資料No. : NS070502  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We suggest that you get in touch _____ our Dallas office on that.
(A) to (B) by (C) with (D) for

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We are writing to _____ that the renewal date has been extended.
(A) have reminded you (B) remind to you (C) remind you (D) reminding you

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Behind the current economic strength _____ the concern over exchange rates.
(A) will lurk (B) lurking (C) has lurked (D) lurks

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We should try very _____ to improve our relationship with our customers.
(A) hardly (B) probably (C) hard (D) possible

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The unexpected protest raised by local citizens ----- the progress of the development.

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We'll inform you of your ticket information as soon as we ----- from the airline.
(A) hear (B) heard (C) will hear (D) having heard

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The device failed not because of faulty wiring, but because ----- happened to the main component.

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
I expected the baby (A)will cry, but (B)she slept quietly (C)through the (D)whole night.

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Of (A)all the people I've met on this trip, (B)nothing has been (C)as helpful as you (D)have been.

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
I realized (A)most my money (B)had been spent, and the trip wasn't (C)even half (D)over.

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
(A)Comparing with similar brands, (B)our product is (C)far (D)more economical.

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
(A)The strategy, (B)when viewing by the manager, (C)is sure to have (D)great potential.

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
If you can (A)talk over your idea with (B)whomever is in (C)charge of mergers and acquisitions, (D)you may have a chance.

1. 空所補充問題
Dorothea Lange was one of several photographers ----- most important work depicted the despair experienced by the poor during the Great Depression.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) heir

2. 空所補充問題
The Whigs were political parties in England, Scotland and America named ----- the "whiggamores," a Scotch word once used to describe opponents of King Charles I of England.
(A) after (B) on (C) to (D) with

3. 空所補充問題
Unlike the simple bellows, the dual-action bellows enables the operator ----- a continuous stream of gas or liquid from the device.
(A) emit (B) emitted (C) emitting (D) to emit

4. 空所補充問題
The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor produces heat that converts water to steam, which, -----, is used to drive electrical generators.
(A) as turned (B) turning (C) it turns (D) in turn

5. 空所補充問題
Although mercury is still used in some glass thermometers, it has ----- been replaced by equally reliable non-toxic materials.
(A) large (B) largely (C) larger (D) largest

6. 正誤問題
Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, are three (A)related bushes and vines (B)that they contain sap capable (C)of causing severe irritation (D)to the skin.

7. 正誤問題
(A)Conflict between speakers of the Dutch and French languages (B)have played (C)an important role in the history of (D)the Netherlands.

8. 正誤問題
The need (A)to identify men of diverse ranks and specialties (B)amid the confusion of the battlefield has led to the development of (C)elaborately, ostentatious and decorative (D)regalia.

9. 正誤問題
Magnetic compasses have a (A)built-in error resulting from the fact (B)that the (C)earth's geographical poles are not the same as (D)their magnetic poles.

10. 正誤問題
(A)Whereas each zebra has (B)its own unique pattern of stripes, (C)some experts believe that the (D)animals use the patterns to identify each other.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We suggest that you get in touch _____ our Dallas office on that.
(A) to (B) by (C) with (D) for
※正解(C)。「…と連絡をとる」(= contact)の意味になる熟語を考えます。in touch の部分が「連絡を取り合って」の意味を作っています。他に keep in touch with ...「…と連絡を続ける」等も知っておくとよいでしょう。

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We are writing to _____ that the renewal date has been extended.
(A) have reminded you (B) remind to you (C) remind you (D) reminding you
※正解(C)。have reminded you は時制が不自然。"to" の後ろはこの文では原形でなければならず、reminding you は不可。remind「思い出させる」の語法が問題。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Behind the current economic strength _____ the concern over exchange rates.
(A) will lurk (B) lurking (C) has lurked (D) lurks
※正解(D)。"The concern over exchange rates ( ) behind the current economic strength."の倒置と考えればよい。
( ) の中には動詞が入ることが容易に分かるはず。will lurk は時制が問題。has lurked も意味上不自然。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We should try very _____ to improve our relationship with our customers.
(A) hardly (B) probably (C) hard (D) possible
※正解(C)。probably「おそらく」は意味上、possible「可能な」は意味と構文上不可。hardly は否定の副詞で、「まず…ではない」の意味。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The unexpected protest raised by local citizens ----- the progress of the development.
(A) caught (B) halted (C) interfered (D) hesitated
※正解(B)。目的語 the progress of the development (開発の進展)があるので、空所には他動詞が入る。 (C) の interfere 、 (D) の hesitate は自動詞なので不可。文意より、 (B) の halt (〜をやめさせる)が適切。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We'll inform you of your ticket information as soon as we ----- from the airline.
(A) hear (B) heard (C) will hear (D) having heard
※正解(A)。as soon as 〜(〜するとすぐに)のように条件や時を表す副詞節では、原則として未来のことも現在形で表す。よって (A) が正しい。 hear from 〜は「〜から連絡をもらう」という意味。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The device failed not because of faulty wiring, but because ----- happened to the main component.
(A) trouble (B) problems (C) defect (D) something
※正解(D)。not 〜 but ... (〜ではなく……)という構造になっている。 because of で始まる〜の部分には名詞句、接続詞 because で始まる ... の部分には「文」が入ることに注意。 happened という動詞があるので、空所には主語が入る。正解は (D) 。

7. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
I expected the baby (A)will cry, but (B)she slept quietly (C)through the (D)whole night.
※正解(A)。expect の用法が不適切。expect ... to 〜 となるべきです。expected と過去形なのに、would ではなく、will となっているのも誤り。through は「…を通して」、whole は「…中」の意味です。

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Of (A)all the people I've met on this trip, (B)nothing has been (C)as helpful as you (D)have been.
※正解(B)。「すべての…のうちで」の意味の Of all ... は覚えておきましょう。as ... as の構文にも問題は見られません。この二つ目の as は接続詞で、後ろは as you have been helpful の意味で、helpful が省略されています。人を表すのに nothing では不都合。no one または、nobody となるべきです。

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
I realized (A)most my money (B)had been spent, and the trip wasn't (C)even half (D)over.
※正解(A)。形容詞 most は「たいてい」の意味で、やや意味が不自然です。most of my money が正しい表現です。「気づいた」時にはお金は使われてしまっていたのですから、had been という過去完了形は正解です。「終わる」の意味の over にも慣れましょう。

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
(A)Comparing with similar brands, (B)our product is (C)far (D)more economical.
※正解(A)。Comparing with→Compared with。この文の主語はour productであり、compareは「〜を比べる」という他動詞だから、このままではproductがcompareすることになり意味が通じない。「同類の銘柄と比べられると」という受け身の形にする。

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
(A)The strategy, (B)when viewing by the manager, (C)is sure to have (D)great potential.
※正解(B)。when viewing → when (it is) viewed。viewは「〜を眺める」という動詞。文の主語がstrategyなので、現在分詞の能動の意味では文意がおかしくなる。viewedと過去分詞にすると、受け身の意味になって文意が通じる。

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
If you can (A)talk over your idea with (B)whomever is in (C)charge of mergers and acquisitions, (D)you may have a chance.
※正解(B)。whomever → whoever。関係詞の格は、関係詞節でどのような役割を果たしているかで決まる。この文では関係詞はis in charge of …の主語になっているので、主格の関係代名詞を使わなければならない。withはtalk with …とつながっているので、関係詞の節とは関係がない。

1. 空所補充問題
Dorothea Lange was one of several photographers ----- most important work depicted the despair experienced by the poor during the Great Depression.
(A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) heir

2. 空所補充問題
The Whigs were political parties in England, Scotland and America named ----- the "whiggamores," a Scotch word once used to describe opponents of King Charles I of England.
(A) after (B) on (C) to (D) with
※正解(A)。 「……の名を取って〜と名付けた」という意味を表すにはnamedの後にどのような前置詞を使えばいいか。正解は(A) afterである。

3. 空所補充問題
Unlike the simple bellows, the dual-action bellows enables the operator ----- a continuous stream of gas or liquid from the device.
(A) emit (B) emitted (C) emitting (D) to emit

4. 空所補充問題
The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor produces heat that converts water to steam, which, -----, is used to drive electrical generators.
(A) as turned (B) turning (C) it turns (D) in turn
※正解(D)。as turnedでは意味が通らない。空所の後にis usedがあるので、turning、it turnsが使えないのは明か。正解は(D) in turn。

5. 空所補充問題
Although mercury is still used in some glass thermometers, it has ----- been replaced by equally reliable non-toxic materials.
(A) large (B) largely (C) larger (D) largest

6. 正誤問題
Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, are three (A)related bushes and vines (B)that they contain sap capable (C)of causing severe irritation (D)to the skin.
※正解(B)。that they → that。relatedは「同族の、関連のある」という意味の形容詞。関係代名詞thatの後にtheyを続けては前後の文が繋がらない。このtheyは不要である。前置詞of、toの用法に問題はない。

7. 正誤問題
(A)Conflict between speakers of the Dutch and French languages (B)have played (C)an important role in the history of (D)the Netherlands.
※正解(B)。have → has。この場合のconflict「戦い、争い」は不可算名詞。haveはconflictに呼応してhasにしなくてはいけない。冠詞an、theに問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
The need (A)to identify men of diverse ranks and specialties (B)amid the confusion of the battlefield has led to the development of (C)elaborately, ostentatious and decorative (D)regalia.
※正解(C)。elaborately → elaborate。The needの後のto不定詞、前置詞amid「……の真っ最中に」の用法に問題はない。elaboratelyの後には形容詞ostentatious「人目を引く」、decorative「装飾の」が並んでいるので、それに合わせて副詞elaboratelyは形容詞elaborate「手の込んだ、精巧な」にする。regaliaは「記章、勲章」のこと。

9. 正誤問題
Magnetic compasses have a (A)built-in error resulting from the fact (B)that the (C)earth's geographical poles are not the same as (D)their magnetic poles.
※正解(D)。their → its。built-in「(本来)備わった」、接続詞that、所有格earth'sに誤りは見あたらない。theirはearthのことを指すので、この場合はitsを用いる。

10. 正誤問題
(A)Whereas each zebra has (B)its own unique pattern of stripes, (C)some experts believe that the (D)animals use the patterns to identify each other.
※正解(A)。Whereas → Since。Whereas「……に反して」では、some experts以下の文と意味的に繋がらない。Whereasの代わりにSince、あるいは、Becauseを使えばいい。

「明白な」地球温暖化、人的要因が大 (その6:全8回シリーズ)
Climate change will cause far-flung ramifications for humans and nature, according to the 21-page summary of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Even Solomon, known as a staid and conservative scientist, chose to highlight dramatic examples. If greenhouse gases, which trap heat, cause temperatures to rise 1.9 to 4.6 degrees Celsius as the report predicts it might, that could lead to a sea level rise of seven meters if the temperature rise were sustained over thousands of years, she said.

III - a. 雑知識
flop (映画や計画について「失敗」)は人にも使われる。メッツに2年間在籍したが、不本意な成績に終わったコロラド・ロッキーズの松井稼頭央内野手について、ヘラルド朝日の外電は、Kazuo Matsui was a flop in two seasons with the New York Mets after starring with the Seibu Lions for nine years.と表現していた。
lame duckは、任期切れを前にした「無力な大統領」の意味で使うが、さらに批判の度を強めて「救いようのない人、役立たず」はdead duckと言う。バージニア州にあるCollege of William & Maryで教鞭をとるGeorge W. Grayson氏はNewsweek誌の取材に対して、"Bush isn't a lame duck, he's a dead duck."と述べていた。
fire-sale priceは「特価、激安価格」に相当する口語表現。火災で焼け残った品物を処分するような価格という意味。I sold my car at a fire-sale price.=タダみたいな値段で車を売却した、Since you are a thrifty person, I'll let them go at the fire-sale price of only $20 each.=君は倹約家だから、ひとつ激安の20ドルでいいよ。
車の「バックミラー」は和製英語でrearview mirrorが正しい言い方。米自動車大手のGMがChryslerを買収しても、販売台数でトヨタには追いつけないことをNewsweek誌は、GMが後方でバックミラーに映っていることにたとえて、Even if GM ends up owning Chrysler, analysts still see Toyota leaving GM in its rearview mirror.と伝えていた。
dot-comは「インターネット関連企業」の意味。エレクトロニクス事業で注目された米国のSilicon Valleyが、今やクリーンエネルギーの開発に沸きつつあることをN.Y. Times紙がSilicon Valley's dot-com era may be giving way to the watt-com era.と伝えていた。watt-comはdotと韻を踏んだ造語でwattは電力の単位。
dress rehearsal「本番の衣装をつけたリハーサル」は、「大きな行事の前段階の行事」という意味で使われる。3月11日に実施された来春の大統領選に向けたロシアの地方選挙についてReuters電は、Russian regional elections were seen as a dress rehearsal for next year's presidential vote.のように伝えていた。
erode (金属などを「腐食させる」)は、優位な立場を「損なわせる」の意味で使われることもある。日本はオーストラリアにとって最大の貿易相手だが、中国の台頭でその地位がおびやかされていることを、N.Y. Times紙がJapan is still Australia's biggest trading partner, but China is eroding its lead.と伝えていた。
前置詞のaboveには、「人の理解を超えている」の意味があり、His speech went above the heads of his audience. (彼の演説は難しすぎて聴衆には理解されなかった)のように使える。また「事を超越して〜しない」の意味でHe is above suspicion / criticism. (嫌疑/非難の余地はない)という用法もある。
well-oiled machine (キチンとオイルを差した機械)は新聞英語でしばしば「効率のよい組織」の意味で使われる。統一地方選や参院選をひかえた安倍政権について、Newsweek誌がIn April and July, his camp faces a series of key elections they likely can't win without the help of the LDP's well-oiled machine.と述べていた。
Her baby has been weaned onto solid food. (赤ん坊は離乳して固形食になった)のweanがwean … offの形で使われると、人を(悪い)習慣などから「引き離す」の意味になる。She is trying to wean her husband off gambling. / I'm trying to wean my daughter off sweet snacks. (甘いおやつを食べさせないようにしている)。
culprit (犯罪者、犯人)は問題の「原因」という意味でも使われる。過小評価された中国の通貨価値が、米国の巨額な貿易赤字の主要な原因になっていることを、U.S. manufacturers see China's undervalued currency as a major culprit in a U.S. trade deficit with China.といった具合に表現できる。
目的格のwhomは文語調の場合を除き、今ではwhoで代用するのが普通。Whom are you meeting tonight? (今夜は誰に会う予定なの?)のWhomはWhoに。また「前置詞+whom」の形で文頭に置くのもまれで、From whom did you get the present?⇒Who did you get the present from?となる。
cavalier (騎士)は形容詞で、他人の重大事に「横柄な、むとんちゃくな」の意味。女性に限らず男性も高齢で結婚すると、障害(abnormalities)を持った子供が生まれてくる可能性があることを最近の研究から伝えたN.Y. Times紙の記事は、… men should not be too cavalier about postponing marriage and children.と表現していた。
「彼女をデートに誘った」はdateという単語を使わずに、I asked her out.でよい。また「彼からデートに誘われた」は受け身形にしないで、He asked me out.とする。「僕とデートして」=Will you go out with me?。「週末にデートをしている」=We are seeing each other on weekends.
Pigs might fly if they had wings. (翼が生えればブタでも空を飛ぶかもしれない)は「そんなことはあるはずはない」の意味のことわざ。この句の前半だけを使って「まさか!」の意味で、Pigs might fly before he becomes a politician. (まさか彼が政治家になることはないでしょう)のような表現が可能。
緊張してこぶしを握りしめると指関節の皮膚が白く見えることから、white-knuckle=手にあせ握る。昨年末の松坂大輔投手獲得をめぐる交渉について、N.Y. Times紙がMatsuzaka's white-knuckle negotiations with the Red Sox over the winter kept major league baseball riveted.と伝えていた。keep ~ riveted=〜をくぎ付けにする。
Matsuzaka fanned the Pirates' best hitter, Jason Bay.は、3月21日のパイレーツ戦でオープン戦5度目の先発をしたレッドソックスの松坂大輔投手が、大砲ジェイソン・ベイ外野手を三振に取ったことを伝えたAP電の1文。「扇風機」や「うちわ」のfanは動詞として野球用語で使われると投手が打者を「三振させる」の意味になる。
lineには軍の「前線」の意味があり、first line of defenseは「防衛の最前線」で比ゆ的にも使われる。インフルエンザ治療薬「タミフル」が、万一の大流行に備えて各国で備蓄されていることをヘラルド朝日紙が、Tamiflu is being stockpiled by many nations to be used as a first line of defense in the event of a flu pandemic.と伝えていた。

III-b. 英語のことわざ
◆Charity begins at home◆
According to this proverb, a good man should consider his family and his close friends (i.e. home) as the most important thing in his life. A good man would focus on being kind and generous to them, before he starts talking about being kind and generous to other people. This proverb is often used for people who focus so much on being good to other people that they neglect their own family.

III -c. 英語の新語
◆Dining al desko◆
"Dining al fresco" means to eat a meal outside, in the open air. "Al fresco" is Italian for outside. "Dining al desko", however, means to eat a meal sitting at your desk at work. This is becoming a common sight these days when the pressures of time and work do not let people eat away from their desk. Al desko is not Italian.

III-d. 英語のフレーズ
◆ Never confuse motion with action.◆
( 動いているからといって、行動していると思ってはいけない)

III-e. 今週のイディオム
not know enough to come in out of the rain
(stupid; not have common sense)
雨が降っても雨宿りしないような常識のない人や、一目瞭然のこともわからないほど分別がない人にたとえた口語表現。not have enough sense (imagination, intelligence) to come in from (out of) the rainという形でも使われます。
Sheila may have graduated college, but often she acts like she doesn't know enough to come in out of the rain.
Don 't ask him to do it by himself. He doesn't know enough to come in out the rain.

IV. Jokes
a. Engineering classes at the university where I work are tough, and struggling students sometimes go to extremes in order to pass. Marking exams one semester, I got to this question; "What is the relationship between kinetic and potential energy?"
One student, obviously stumped, decided to get clever and wrote, "As far as I know, they're just friends, but there could be something else going on there."
注:kinetic 運動の、動的な
potential 可能性がある、起こり得る、潜在的な
stump 困らせる、困惑させる

b. After spending a wonderful week together, my fiance dropped me off at the airport and returned to his military base. I didn't realize how much I'd miss him until I reached the plane and burst into tears.
"What's the matter?" asked the unlucky woman seated next to me. Between sobs I told her the story of my long-distance relationship.
"If you truly love him, it will work," she said. "I know. My ex-husband was in the army."
注:burst into tears ワッと泣きだす
ex-husband 前夫

c. It was his first year of religious studies, and already my six-year-old son was debating the teacher.
When told, "God made everything," Michael quickly stood up. "God does not make everything," he insisted. "Most things are made in China."
