資料No. : NS050309  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Problems with juvenile delinquency often _____ an unstable home life.
(A) origins (B) originates by (C) originate in (D) originating from

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_____ isn't decided whether he will be promoted or not.
(A) Such (B) Both (C) It (D) He

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_____ effective marketing skills is the purpose of this seminar.
(A) They teach (B) It is to teach (C) To teach (D) In order to teach

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The police _____ that Senator Brown had been shot appeared in the press yesterday.
(A) reported (B) have report (C) is reported (D) report

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Large ----- corporations benefit from huge reserves of capital, but lack the adaptability and agility of smaller firms that only operate locally.
(A) multilingual (B) multidirectional (C) multinational (D) multidimensional

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Sometimes making ends ----- is easy, and sometimes it requires sacrifice and resourcefulness.
(A) arrange (B) meet (C) put (D) come

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Naturally we encourage employees to socialize, but we do not approve of lengthy sessions of idle ----- in the workplace.
(A) pitter-patter (B) rub-a-dub (C) shilly-shally (D) chit-chat

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
(A)That brand used to (B)being very (C)popular (D)among young women.

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
You'll (A)need provide a (B)passport photo (C)for your (D)membership card.

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Will I (A)must show my parking (B)permit (C)on (D)the windshield of my car?

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
No one really knows (A)how much long it might take to (B)reformat all the (C)information in the database (D)so that it can be used with our new software.

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The (A)last final task (B)left to be done to complete a project (C)is to clean up the work area and properly stow all (D)equipment and materials.

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
We are (A)currently studying (B)ways of improving our (C)staff training program in order to boost (D)efficient.

1. 空所補充問題
Much of the ice or liquid water released from a storm cloud evaporates before ----- the ground.
(A) reaches (B) reaching (C) to reach (D) reach

2. 空所補充問題
Biologists still do not know how spiders ----- produce silk that is so strong and flexible.
(A) be able to (B) able to (C) to be able to (D) are able to

3. 空所補充問題
The streets of the ancient city of Alexandria were laid out ----- to take advantage of the cool Mediterranean breezes.
(A) such as (B) so as (C) inasmuch as (D) as

4. 空所補充問題
Every member of the committee ----- the chairman was in favor of installing parking meters in the campus parking lot.
(A) without (B) that (C) not (D) but

5. 空所補充問題
Ball bearings are crucial to the functioning of many of the mechanical devices we rely ----- every day.
(A) for (B) of (C) on (D) to

6. 正誤問題
Useful machines (A)enough small to be injected (B)into the bloodstream will (C)be available in (D)the near future.

7. 正誤問題
Energy (A)that cannot be destroyed, but (B)can be changed into a different form (C)or transferred (D)to a different location.

8. 正誤問題
The second-coldest liquid on (A)earth is liquid hydrogen, (B)which can be (C)stable contained at -253 (D)degrees Centigrade.

9. 正誤問題
The core of the sun, (A)where nuclear reactions take place (B)under intense pressure, is (C)very hotter than (D)its surface.

10. 正誤問題
Prince Edward Island, (A)it is located in (B)the gulf of the St. Lawrence River, (C)is (D)Canada's smallest province.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Problems with juvenile delinquency often _____ an unstable home life.
(A) origins (B) originates by (C) originate in (D) originating from
※正解(C)。【文構造】#Problems# (with ... delinquency) (often) _____ ...
S (前置詞句) (副詞) V
【選択肢】(A) origin (s) は「起源」の意の名詞。(B) originatesと-sがあるので不可。(D) -ing 形は単独では述語動詞になれない。
*juvenile delinquency (少年非行) が不明でも文構造から正解を導ける。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_____ isn't decided whether he will be promoted or not.
(A) Such (B) Both (C) It (D) He
※正解(C)。【文構造】 「#それ#」 「決定されていない」 「彼が昇進するかどうかということ」
#It# #is#n't #decided# #whether he will be promoted or not.#
#仮主語# 述語動詞 #真主語#
【着眼点】仮主語になれるのは (C) のみ。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_____ effective marketing skills is the purpose of this seminar.
(A) They teach (B) It is to teach (C) To teach (D) In order to teach
※正解(C)。【文構造】 「... skills を#教えること#」 │ 「このセミナーの目的#である#」
→ #To teach ... skills# │ #is# the purpose of this seminar.
#S# #V#
【着眼点】V (is) を特定 → V の左に S の資格を満たすものを求める → (A) They teach ... (「彼らは…を教える」 → 独立文型式のまま) / (B) It is to teach ... (「それは…を教えることである」 → 独立文形式のまま) / (D) In order to teach ... (「…を教えるために」 → 目的を表す副詞句) → いずれも主語の資格なし。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The police _____ that Senator Brown had been shot appeared in the press yesterday.
(A) reported (B) have report (C) is reported (D) report
※正解(D)。【文構造】「警察の#報告#」 = 「議員狙撃ということ」 │「昨日報道で流れた」
The police #report#   #that ... shot# │#appeared# ...
主語の名詞   主語と同格の名詞節 述語動詞
【着眼点】「警察 (S) が that ... ということを __ (V) 」のように勘違いしない。had been shot と appeared が V の資格を満たしていることを確認 → 文全体の V (appeared) を特定しその V にふさわしい S を左側にさがす → report には名詞もあることを思い出す。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Large ----- corporations benefit from huge reserves of capital, but lack the adaptability and agility of smaller firms that only operate locally.
(A) multilingual (B) multidirectional (C) multinational (D) multidimensional
※正解(C)。各選択肢の意味は次の通り。multilingual「多くの言語が話せる」、multidirectional「多方向の」、multinational「多国籍の」、multidimensional「多次元の」。 multinational corporationsとは「多国籍企業」のことである。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Sometimes making ends ----- is easy, and sometimes it requires sacrifice and resourcefulness.
(A) arrange (B) meet (C) put (D) come
※正解(B)。make ends meet「収支を合わせる」という表現を知っているかどうかがポイント。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Naturally we encourage employees to socialize, but we do not approve of lengthy sessions of idle ----- in the workplace.
(A) pitter-patter (B) rub-a-dub (C) shilly-shally (D) chit-chat
※正解(D)。idle chit-chatとは「むだなおしゃべり」のこと。 pitter-patter「パタパタ(という音)」、rub-a-dub「ドンドン(太鼓の音)」、shilly-shally「優柔不断」。

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
(A)That brand used to (B)being very (C)popular (D)among young women.
※正解(B)。【着眼点】used toのtoは不定詞のtoで前置詞ではないからBはbeとなる。頻出事項なので確実に押さえること。
【下線部】Dのamong [×between] young women (若い女性たちの間で) は大事。「3人以上の間で」はamongで、betweenは「2人の間」が原則。

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
You'll (A)need provide a (B)passport photo (C)for your (D)membership card.
※正解(A)。【着眼点】周辺法助動詞としてのneedは純然たる肯定文では用いないのでneed provideは不可。needを本動詞用法に転じてneed to provideとすれば通る。ちなみに助動詞needの使用自体が米国では比較的まれである。
【下線部】passport/membershipは名詞が形容詞的に働いて他の名詞 (=photo/card) を修飾している形 。Cは「目的」のforで「〜を得るために」の意。

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Will I (A)must show my parking (B)permit (C)on (D)the windshield of my car?
※正解(A)。【着眼点】×Will I must ...のように法助動詞どうしを並べるのは不可。Iをはさんだ形で出てくるとうっかりすることもあるかもしれないが平叙文に戻して考えればすぐわかる (×I will must ...)。mustはhave toとする。have toは be able toなどとともに「半助動詞」と呼ばれるもので'will have to [be able to] 'の形を許す。
【下線部】permitには「許可証」の意の名詞がある。Cは「接触・付着」のonで上面だけでなく下または側面との接触も表す (a fly on the ceiling (天井にとまっているハエ) [下面] /a picture on the wall [側面] )。Dについては、windshieldが特定の車 (my car) のフロントガラスを指し、かつ1台の車にフロントガラスは1つだからtheは必須。

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
No one really knows (A)how much long it might take to (B)reformat all the (C)information in the database (D)so that it can be used with our new software.
※正解(A)。how much → how。how muchの後にlongerがあればこのままでいいが、longが使われているので、muchは不要。

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The (A)last final task (B)left to be done to complete a project (C)is to clean up the work area and properly stow all (D)equipment and materials.
※正解(A)。last final → final または last。last、finalともに「最後の」という意味を表すので、ここではどちらかひとつを使えばいい。

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
We are (A)currently studying (B)ways of improving our (C)staff training program in order to boost (D)efficient.
※正解(D)。efficient → efficiency。efficientは形容詞なので、動詞boost「上げる、高める」の目的語にはならない。ここでは名詞形efficiency「能率」を用いる。

1. 空所補充問題
Much of the ice or liquid water released from a storm cloud evaporates before ----- the ground.
(A) reaches (B) reaching (C) to reach (D) reach

2. 空所補充問題
Biologists still do not know how spiders ----- produce silk that is so strong and flexible.
(A) be able to (B) able to (C) to be able to (D) are able to
※正解(D)。あまり難しく考えることはない。how文の主語spidersの後にare able toを使えば、動詞produceと繋がるようになる。

3. 空所補充問題
The streets of the ancient city of Alexandria were laid out ----- to take advantage of the cool Mediterranean breezes.
(A) such as (B) so as (C) inasmuch as (D) as
※正解(B)。前後の流れから判断してto以下は目的を表すはずである。so as to... にすれば「……するために」という意味になる。

4. 空所補充問題
Every member of the committee ----- the chairman was in favor of installing parking meters in the campus parking lot.
(A) without (B) that (C) not (D) but

5. 空所補充問題
Ball bearings are crucial to the functioning of many of the mechanical devices we rely ----- every day.
(A) for (B) of (C) on (D) to

6. 正誤問題
Useful machines (A)enough small to be injected (B)into the bloodstream will (C)be available in (D)the near future.
※正解(A)。enough small → small enough。enough smallの語順がおかしい。small enough to... で「……するのに十分小さい」の意味になる。

7. 正誤問題
Energy (A)that cannot be destroyed, but (B)can be changed into a different form (C)or transferred (D)to a different location.
※正解(A)。that cannot → cannot。that cannotの接続詞のthatはどう見ても余分である。can be、or、toの用法に問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
The second-coldest liquid on (A)earth is liquid hydrogen, (B)which can be (C)stable contained at -253 (D)degrees Centigrade.
※正解(C)。stable → stably。on earth、関係代名詞whichに誤りはない。stableは過去分詞containedにかかっているので、stablyと副詞形にしなければならない。複数形degreesに問題はない。

9. 正誤問題
The core of the sun, (A)where nuclear reactions take place (B)under intense pressure, is (C)very hotter than (D)its surface.
※正解(C)。very hotter → much hotter。比較級hotterを強調するには、veryではなくmuchを用いなくてはならない。

10. 正誤問題
Prince Edward Island, (A)it is located in (B)the gulf of the St. Lawrence River, (C)is (D)Canada's smallest province.
※正解(A)。it is located → located / which is located。it is locatedのままではこの文に2つ主語があることになる。it is locatedをlocated、あるいは、which is locatedにすれば問題が解決する。

II. 時事英文
Bush is scheduled to visit Brussels this month, a gesture meant to show new sensitivity to Europe's concerns. His mission will not be easy, but the situation in Iraq may focus minds on the need for cooperation.
The Middle East is the nexus of the world's expectations from the president. Bush and his secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, may ease hostility to America if they are seen to bring fresh energy - and greater balance - to their approach to the Palestinian conflict, and if they can find a way to start withdrawing from Iraq this year.

III - a. 雑知識
01. 自分で努力することなしに恵まれた生活をすることをlive off the fat of the landと言い「左うちわで暮らす」に相当する非難を込めた表現。Once John's father died, he inherited his father's fortune and lived off the fat land.のように使う。He lives off his parents.=親のすねかじりだ。
02. referがbe referred toの形で使われると患者が専門医に「まわされる」の意味があり、I was referred to a larger hospital for surgery.=手術のためにもっと大きな病院へまわされた。名詞のreferralは患者の紹介の意味でI asked for a referral to the hospital.=その病院へ出す照会文書を依頼した。
03. 「〜に慣れる」はI am accustomed to long train rides to school. (電車での長距離通学には慣れている)のようにbe accustomed (used) toが定番だが、忍耐力がつくことで慣れてきたという含みを出すにはI've developed a tolerance for long train rides.のような表現も可能。
04.His five-year-old son does all his calculations in his head and is always way ahead of everyone in a discussion. (計算はすべて暗算で行い、討論では常に他のずっと先をいく)に続いて「神童だ」と言いたいときはHe is a child prodigy.。また天才的な頭脳を持った子供(青年)をwhiz kidと言う。
05.法律を拡大解釈することをstretch the lawと言う。目的語にimaginationを使ってDon't stretch your imagination too far.とすると「あまり想像力を働かせすぎるな」の意味。また、the truth (真実)を使ったSometimes it's necessary to stretch the truth.は「ウソも方便」に近い意味になる。
06.Tell me what it takes to be a winner. (勝つためにどうすればよいか教えてください)、What does it take to succeed in business in Japan? (日本でのビジネス成功のコツは?)、He has what it takes to be a leader. (指導者の資質がある)のように、takeには特定の資質や努力を「必要とする」の意味がある。
07.through thick and thinは「楽なときも苦しいときも」の意味の慣用句。The company is known for keeping workers on the payroll through thick and thin.=景気のよいときも悪いときも従業員をクビにしないことで知られる。狩猟に由来し「草木の茂っている所やまばらな所を通って」が原義。
08.a critic of authorityは「権威のある批評家」の意味で、of authorityはauthoritativeと同義。「of+抽象名詞」が形容詞になる英語特有の名詞の用法で、He is a man of ability. (有能な人だ=an able man)と同じ。「権威を批評する人」ならa critic of the authorityと冠詞が入る。
09.damn (ちくしょう)は下品な語とされるが、日常的に広く使われる。ただし印刷物ではd-nのように表記される。また、動詞用法もありI'm damned if (= I'll be damned if) …の形で「絶対…しない」の意味で、I'll be damned if I'll have him in my house. (あんなヤツを家に入れてたまるか)のように使う。
10. incarnationは「人間の姿をとること」「肉体化」の意味だが、He is the incarnation of honesty. (彼は正直そのものだ)、He is the incarnation of stinginess. (彼はケチのかたまりだ)のような用法が可能。形容詞のincarnate (肉体化された)はHe is the devil incarnate. (悪魔の化身だ)のように使う。
11. 「聴衆」のaudienceにはformal meeting with a very important personの意味があり、国王などとの「謁見(えっけん)」の訳語として使える。The president had an audience with the Emperor.=「大統領は国王と謁見した」、We were granted an audience with the Queen.=「謁見を許された」。
12. 商品代金の即時決済機能が付いたデビットカード(debit card)のdebitは帳簿の左側にある「借り方記入」や銀行口座の「引き落とし」の意味で「融資(credit)」の反意語。動詞用法では、Please debit my Visa account with the sum of \10,000. (ビザカードから1万円を引き落としてください)のように使える。
13. 前置詞、または副詞として使われるbehindには名詞として、遠回しに「おしり(buttocks)」の意味があり、I slipped on the frozen street and fell on my behind. (凍りついた道で滑ってしりもちをついた)のように使える。fall on one's behind (しりもちをつく)が成句でbehindの代わりにbottomも可。
14.「1001」をa thousand and oneと読むと「非常にたくさんの」の意味になる。I have tried a thousand and one ways people have recommended to beat jet lag, but not one has succeeded so far. (いいと言われる時差ぼけ克服法のありとあらゆるものを試したが、どれもダメだった)のように使う。
15.留学する人に言う「現地の日本人社会にどっぷりつかるのは避けなさい」は、かつてのユダヤ人強制居住地区(ghetto)を使って、Don't get stuck in the Japanese ghetto if you want to make your overseas study successful.のように表現できる。group-oriented Japanese=集団志向の強い日本人。
16.This area smacks of the sea. (この辺りは海のかおりがする)のsmack ofは味覚や臭覚のほか「〜らしい点がある」、性質などが「〜気味だ」という意味で、The summit smacked strongly of a political show. (その首脳会議は政治ショーの色合いが濃かった)のように使うことも可能。
17. voodooは西インド諸島などで信じられている「まじない的宗教」のことだが、かつて故レーガン大統領が唱えた減税策は根拠がなかったことから、voodoo economicsと呼ばれ、反対派からは韻を踏んだWe have to exchange voodoo economics for can-do economics (実効ある経済).と非難された。
18. He had wielded authoritarian power over the country for a quarter century. (彼は4半世紀にわたりその国で独裁的な権力をふるってきた)のwieldは権力のほか武器や道具などを「ふるう」の意味があることから、money-wielding real estate agents (金にモノを言わせる不動産屋)のような用法もある。

III-b あなたのボキャブラリーの増量法(その2:全17回シリーズ)
Part 1芋づる式に派生語を覚える
2 seasoned
※ seasonの原義は「絶好のタイミング」で、名詞の「季節」という意味は「種をまく絶好のタイミング」から生まれた。動詞の「風味をつける」という意味は「最高の味を引き出すタイミング」から発達したもの。果実や穀物をおいしく食べるには、たっぷり時間をかけて熟成し、収獲する時機をうかがうことが大切、という意識があり、後に「(木材)を乾燥させる」や「慣れさせる」という意味が生まれた。
Don't season food too heavily - you'll hide the natural flavors. (あまり過剰に食べ物に味付けをしてはダメだよ―もともとの風味が消えてしまうよ)
Tom is pretty good cook, but he doesn't use enough seasoning. (トムはかなり料理がうまいが、調味料の使い方が足りない)

III -c. ことわざ・慣用句、四字熟語
(1) ことわざ・慣用句
● Unlike what you see on stage, the scene backstage is as bustling as a disturbed beehive.
※ as bustling as a disturbed beehive が「蜂の巣をつついたような騒ぎ」に当たる言い回しです。bustling は「せわしい」、beehive は「蜂の巣」の意。

(2) 四字熟語
● Nobody's perfect. We all have our faults.

III-d. 今週のイディオム
make cat calls
(show attraction or admiration by whistling or "hooting")
▼ I prefer an audience that applauds politely to one that makes cat calls during my performance. (私の演技の間、ていねいに拍手をしてくれる観客の方が、口笛を吹いたりする観客より好きです。)
▼ At first she was flattered when the boys made cat calls as she passed, but it soon became annoying. (少年たちは口笛を吹き、彼女はおだてられていたが、その行為はすぐに厄介なものとなった。)

IV. Jokes
a. About 15 members of my department decided to go bowling to celebrate a birthday. Crystalina, one of our staff, called ahead to reserve some lanes. She was told that wouldn't be necessary; if there were a lot of people, they'd just open another lane. Crystalina nevertheless insisted. And the person on the line again assured her she didn't need a reservation.
Just as they were both becoming completely exasperated, the person on the other end of the line paused, then said, "Uh, do you realize you've called a supermarket?"

b. For many years I worked as a receptionist and switchboard operator at a busy company. After a good annual review, my supervisor told me I was up for a raise, pending approval of the vice president.
A month later, my supervisor called me into his office and told me the VP had refused to approve the salary hike. His reason? I clearly wasn't doing my job. Every time he saw me, I was either chatting with someone in the lobby or talking on the telephone.

c. Soon after being laid off, I walked the town with my resume. Days passed and I hadn't received a single call, so I decided to take a closer look at the copies my husband had printed at his real estate office.
I quickly realized he hadn't put blank paper in the machine. At the bottom of each copy, written in bold, was a common real estate disclaimer: "The information contained herein, while deemed to be accurate, is not guaranteed."

d. The Pessimist
An avid duck hunter was in the market for a new bird dog. His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. Shocked by his find, he was sure none of his friends would ever believe him.
He decided to try to break the news to a friend of his, a pessimist by nature, and invited him to hunt with him and his new dog.
As they waited by the shore, a flock of ducks flew by. They fired, and a duck fell. The dog responded and jumped into the water. The dog, however, did not sink but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet.
The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.
On the drive home the hunter asked his friend, "Did you notice anything unusual about my new dog?"
"I sure did," responded his friend. "He can't swim."

bird dog:猟犬
by nature:生来
「気付いたさ」 友人は応じた。 「泳げないんだな」
