash。Oneとwasは呼応しているので問題はない。知覚動詞watchの後に来る動詞は原形か分詞形(ing)になるはずである。この場合はwashにすればいい。前置詞withに問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
The human gall bladder is (A)an hollow avocado-shaped organ (B)on the underside of the liver that stores (C)bile, the digestive juice (D)secreted by the liver.
※正解(A)。【解説】 an → a。冠詞の用法を問う基本問題である。hollowの発音は「ホロウ」である。したがって、冠詞はanではなくaである。

9. 正誤問題
Human societies have developed (A)a great many forms of (B)greeting, from the relatively primitive embrace (C)until sniffing or rubbing noses, weeping, kissing, kneeling, bowing, shaking hands and (D)exchanging words.
※正解(C)。【解説】 until → to。a great many forms of greetingで「相当な数の挨拶の形態」の意味になる。untilのままでは前のfromと繋がらない。ここはtoにしなければならい。動名詞exchangingに問題はない。

10. 正誤問題
(A)Without systematic supervision, inspection and (B)controlling (C)during slaughter, meat can be (D)a serious source of infection.
※正解(B)。【解説】 controlling → control。前置詞Withoutの用法に問題はない。controllingの前には名詞inspectionが使われている。ここでは動名詞ではなく名詞controlを使う。前置詞during、冠詞aに誤りはない。

II. 時事英文
For Many Americans Summertime is Reading Time(その11:全14回シリーズ)
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: American crime writer George Pelecanos is known for both his books and his writing for the television show "The Wire." His latest book will be released in August. "The Cut" tells about a young man named Spero Lucas. He has returned to the United States after serving in the military in Iraq. He finds work doing special investigations for a lawyer in Washington, D.C. But he soon finds himself deeply involved in a world of crime and violence.

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: E.L. Doctorow is known for his many novels. He recently published a collection of short stories called "All the Time in the World." One critic said the stories in this collection reveal news not just about the world, but also about the mysteries of human behavior.

III - a. 雑知識
  1. 英語の jinx は日本語の「ジンクス」と異なり縁起の悪い物だけに使い、動詞用法もある。Japan's challenge at the U.S. Open looked to have been jinxed as first Kei Nishikori, then Misaki Doi and Ayumi Morita retired from first-round matches. は、日本勢の初戦敗退が続いたテニスの全米オープンに関するAFP-Jiji 通信の記事から。
  2. brush up は語学などを「やり直して磨きをかける」の意味。Fast Retailing is trying to encourage employees to brush uptheir English and other skills. は、9月1日から就業時間を2時間早めた「ユニクロ」を展開するファーストリテイリングに関するAJWの記事から。退社を早め、社員に語学などを身につけてもらうねらい。
  3. safe は「〜の危険がない」の意味でfrom を伴って使われる。Cold shutdown is a state where water used to cool nuclear fuel rods remains below 100 degrees Celsius, making the fuel safe from heating up again. は、福島第一原発の事故収束の工程表で、東京電力が収束の目標に掲げた原子炉の「冷温停止」を説明したReuters通信の記事から。
  4. cock-and-bull story は「でたらめ」の意味の慣用表現。米国防総省は中国の軍事力に関する年次報告書の中で、先端兵器の近代化を懸念した。これに対し中国国営新華社通信の英語版が"The allegation is an utterly cock-and-bull story …" と批判したことをReuters 通信が伝えた。
  5. make inroads は市場などに「食い込む」の意味。シャープやNECなど、国内の主要メーカーが、企業向けタブレット型端末の市場に参入するため、相次いで新機種を投入している。Japanese electronics appliance makers are making inroads in the corporate tablet computer market. は、AJWの記事から。
  6. flash(カメラのフラッシュ)には形容詞で「突発的な」の意味があり、flash flood=鉄砲水。A slow-moving typhoon may set off heavy rains, flash floods and landslides in the mountainous northern Philippines. は、フィリピンの台風情報に関するAP通信の記事から。
  7. year-on-year は「前年比で」の意味。It was the second straight month of year-on-year rises for supermarkets. は、7月のスーパーの売上高に関するAJWの記事から。月前半の暑さが追い風となり前年同月比2.1%増。2カ月連続で前年水準を上回った。
III -b. 英語でどう言う?
I sent my favorite dress to the cleaner's to have the coffee stains removed.

I asked my daughter to rush to the supermarket to pick up liquid laundry detergent that was on sale.

My 5-year-old grandson loves to play in the sandbox. After coming home, he always scrubs his hands clean.

My boyfriend doesn't care what he looks like. He usually wears washed-out jeans with a hole on his left knee.

III -c. News Glossary
People's Honor Award
The Japanese women's soccer team is to receive the People's Honor Award for its victory at last month's World Cup.

IV. Jokes
a. Three psychiatrists agree that people always come to them with their problems, but they have no-one to go to with theirs, so they decide to listen to one another's deepest, darkest secrets.
The first confesses, "I'm a compulsive shopper, deeply in debt. So I always overbill patients."
The second admits, "I have a drug problem, and I pressure my patients into buying drugs for me."
The third says, "I know it's wrong, but no matter how hard I try, I just can't keep a secret."

b. A murder has been committed. Police are called to an apartment and find a man holding a 5-iron in his hands, looking at the lifeless body of a woman on the floor. The detective asks, "Sir, did you kill her with that golf club?"
"Yes. Yes, I did," says the man, stifling a sob. "How many times did you hit her?"
"I don't know. I think five … maybe six … Put me down for a five."

c. What's the difference between a pigeon and an investment banker? The pigeon can still make a deposit on a BMW.

d. Johnny's mother stops to watch her son read the Bible to their cat. "Isn't that sweet?" she says. But an hour later, she hears a terrible racket. Running out the door, she finds Johnny stuffing the cat into a bucket of water.
"Johnny, what are you doing?"
"I'm baptizing Muffin," he replies.
"But cat don't like to be in water."
"Well then, he shouldn't have joined my church."

e. A mathematician got an earful from his wife after wandering home at 3 am. "You're late!" she yelled. "You said you'd be home by 11:45!"
"Actually," the mathematician replied coolly, "I said I'd be home by a quarter of 12."

f. The linguist's husband caught his wife in the arms of another man. "Susan," he said, "I'm surprised!"
"No, I'm surprised," she corrected him. "You're astonished."

g. While watching a program about fashion models, my friend turned to her husband, "I would love to have a body like that," she said.
"Why?" he asked. "You'd only stretch it out."
