資料No. : NS091125  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The cerebrum has two hemispheres, which are mirror images _______.
(A) each other (B) one another (C) of each other (D) to one another

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When she threatened to leave him, Tony thought _______ was only a bluff.
(A) he (B) she (C) it (D) itself

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think all managers must help _______ employee develop his or her potential.
(A) each one of the (B) every of their (C) an every (D) each

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Dr. Schneider has been engaged in _______ for ten years.
(A) making cancer research (B) many cancer researches (C) a cancer research (D) cancer research

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Please be sure to include _______ on the application form.
(A) all information (B) all the informations (C) your all information (D) the all pieces of information

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Not only Vince but also Tim _______ to part of Max's fortune.
(A) are heirs (B) is the heir (C) is an heir (D) is a heir

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ first reached us in early September regarding this problem.
(A) Word (B) A word (C) A news (D) Informations

. 空所補充問題
Acquiring a medical degree requires not only academic preparation but rigorous practical training -----.
(A) as well as (B) as well (C) as also (D) also to

2. 空所補充問題
The California Gold Rush lasted -----, and was followed by others in the U.S., Australia, South Africa and Canada.
(A) through 1848 from 1849 (B) to 1849 through from 1848 (C) through from 1848 to 1849 (D) from 1848 through 1849

3. 空所補充問題
The pigmented membrane constituting the iris of the eye forms a radial pattern unique ----- each individual.
(A) as (B) at (C) to (D) from

4. 空所補充問題
The risk of kidney stones can be dramatically reduced with a diet ----- in salt and red meat.
(A) that lowers (B) is lower (C) low (D) lowering

5. 空所補充問題
The esophagus is a muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach, and ----- sometimes also referred to as the gullet, especially in animals.
(A) are (B) is (C) to be (D) being

6. 正誤問題
Eighteenth-century English fur trader and the (A)explorer Anthony Henday, (B)who (C)was born on the Isle of Wight, was the first white man (D)to visit the Blackfoot Indians of Canada.

7. 正誤問題
(A)The Gila River flows (B)west across Arizona (C)from the Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico, and sometimes (D)empties it into the Colorado River near Yuma.

8. 正誤問題
The great size and (A)beautiful of the feathers of the bird known as the peacock (B)give (C)it a (D)uniquely exotic appearance.

9. 正誤問題
In 1949, Poland officially (A)declared that it had achieved the (B)three most immediate goals of a (C)three-years plan to begin the long, (D)painful process of postwar recovery.

10. 正誤問題
About 150 (A)millions years ago (B)in (C)what is now the western United States, a giant plant-eating dinosaur called Apatosaurus (D)thrived.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The cerebrum has two hemispheres, which are mirror images _______.
(A) each other (B) one another (C) of each other (D) to one another
※正解(C)。【着眼点】cerebrum(大脳)は中央に深い縦の溝があって2つに分かれているが、その脳の半球 (hemispheres) どうしが互いに鏡に映した場合のような左右対称の像 (mirror images) を成している、ということを述べた文。each otherとone anotherは「互い」を意味する「相互#代名詞#」であり、「#互いに#」のような副詞句ではない。また、これらは動詞や前置詞の目的語となるのがふつうで、主語としては用いられない。
【選択肢】前置詞を介さない (A), (B) は不可。「〜を鏡に映したような (image) 」はof 〜であり、to 〜とは言わない。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When she threatened to leave him, Tony thought _______ was only a bluff.
(A) he (B) she (C) it (D) itself
※正解(C)。【着眼点】threaten to 〜 は「〜すると言っておどしをかける」で、leave himはここでは「彼と別れる」の意。himは後方照応的用法でTonyを指す。Tony thought以下はsheのおどしに対するTonyの内心の反応だが_____ (S) was (V) a bluff (C) → S = C → bluff=「はったり」の流れで考えるとitが正解とわかる。itは「彼女が行ったおどし行為」を指す( → itは先行文脈の「内容」を受けて用いることも可能)。
【選択肢】「人=a bluff」も「単独再帰代名詞=主語」も成立しない。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think all managers must help _______ employee develop his or her potential.
(A) each one of the (B) every of their (C) an every (D) each
※正解(D)。【着眼点】空所の後のemployeeは可算名詞の#単数形#。「each (one) of the+名詞」の形式自体は存在するが、#この場合の名詞は複数#でないといけない。したがって (A) は不可。everyは代名詞用法をもたず、また冠詞を伴うこともないので (B), (C) も誤り。eachを形容詞で用いて単数名詞のemployeeにかける (D) であれば問題はない。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Dr. Schneider has been engaged in _______ for ten years.
(A) making cancer research (B) many cancer researches (C) a cancer research (D) cancer research
※正解(D)。【着眼点】research(研究)の語法は少々やっかいで、基本的には不可算だが、複数形で用いることも可能。ただし、複数形の場合でもmanyや数詞と結びつくのは通例不可。数えるにはtwo[three...] pieces of researchのような形をとる必要がある。なお、a researchという言い方もしない。
【選択肢】(A) については、そもそもmake research自体が誤った言い回し( → do researchとは言う)。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Please be sure to include _______ on the application form.
(A) all information (B) all the informations (C) your all information (D) the all pieces of information
※正解(A)。【着眼点】all, some, noなどは可算名詞の他に不可算名詞とも結びつく(with all speed(全速力で))。informationが不可算名詞であることは完全に頭に入れておくべき。
【選択肢】allは他の限定詞に先行する場合はよい(all the[your] 〜 )が後続する形は不可 (×the [your] all 〜 )なので (C), (D) は消える。(B) は不可算のinformationが複数形になっている点で不可。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Not only Vince but also Tim _______ to part of Max's fortune.
(A) are heirs (B) is the heir (C) is an heir (D) is a heir
※正解(C)。【着眼点】定冠詞が「唯一性」の意味を含むのに対し、不定冠詞は「複数個の中の任意の1つ」を表すという性質をもつ(X is the heir to Y.(XはYの(唯一の)相続人だ);X is an heir to Y.(相続人(の1人)だ))。空所部分の主語はTimのほうだが相続人 (heir) は彼以外にVinceもいるわけであり、候補にあがるのは不定冠詞のついたheirとなる。その上で大事なのは、heirが母音で始まる語だという点( → 語頭のhは黙字で発音されない)。なお、(A) は主語 (=Tim) との呼応に問題がある。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ first reached us in early September regarding this problem.
(A) Word (B) A word (C) A news (D) Informations
※正解(A)。【着眼点】newsやinformationは不可算名詞で不定冠詞のついた (C) や複数形の (D) が誤りなのは明らかだが、問題は (A), (B) におけるwordの用法。wordは「単語」などの意では可算名詞であるのに対し、「知らせ、便り」を意味するときは不可算名詞として用いられる。問題文の文脈では後者の意なのでa wordは不可。同じ語が可算・不可算の両用法をもつ場合は文脈の見極めが大事。

1. 空所補充問題
Acquiring a medical degree requires not only academic preparation but rigorous practical training -----.
(A) as well as (B) as well (C) as also (D) also to
※正解(B)。【解説】 as well as、as also、also toを問題文の最後に使えないのは明らかである。「……も」の意味を表す(B) as wellが正解。rigorous「厳しい」。

2. 空所補充問題
The California Gold Rush lasted -----, and was followed by others in the U.S., Australia, South Africa and Canada.
(A) through 1848 from 1849 (B) to 1849 through from 1848 (C) through from 1848 to 1849 (D) from 1848 through 1849
※正解(D)。【解説】 from... toがあれば戸惑うことはないのだが。選択肢にはそれがない。from 〜 through... で「〜から……までずっと」の意味になるので正解は(D)。last「続く」。

3. 空所補充問題
The pigmented membrane constituting the iris of the eye forms a radial pattern unique ----- each individual.
(A) as (B) at (C) to (D) from
※正解(C)。【解説】 形容詞uniqueの後にどの前置詞が来るか?be unique to... で「……に特有の」という意味になる。正解は(C)。membrane「膜、細胞膜」、iris「(眼球の)虹彩」。

4. 空所補充問題
The risk of kidney stones can be dramatically reduced with a diet ----- in salt and red meat.
(A) that lowers (B) is lower (C) low (D) lowering
※正解(C)。【解説】 be low in... で「……が少ない」の意味になる。しかし、dietの後に続けるにはthat is low ... を用いることになるが選択肢には見あたらない。さて正解は?that isを省略してlowをdietの後に続ければいいのである。

5. 空所補充問題
The esophagus is a muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach, and ----- sometimes also referred to as the gullet, especially in animals.
(A) are (B) is (C) to be (D) being
※正解(B)。【解説】 この文の主語は単数形のThe esophagus「食道」である。The esophagusに呼応したisを空所に入れればis referred to as... 「……と呼ばれている」の意味になる。gullet「のど、食道」。

6. 正誤問題
Eighteenth-century English fur trader and the (A)explorer Anthony Henday, (B)who (C)was born on the Isle of Wight, was the first white man (D)to visit the Blackfoot Indians of Canada.
※正解(A)。【解説】 the explorer → explorer。fur traderとthe explorerが並列されているのでEighteenth-century Englishはexplorerにもかかることになる。したがって、冠詞theは不要である。

7. 正誤問題
(A)The Gila River flows (B)west across Arizona (C)from the Mogollon Mountains of New Mexico, and sometimes (D)empties it into the Colorado River near Yuma.
※正解(D)。【解説】 empties it → empties。文頭の冠詞The、副詞west、前置詞fromの用法に問題はない。empty into... で「……に注ぐ」の意味になるのでitは必要ない。

8. 正誤問題
The great size and (A)beautiful of the feathers of the bird known as the peacock (B)give (C)it a (D)uniquely exotic appearance.
※正解(A)。【解説】 beautiful → beauty。beautifulの前後に名詞size、前置詞ofがあることから、ここでは名詞beautyを使わなくてはいけないことがわかる。giveはこの文の主語に呼応している。itはthe birdを指している。exoticを修飾する副詞uniquelyの用法に問題はない。

9. 正誤問題
In 1949, Poland officially (A)declared that it had achieved the (B)three most immediate goals of a (C)three-years plan to begin the long, (D)painful process of postwar recovery.
※正解(C)。【解説】 three-years → three-year。declared that... で「……を宣言した」の意味。three mostの語順に問題はない。three-yearsは形容詞なので、この場合sは取らなければいけない。painful「苦しい、つらい」。

10. 正誤問題
About 150 (A)millions years ago (B)in (C)what is now the western United States, a giant plant-eating dinosaur called Apatosaurus (D)thrived.
※正解(A)。【解説】 millions → million。150 millions years agoはどう見てもおかしい。この場合のmillionは「100万の」という意味の形容詞なので複数形のsを付ける必要はない。thrive「栄える、成長する」。

Rich Life (その6;全7回シリーズ)
When we got together for a meal at a restaurant, Al paid every time. He would always foot the bill, and pick up the tab. He told me the money made him feel like a million dollars. He was very happy.

But, Al spent too much money. Soon my friend was down and out again. He had no money left. He was back to being strapped for cash. He had spent his bottom dollar, his very last amount. He did not even build up a nest egg. He had not saved any of the money.

III - a. 雑知識

put one's best foot forward(一番いい足を前へ出す)は「好印象を与える」の意味。"You have to emotionally be in the right place to put your best foot forward." は、ヘラルド朝日の記事にあった米国の職業相談員のアドバイス。雇用主に好印象を与えるには、自分が情緒的に安定していなければならないといった意味。

resound(鳴り響く)の形容詞resounding には「華々しい、圧倒的な」の意味がある。The speech CD and its accompanying book have been a resounding success, selling 200,000 copies since its release in January. は、オバマ米大統領の演説集をはじめ、オバマ英語関連の書籍が好調であることを伝えたヘラルド朝日の記事から。

sight(視力)には目に入る「景色、光景」の意味があり、「よく見かけること」をcommon sight と言う。ヨーロッパの都市では電気自動車が目につくようになったことをAP通信の記事が、Electric cars are becoming a more common sight in European cities. と伝えていた。

sitting(座っている)には「現職の」の意味がある。オバマ米大統領にノーベル平和賞が授与されることになった。就任間もない国家元首が受賞するのは異例。米国の現職大統領の受賞は3人目となる。AP 通信の記事が、The stunning choice made Obama the third sitting U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize. と伝えた。

leave+人+in the lurch は「人が困っているのを見捨てる」の意味。世界金融危機の影響で繊維工業で栄えていた中国の地方都市が疲弊しているという。ヘラルド朝日の記事が、Some bosses have fled town, leaving thousands of workers in the lurch. と伝えた。経営者の中には、数千人の従業員を見捨てて町を去った者もいるという意味。

sit on the fence(フェンスの上に座る)は「形勢を見る」の意味の慣用表現。"Many buyers have been sitting on the fence but are now convinced that the market has bottomed out. ..." は、ヘラルド朝日が伝えた米フロリダ州の不動産業関係者の言葉。住宅市場の低迷が底を打ち、販売が上向きになってきたことを伝えていた。

leave+人+in the lurch は「人が困っているのを見捨てる」の意味。世界金融危機の影響で繊維工業で栄えていた中国の地方都市が疲弊しているという。ヘラルド朝日の記事が、Some bosses have fled town, leaving thousands of workers in the lurch. と伝えた。経営者の中には、数千人の従業員を見捨てて町を去った者もいるという意味。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?
make coffee
【例文】Could you make a cup of coffee for me, John?
put some cream into one's coffee
【例文】I always put some cream into my coffee.
stir sugar into one's tea
【例文】Margaret stirred sugar into her tea.
help oneself
【例文】These cookies are good. Please help yourself.

III-c Phrases in the News
greenhouse gas
※Japan's midterm goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions will increase the financial burden on households.

IV. Jokes
a. William, my 14-year-old grandson, loves to play video games, so when a new one came out, he really wanted to try it. He found a store where you could play the game - if you provided a piece of ID.
"Could I leave my shoes?" William asked the clerk.

b. My ten-year-old daughter, Rachel, has been learning about puberty in health class and has been voicing her concerns about the inevitable, upcoming changes of adolescence.
Her nine-year-old brother, Alex, could not understand what the fuss was all about until, one day at a restaurant, he realized the kids' menu was only for children under ten.
"No wonder Rachel doesn't want to go through puberty!" Alex exclaimed loudly. "You don't get dessert included with your meals!"

c. During our daughter and son-in-law's vacation in Italy, we were caring for our grandchildren. Kevin, eight, asked if we could go out for dinner on Saturday night.
He requested that we go "to a nice restaurant, not to a training restaurant?"
"What's a training restaurant," I asked.
"You know," he replied, "a cheap place where people take their kids to learn how to eat, before they take them to a nice place."

d. Growing up in a large family, I often heard, "Eat what's put in front of you" and "What do you think this is, a restaurant?" My suspicion that my mother's mealtime policy had changed was confirmed when, at the table, my three-year-old niece turned to my four-year-old son and asked,
"What did you order?"

e. One evening, my 11-year-old daughter, Chelsea, and 13-year-old niece, Brianna, decided to go fishing off the dock.
About an hour later, they excitedly told us that they had caught some fish.
"So that's what all that screaming was about,2 I said.
"No," replied Chelsea, "that's when I was putting a worm on the hook."
