資料No. : NS100526  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I was happy that I _______ work so early this afternoon.
(A) got there (B) got home (C) got off (D) got in

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
New York's Big Apple Bank _______ that 75 scheduled layoffs have been avoided.
(A) described (B) spoke (C) told (D) announced

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I couldn't believe how _______ Tom solved the puzzle.
(A) haste (B) speedy (C) quickly (D) swift

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those _______ looking clouds mean a storm is coming.
(A) mysterious (B) ominous (C) menace (D) trouble

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Her husband was _______ to her plans for divorce.
(A) knowledge (B) scheming (C) oblivious (D) secret

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Everyone at the party was in a _______ mood.
(A) festive (B) fertile (C) furtive (D) furious

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those kids have got to understand that their homework is an _______.
(A) obligate (B) obligation (C) obligator (D) oblige

1. 空所補充問題
The asexual multiplication of bacteria can be extremely rapid, with cells ----- every 18-20 minutes under some conditions.
(A) divides (B) divide (C) and divide (D) dividing

2. 空所補充問題
The earliest Christians typically worshipped in the homes of the wealthier members of the congregation, and ----- until the time of Constantine that they began to develop a tradition of specifically religious architecture.
(A) it wasn't (B) they weren't (C) they didn't (D) it didn't

3. 空所補充問題
Military aircraft fitted with armor and extensive weaponry are generally less maneuverable than ----.
(A) minimal firepower (B) those with minimal firepower (C) minimal firepower are (D) those are minimal firepower

4. 空所補充問題
The element phosphorous was first isolated and purified by 17th century alchemists, who derived it ---- the residue of evaporated urine.
(A) at (B) to (C) in (D) from

5. 空所補充問題
In the coming years, the building of a renewable, -----, society based on the concepts of recycling and zero-emissions will become a crucial issue.
(A) the cyclical (B) it is cyclical (C) or cyclical (D) is cyclical

6. 正誤問題
Salt, sugar, alcohol and carbon dioxide (A)that are all substances (B)that are (C)commonly consumed in solution (D)with water.

7. 正誤問題
Structures built (A)according to traditional post-and-beam architecture (B)lack the (C)diagonally support that can be crucial to avoid collapse (D)during earthquakes.

8. 正誤問題
The development of modern chemistry was the culmination of a (A)four-thousands-year process (B)that began with ancient (C)musing on the nature of (D)matter and the composition of the universe.

9. 正誤問題
The (A)boundaries of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia were (B)in constant flux (C)due warfare and (D)political instability.

10. 正誤問題
In (A)anatomy, the term "sinus" can refer (B)to just about any (C)kinds of cavity that is filled (D)with blood.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I was happy that I _______ work so early this afternoon.
(A) got there (B) got home (C) got off (D) got in
※正解(C)。happy なのは「仕事が済んだ」時。「…から離れる」のニュアンスを持つものを考える。日本語でも「オフ」という語は使う。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
New York's Big Apple Bank _______ that 75 scheduled layoffs have been avoided.
(A) described (B) spoke (C) told (D) announced
訳:ニューヨークのビッグアップル銀行は、予定されていた 75 人の解雇は回避することができたと発表した。
※正解(D)。単語力が勝負となる。それぞれ動詞の意味を理解していないと苦しい。(A)の described は「描写する」。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I couldn't believe how _______ Tom solved the puzzle.
(A) haste (B) speedy (C) quickly (D) swift
※正解(C)。「速く」は副詞でなければならない。(B)は speedily、(D)は swiftly であれば考えうる。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those _______ looking clouds mean a storm is coming.
(A) mysterious (B) ominous (C) menace (D) trouble
※正解(B)。知っている単語で、意味が不自然なものから除去する。menace は「脅威」。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Her husband was _______ to her plans for divorce.
(A) knowledge (B) scheming (C) oblivious (D) secret
※正解(C)。「人+ was ... to 〜」のパターンにあてはまる語をさがし出す。be oblivious to ... で、「…に無関心な」の意。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Everyone at the party was in a _______ mood.
(A) festive (B) fertile (C) furtive (D) furious
※正解(A)。party での話だから、fury「怒り」から派生している語よりも、festival「祭り」に関連した語を選びたい。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Those kids have got to understand that their homework is an _______.
(A) obligate (B) obligation (C) obligator (D) oblige
※正解(B)。 「義務」という意味の名詞になるように語尾を考える。

1. 空所補充問題
The asexual multiplication of bacteria can be extremely rapid, with cells ----- every 18-20 minutes under some conditions.
(A) divides (B) divide (C) and divide (D) dividing
※正解(D)。【解説】 cells divideで「細胞が分列する」の意味になる。この場合のdivideは自動詞である。cellsの前にwithがあるのでここでは分詞dividingを使うことになる。

2. 空所補充問題
The earliest Christians typically worshipped in the homes of the wealthier members of the congregation, and ----- until the time of Constantine that they began to develop a tradition of specifically religious architecture.
(A) it wasn't (B) they weren't (C) they didn't (D) it didn't
※正解(A)。【解説】 後半の文にunitlと接続詞thatが使われていることに注目。it wasn't until ... that 〜で「... になって初めて〜した」の意味になる。

3. 空所補充問題
Military aircraft fitted with armor and extensive weaponry are generally less maneuverable than ----.
(A) minimal firepower (B) those with minimal firepower (C) minimal firepower are (D) those are minimal firepower
※正解(B)。【解説】aircraftは単複同形である。areから分かるように、この場合は複数形である。ここはthose with minimal firepowerを空所に入れれば、この文の主語と「複数形+with」で形が一緒になる。

4. 空所補充問題
The element phosphorous was first isolated and purified by 17th century alchemists, who derived it ---- the residue of evaporated urine.
(A) at (B) to (C) in (D) from
※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞deriveの後で用いられる前置詞はfromである。derive ... from 〜で「〜から取り出す、抽出する」の意味になる。

5. 空所補充問題
In the coming years, the building of a renewable, -----, society based on the concepts of recycling and zero-emissions will become a crucial issue.
(A) the cyclical (B) it is cyclical (C) or cyclical (D) is cyclical
※正解(C)。【解説】 空所の前には形容詞renewable、後には名詞societyがある。このことから空所には形容詞が入ることが予想できる。したがって、余分なtheやisのないor cyclicalが正解となる。

6. 正誤問題
Salt, sugar, alcohol and carbon dioxide (A)that are all substances (B)that are (C)commonly consumed in solution (D)with water.
※正解(A)。【解説】 that are → are。carbon dioxideは不可算名詞である。2つのthat areに下線が引かれている。どちらかが間違っているに違いない。最初のthat areのthatを取れば文が成立する。副詞commonlyと前置詞withの用法に問題はない。

7. 正誤問題
Structures built (A)according to traditional post-and-beam architecture (B)lack the (C)diagonally support that can be crucial to avoid collapse (D)during earthquakes.
※正解(C)。【解説】 diagonally → diagonal。according to ... は「... にしたがって」の意。この文の主語はStructuresなので、lackにsを付ける必要はない。supportは動詞ではなく名詞である。diagonallyは形容詞diagonalにしなくてはいけない。前置詞duringに問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
The development of modern chemistry was the culmination of a (A)four-thousands-year process (B)that began with ancient (C)musing on the nature of (D)matter and the composition of the universe.
※正解(A)。【解説】 four-thousands-year → four-thousand-year。頻繁に出題される問題なので、下線部を見てすぐに誤りの箇所が分かったのではないか。数字を伴う語句をハイフンを付けて形容詞として用いる場合にはfour-thousand-yearのように複数形のsを取らなくてはいけない。関係代名詞thatの用法に誤りはない。musingは名詞で「沈思、熟考」の意味。この場合のmatter「物質、物体」は不可算名詞である。

9. 正誤問題
The (A)boundaries of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia were (B)in constant flux (C)due warfare and (D)political instability.
※正解(C)。【解説】 due → due to。boudaries「境界」は後のwereに呼応している。in constant fluxで「絶えず変動している」の意味。この場合のdueは理由を表すことになるので、前置詞toが必要となる。形容詞politicalに問題はない。

10. 正誤問題
In (A)anatomy, the term "sinus" can refer (B)to just about any (C)kinds of cavity that is filled (D)with blood.
※正解(C)。【解説】 kinds → kind。 In anatomyで「解剖学ではの意味」。referの後の前置詞toに誤りはない。thatの後にisが来ている。これに呼応させるにはkindと単数形にしなければならない。be filled with ... 「... でいっぱいの」。

Proverbs: Ideas About How to Live (その2;全4回シリーズ)
Here is another piece of advice: Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. In other words, you should not think too much about some future event before it really happens.

Another proverb warns do not put all your eggs in one basket. This means you should not put all of your resources together in one place because you could risk losing everything at one time. Many Americans learned this the hard way by investing all their money in stock shares, which then lost value. Another proverb says a fool and his money are soon parted. This means someone who acts unwisely with money will lose it.

Here is more advice: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Also, never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

III - a. 雑知識

走行中の車から銃を発砲することをdrive-by shooting と言う。米国の首都ワシントン南東部で、銃の乱射事件があり、3人が死亡、6人が負傷した。AP通信の記事が、Three people were killed in a drive-by shooting that wounded six others in the U.S. capital. と伝えた。被害者らは、通りすがりの車の中から撃たれたという。

bank(銀行)はbank on の形で「〜を当てにする」の意味で使われる。電気自動車の浸透を図る日産自動車は、ハイブリッド車で先行するトヨタとの差をつめることを期待している。Reuters 通信の記事が、Nissan is banking on electric cars to help it close the gap on rivals such as Toyota Motor Co. と伝えた。

grapple(つかみ合い、格闘)は、grappler(取っ組み合う人)の形で、相撲の「力士」を指して使われる。エストニア出身の関脇把瑠都の大関昇進が決まった。AFP-Jiji 通信の記事が、The 25-year-old Estonian grappler was promoted to the number-two "ozeki" status. と伝えた。

sideline はけがなどが選手を「出場停止にする」の意味がある。The ligament replacement surgery on his right elbow is likely to sideline him for about a year. は、右ひじの靱帯(じんたい)の修復手術を受けることになった、大リーグ、レッドソックスの田沢純一投手に関するAP通信の記事から。今季中の復帰は絶望的となった。

reach(到着する)には名詞で資金力などが「届く範囲」の意味がある。日産自動車は12月に発売する電気自動車「リーフ」の最低価格を税込み376万円とした。国の補助金を差し引いた実質価格は299万円の見込み。AP通信の記事が、The price tag puts the Leaf within reach of mainstream car buyers. と伝えた。

preventable cause of death は「予防可能な死亡原因」の意味。Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, killing an estimated 443,000 people each year. は、米国で深刻化する喫煙が原因による死亡について伝えたReuters 通信の記事から。

show-and-tell は「展示会」の意味の米口語表現。The huge international show-and-tell will showcase China's status as a world industrial power. は、5月に開幕する上海万博に関する AP 通信の記事から。中国が世界に誇る産業力を誇示する好機であることについて述べたもの。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?
change the channel on the TV
【例文】This program is boring. Can I change the channel on the TV?
be glued to
【例文】I was glued to the TV watching the Winter Olympic Games.
watch movies on DVD
【例文】My wife and I usually watch movies on DVD rather than at the movie theater.
burn one's favorite songs onto a CD
【例文】I taught my father how to burn his favorite songs on to a CD.

III-c Phrases in the News
failed (terrorist) attempt
※The nation's top priority now should be to conduct a through probe into the failed terrorist attempt and review security procedures at airports and other public transportation facilities.

IV. Jokes
a. You can't blame the woman for being upset. After aqll, she was delivering her baby in our hospital elevator.
"This is nothing," said my fellow nurse, trying to console the mother. "Last year, a friend of mine helped a woman deliver her baby on the front lawn of the hospital."
The patient began to wail. "That was me!"

b. The irate customer calling our newspaper offices loudly demanded to know where her Sunday edition was.
"Ma'am," I interrupted, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until Sunday."
There was a pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition. "So that's why no-one was in church today."

c. I'm very organized when it comes to paying all my bills promptly. So I was mortified when I received a letter from an electrician that stated in bold letters, "Second and Final Notice."
"I'm sorry,2 I said when I called him. "I never saw the first notice."
"I didn't send one,! He told me. "I find second notices are much morer effective."

d. Rob and Tom apply for the same job. They take a written test. "You both got the same number of questions wrong," the HR person tells them, "but Rob gets the job."
"If we both got the same number of questions wrong, how come he gets the job?" Tom asks indignantly.
"Well," says the HP person, "one of his incorrect answers was better than yours."
"How can that be?"
"For problem number 46, Rob wrote, 'I don't know.' You wrote, 'Me neither."

e. A man goes to the doctor complaining about stomach problems. The doctor asks him what he's been eating.
"I only eat pool balls," he says. "Red ones for breakfast, yellow and orange for lunch, blue for afternoon snacks, and purple and black for dinner."
"I see the problem," says the doctor. "You're not getting enough greens."
