資料No. : NS060419  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The brain has two halves and _____ thin layers of membrane.
(A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We were taught at school that the Pilgrim Fathers _____ on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
(A) landed (B) have landed (C) had landed (D) had been landed

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It was quite likely that the President _____ in to the intense lobbying from pressure groups.
(A) has given (B) had given (C) should give (D) should be giving

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He must have fooled my secretary into thinking that he _____ my brother-in-law.
(A) be (B) is (C) was (D) been

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
All we need to set up an office is one desk, a couple of chairs, and ----- computer equipment.
(A) a (B) one (C) some (D) a few

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Because his plane was late, he was forced to ----- his talk at the convention.
(A) complete (B) reschedule (C) extend (D) deliver

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The design department wants to find out ----- specifications these are.
(A) why (B) that (C) whose (D) where

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
I spent an (A)enormous number of time (B)preparing for (C)the physics (D)exam.

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The labor union has been negotiating (A)with the company for (B)some time; however, there (C)has been (D)quite a few progress.

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
This is (A)the my sixth visit, and your warm hospitality (B)has always made me (C)feel (D)very welcome.

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
A)Of all the emerging Eastern European B)nation, none C)has a brighter future D)than Hungary.

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
A)Before our company started B)using the new ball bearings, we had C)much shutdowns D)on our assembly line.

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
A)By the end of the year, B)the stock analysts C)predict, the market D)has climbed to record levels.

1. 空所補充問題
It seems ----- just when the Asian art of paper folding emerged, although it is likely to have developed out of an older tradition of the decorative folding of cloth.
(A) not being clear (B) to have been unclear (C) unclear (D) unclearly

2. 空所補充問題
The design of a building requires the architect ----- in a continuous dialogue between theoretical and practical considerations.
(A) to engage (B) engaging (C) engage (D) engaged

3. 空所補充問題
The Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I was harshly criticized not only by the vanquished, -----.
(A) and by the victors as well (B) but by the victors as well
(C) but by the victors indeed (D) or by the victors too

4. 空所補充問題
Since ancient boats were typically constructed out of perishable materials, archaeologists ----- find them intact and often must rely on contemporary artistic depictions of them.
(A) unlikely (B) almost not ever (C) hardly never (D) rarely

5. 空所補充問題
----- the most valuable and endangered tree species of tropical South America are the hardwoods teak and mahogany.
(A) Within (B) Throughout (C) Among (D) Without

6. 正誤問題
It was (A)after German author Thomas Mann received (B)the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 that he (C)goes on to create his most mature and distinguished (D)works.

7. 正誤問題
(A)Historic linguistics (B)is the study of the (C)changes languages (D)undergo over the centuries.

8. 正誤問題
(A)A controversy is currently (B)being raged in the field of artificial intelligence (C)over whether 'intelligent' computers reproduce human intelligence, or (D)merely mimic it.

9. 正誤問題
Cryogenics (A)is the science, (B)while still in its infancy, of preserving dead animals in a frozen state and (C)attempting to revive (D)them at a later date.

10. 正誤問題
(A)The human vertebral column (B)are also known (C)as the backbone, the spine (D)and the spinal column.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The brain has two halves and _____ thin layers of membrane.
(A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with
※正解(D)。【文構造】主語はbrainで、andはbrainについて述べている2つの述部 (has two halvesと_____ thin layers of membrane) を結んでいる。
【着眼点】and以下の述部を完成させる問題なのでThe brain _____ thin layers of membrane. と単純化して考える。brainが単数名詞であることに着目した時点で (A) と (C) がまず消える。残るは (B) と (D) だがbrainがthin ... membraneをcoverしているのではなくてその逆なので、空所にはis covered withがくる。なお、「be+過去分詞+by以外の前置詞」の組み合わせにも注意。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We were taught at school that the Pilgrim Fathers _____ on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
(A) landed (B) have landed (C) had landed (D) had been landed
※正解(A)。【着眼点】that 節の内容が歴史上の事実 (と見なされている事柄)に言及している点に注意。このような場合は主節の時制とは無関係に話し手の立場から過去の事柄として直接その内容を把握することになる。したがって、正解は (A)の landed となる。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It was quite likely that the President _____ in to the intense lobbying from pressure groups.
(A) has given (B) had given (C) should give (D) should be giving
※正解(B)。【着眼点】主節が It was quite likely と過去時制をとっているので、that 節にも過去系列の動詞 (had given)を配置する。
【選択肢】likely に続く節の中では、話し手の主観的な強い感情を表す should は使えない (×It is likely that Samson should have married Delian in the first place)。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He must have fooled my secretary into thinking that he _____ my brother-in-law.
(A) be (B) is (C) was (D) been
※正解(C)。【文構造】「fool +人 (my secretary)+〜ing」は「人をだまして〜させる」の意。
【着眼点】「法助動詞+完了形」(must have fooled) は意味的には過去時に言及するものであり、過去時制と同等であると見なすことができる。問題文は「法助動詞+完了形」の後に直接 that 節が現れているわけではないが、「秘書がだまされて that 以下のこと (=事実ではないこと) を思い込まされたに違いない」という流れだから、that 節には過去時制の動詞をもってくるのがふさわしい。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
All we need to set up an office is one desk, a couple of chairs, and ----- computer equipment.
(A) a (B) one (C) some (D) a few
※正解(C)。equipment (機器、設備)は、例えばコンピューターやプリンターなど、いろいろな機器の総称なので、数えられない名詞として扱われる。 (A) 〜 (D) のうちで、数えられない名詞に用いられるのは (C)some のみ。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Because his plane was late, he was forced to ----- his talk at the convention.
(A) complete (B) reschedule (C) extend (D) deliver
※正解(B)。be forced to do は force ( [ 人に ] 〜することを強いる)の受動態で、「〜せざるを得ない」という意味を表す。 (A)complete (〜を完全にする)、 (C)extend (〜を延ばす)、 (D)deliver (〜を配達する)ではいずれも意味が通らない。正解は (B) の reschedule (〜の予定を変更する)。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The design department wants to find out ----- specifications these are.
(A) why (B) that (C) whose (D) where
※正解(C)。specifications は通常複数形で「設計明細書、仕様書」。空所以下が find out 〜(〜ということを知る)の目的語となるので、正解は (C)whose 。

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
I spent an (A)enormous number of time (B)preparing for (C)the physics (D)exam.
※正解(A)。【着眼点】「a(n) (形容詞) number of」が出て下線部がnumberにかかっていたら必ず後続の名詞 (time) をチェック。timeは、例えば回数に言及するときなどは可算だが、勉強に費す時間などを言うときは不可算で量的に把握する形となる。したがってここはamountを使うべきところ。

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The labor union has been negotiating (A)with the company for (B)some time; however, there (C)has been (D)quite a few progress.
※正解(D)。【着眼点】fewに下線があったら後続の名詞 (progress) をチェック。progressは不可算なのでfewではなくlittleを使うが、あわせてquite aも削除。quite a littleは「多く[多量]の」の意で ( → quite a fewは「多数の」)、セミコロンの後でhoweverと展開する文脈に合わせつつprogressにつけるとすればaのないlittleとなる。
【下線部】negotiate with 〜 は「〜と交渉する」で、for some timeは「しばらく」の意。Cは主部がprogressなので問題ない。

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
This is (A)the my sixth visit, and your warm hospitality (B)has always made me (C)feel (D)very welcome.
※正解(A)。【着眼点】序数詞 (sixth) があるからといって、theが必要と単純に考えないこと。冠詞と所有格 (my) を並べて同一の名詞 (visit) にかけるのは不可。myはthe sixth visitのtheに取って代わることはできるがtheを残したまま割り込むことはできない。
【下線部】Bのalwaysはこの位置 (=助動詞と本動詞の間) が最もふつう。Cは「make (使役動詞) +O (me) +#原形# (feel) 」の構文だからこれで正しい。Dのwelcomeはveryなどの程度副詞による修飾が可能な形容詞。

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
A)Of all the emerging Eastern European B)nation, none C)has a brighter future D)than Hungary.
※正解(B)。(B)nation は all に修飾されているので nations と複数形にするのが正解。なお、この none ( =no nation )は単数なので (C) の has は正しい。

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
A)Before our company started B)using the new ball bearings, we had C)much shutdowns D)on our assembly line.
※正解(C)。shutdowns は可算名詞 shutdown (操業休止)の複数形なので、 (C) の much は many としなければならない。

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
A)By the end of the year, B)the stock analysts C)predict, the market D)has climbed to record levels.
※正解(D)。By the end of the year (年末までに)と、未来のある時点を指しているので、 (D) の動詞の時制を未来完了の will have climbed に変えなけえればならない。ちなみに、 the stock analysts predict (株式専門家は〜と分析している)は挿入句である。

1. 空所補充問題
It seems ----- just when the Asian art of paper folding emerged, although it is likely to have developed out of an older tradition of the decorative folding of cloth.
(A) not being clear (B) to have been unclear (C) unclear (D) unclearly
※正解(C)。seemsの後に形容詞unclearを続ければ、「アジアの芸術である折り紙(paper folding)がいつ登場した(emerged)のか、その時期ははっきりしていないようである」の意味になる。

2. 空所補充問題
The design of a building requires the architect ----- in a continuous dialogue between theoretical and practical considerations.
(A) to engage (B) engaging (C) engage (D) engaged
※正解(A)。require ... to〜で「……に〜することを必要とする」の意味になる。正解は(A) to engageである。

3. 空所補充問題
The Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I was harshly criticized not only by the vanquished, -----.
(A) and by the victors as well (B) but by the victors as well
(C) but by the victors indeed (D) or by the victors too
※正解(B)。not only ... の後に来るのはbut alsoだが、alsoは省略されることがあるので、正解は(B) not by the victors as wellである。このas wellがalsoと同じ働きをしている。The Treaty of Versailles「ベルサイユ条約」。

4. 空所補充問題
Since ancient boats were typically constructed out of perishable materials, archaeologists ----- find them intact and often must rely on contemporary artistic depictions of them.
(A) unlikely (B) almost not ever (C) hardly never (D) rarely

5. 空所補充問題
----- the most valuable and endangered tree species of tropical South America are the hardwoods teak and mahogany.
(A) Within (B) Throughout (C) Among (D) Without
※正解(C)。amongには「……の仲間である」という意味がある。The hardwoods teak and mahogany are among ... のamong ... が文頭に倒置されていることに注意。

6. 正誤問題
It was (A)after German author Thomas Mann received (B)the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 that he (C)goes on to create his most mature and distinguished (D)works.
※正解(C)。goes → went。接続詞after、冠詞theに問題はない。この文の時制は過去形なので、goesはwentになる。worksは可算名詞で「作品」の意味。

7. 正誤問題
(A)Historic linguistics (B)is the study of the (C)changes languages (D)undergo over the centuries.
※正解(A)。Historic → Historical。historicは「歴史的に有名な」という意味。歴史言語学はhistorical linguisticsと言う。undergo「受ける、経験する」。

8. 正誤問題
(A)A controversy is currently (B)being raged in the field of artificial intelligence (C)over whether 'intelligent' computers reproduce human intelligence, or (D)merely mimic it.
※正解(B)。being raged → raging。この場合のcontroversy「論争」は可算名詞。rage「激怒する」は自動詞、したがって、being ragedはragingにしなくてはいけない。前置詞over、副詞merelyの用法に誤りはない。

9. 正誤問題
Cryogenics (A)is the science, (B)while still in its infancy, of preserving dead animals in a frozen state and (C)attempting to revive (D)them at a later date.
※正解(B)。while still → still。cryogenics「低温学」は単数なのでisに問題はない。while stillのwhileは余分である。attemptingは前のofに続いている。themはanimalsのことである。

10. 正誤問題
(A)The human vertebral column (B)are also known (C)as the backbone, the spine (D)and the spinal column.
※正解(B)。are → is。冠詞theに問題はない。human vertebral column「人間の脊椎」は単数であるので、areではなくisで受ける。is also known as ... で「……としても知られている」の意味。接続詞andの用法に誤りはない。

II. 時事英文
The intention behind those 12 cartoons was dubious in the first place. The Prophet Muhammad did not appear merely as a cartoon character - which one could defend on the basis that he is a historic and religious figure, and that the ban on representing him should not apply to non-Muslims. Muhammad was represented precisely because Muslims forbid that he be depicted.

III - a. 雑知識
01. 牛丼は英字紙でbeef bowlと表記される。追加説明として、a popular form of fast food featuring sauteed meat on a bowlful of rice (牛肉をソテー風にさっと炒めて1杯のごはんにかけた人気のファースト・フード)とすればより具体的になる。このほか、beef-on-rice dishやbowl of rice topped with seasoned beefなども可能。
「未来を占う」を慣用表現でread the tea leaves (お茶の葉を読む)と言う。When I was young, my father read the tea leaves correctly and believed that computers were going to be an important part of the future.=私が若いころ、父は正確に未来を占って、コンピューターが重要な役割を果たすことになると信じていた。
turn up one's toesは「死ぬ」の意味でMy grandfather turned up his toes at 89.のように使う。通例、おどけた表現で「おだぶつになる」に近い。先頃、引退を表明した米CBSテレビの人気番組「60 Minutes」のインタビュアーMike Wallace氏は、かつて引退時期を聞かれ"when my toes turn up" (死ぬ時だ)と答えた。
checking-line rage = extreme anger caused by a perceived wrongdoing or a lengthy wait in the supermarket checkout lineで、スーパーのレジで並んでいるときにイライラして怒りを爆発させること。同様にrageを含む表現として、road rage (交通渋滞でのイライラ)、parking lot rage (駐車場待ちのイライラ)などがある。
高価なポルシェを買えない人が買うような、安価なスポーツカーを皮肉を込めてpoor man's Porsche (貧乏人のポルシェ)と言う。Many auto critics regard the new sports car as just a poor man's Porsche. / He paid too much money for a car that carries the poor-man's Porsche tag.のように使う。
Iran is a decade away from possessing a nuclear weapon. (イランの核兵器保有は10年先である)のbe … awayは「始まるまであと…である」の意味で「…」の部分には期間が入る。The mid-term exams are still two months away.=中間試験までまだ2カ月ある。with Golden Week one month away=黄金週間を1カ月後に控えて。
get what one deservesは慣用表現で「人が悪行の報いを受ける」。戦争犯罪などの罪に問われ公判中に獄中死したミロシェビッチ元ユーゴ大統領について、コソボで死体の掘り出し(exhume)にあたってきた法医学の専門家(forensics expert)は、"The people didn't see him get what he deserved."と述べた。
to no availは文中・文尾で「無益に、甲斐なく」の意味で使われる決まり文句。野球のWBC2次リーグの対米国戦で、タッチアップ(tag up)をめぐり覆った判定(overruled judgement)に抗議したが聞き入れられなかった王貞治監督は、Japanese manager Sadaharu Oh protested the controversial call to no avail.と表現できる。
石油・ガスなどの「輸送管路(pipeline)」はin the pipelineの形で使われると、物事が「準備中/考慮中で」の意味になる。石油を産地から利用地まで輸送することから「使用を待つ状態にある」が原義。We have several projects in the pipeline.=私たちには具体化に向けて進行中のいくつかの企画がある。
クリケットの「強打(swipe)」がtake a swipe atの形で使われると「〜を非難する」の意味になり、In his State of the Union address (一般教書演説で), George W. Bush took a swipe at critics.のように使う。また、磁気カードを「読み取り機に通す」の意味があり、情報が記憶されているクレジットカードや、IDカードがswipe card。
middle groundは「真ん中を取った意見」で形容詞のhappyをつけると円満な「妥協点」の意味になる。John and his boss are arguing over the new project. It seems to be difficult to find a happy middle ground. (ジョンと彼の上司は新企画をめぐって口論している。妥協点を見つけるのは難しそうだ)のように使う。
deathblowは文字通りに「致命的な打撃」のことで、比ゆ的にThe bribery scandal was a deathblow to his political life. (贈収賄事件は彼の政治生命に致命的な打撃となった)、The personal computer dealt a deathblow to the word processor. (パソコンはワープロに壊滅的な打撃を与えた)のように使う。
北欧諸国(Scandinavia)では所得格差が比較的小さいことからegalitarianism (平等主義)のたとえによく使われる。Although its income distribution is not as egalitarian as Scandinavia's, Japan has far less inequality than the United States.は、日本は米国に比べればはるかに平等社会であることを述べたもの。
hindsightは「後知恵、(すでに起こった出来事を)後から判断する能力」でWith hindsight, I should have taken the job. (今になって思えば、あの仕事を引き受けておくべきだった)のように使う。反対がforesightでa man of foresight=先見力のある人、have the foresight to do …=先見の明をもって…する。
drop a dimeは公衆電話にコインを入れる動作から生まれた表現で「密告する」。He dropped a dime on my father to the FBI.=彼は私の父をFBIに密告した。N.Y. TimesのWilliam SafireはTo drop a dime means "to insert a coin into a payphone to dial the police and inform about a criminal conspiracy."と定義していた。
「揺れ動く」のswingには政治家による「国やある地域への短期間の訪問」の意味がある。ライス米国務長官が3月10日から18日までの日程でチリ、ペルー、インドネシア、豪州を訪問したニュースで、Condoleezza Rice stopped in Indonesia on a swing that started in Santiago over the weekend.のように使われた。
時計の「振り子」=pendulumには「世論の変化」の意味もある。Washington pendulum always swings; Bush's polls appear to have bottomed out and are rising. (Newsweek, Dec. 19, 2005)は米政府への世論は常に変化していて、ブッシュ大統領の支持率が下げ止まって上昇していることを述べたもの。
期待していた数量が少ない場合、drop in the ocean (大海の1滴)という口語表現が使える。We've gathered 10,000 signatures against the construction of the nuclear power plant, but they are just a drop in the ocean. (原子力発電所建設に反対の署名を1万集めたが、いかにも少ない)といった具合。「すずめの涙」の訳にも使える。

III-b. 日本への疑問に英語で答える!(その11:全23回シリーズ)
What do you think about the Japanese Self-Defense Forces staying in Iraq?
Man: It is quite important for Japan as a member of the international community to dispatch the SDF to Iraq to restore order. There also will be the economic future benefit of Japanese companies having preferential access to the Iraqi market.
Woman: Many people and even politicians insist that deploying the SDF in Iraq is against the Constitution. They doubt the significance of its mission and if, and exactly how, the SDF's presence contributes to the restoration of Iraq. I don't think that I've seen any tangible results yet.

III -c. ことわざ・慣用句、四字熟語
(1) ことわざ・慣用句
● Those two are like oil and water. They don't get along at all.
※「水と油」は英語ではoil and waterと油が先に来ます。

(2) 四字熟語
● You're crazy if you think he's on the up-and-up. The only reason you can say that is because you don't know what he's doing behind the scenes.
※ここでは「品行方正」をbe on the up-and-up「くそまじめである」で表現しています。

III-d. 今週のイディオム
meat and potatoes
(the most important part of a discussion)
Let's get down to the meat and potatoes: Who is going to pay for this mess?
Care for the aged is the meat and potatoes of this project.
We have yet to find a meat-and-potatoes solution to the problem.

IV. Jokes
a. The doctor's receptionist was startled when a nun stormed out of the surgery and left. She asked the doctor what happened. "Well," said the doctor, "I examined her and told her she was pregnant."
"Doctor!" exclaimed the receptionist. "That can't be!"
"Of course not," he said, "but it certainly cured her hiccups."

b. A new teller at the bank found that a colleague was embezzling enormous sums of money. He went straight to the manager and told him, "Mr. Smith is robbing us of thousands of dollars."
"Yes," said the manager. "I know."
"You know?" gasped the teller. "Then why don't you fire him?"
"We can't afford to," sighed the manager. "He's our biggest depositor."

c. Two men are led to a wall to face a firing squad. An officer blindfolds them, but one man rips his from his face and hurls it defiantly to the ground.
"Please, Sam," begs his companion, "don't make trouble."
